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Patch - OFFICIAL EQMac-Windows-eqmules-Edition-standalone-v2.1 (1 Viewer)


old and salty
Sep 28, 2005
This is OFFICIAL Patch EQMac Windows eqmules-Edition-standalone-v2.1
This effectively replaces EQMac Windows Secrets Edition broken by the 8/26/2013 patch.

Version 2.1
~ Bazaar bug fix posted by sodcheats included -TY sodcheats
~ Fix for the % bug which when pc players type % it shows up as PCT1 on mac users so its a dead giveaway that someone is using pc client.

Hi, there traveler.

This zipfile contains files needed to connect and play on the al'kabor server.
Theese file will work for the Aug 26 2013 patch.

The following modifications has been made to eqgame.exe
1. Packet with opcode 0x1858 has been extended to 200 bytes instead of 196
2. Packet with opcode 0x1858 has been aligned accordingly.
3. eqgame.dll is loaded by eqgame.exe through a codecave at address 0x5E23CC
that takes care of the problem with laoding it from wsock32.dll
so this means you can delete that file if its in your eqmac directory.

Q: Why is eqgame.dll needed?
A: eqgame.dll does the following:
1. it places a hook on the incomming packetfunction (handleworldmessage)
and looks for opcode 0x4052
that is the opcode for populating loot on a corpse
and it will force that population since the client wont do it cause it has the wrong opcode for it...
now, an alternative fix for this would to locate and change the wrong opcode in the actual eqgame.exe
,and i might do that at some point in the future, but for now, this is how its done...
2. it places a hook on getmodulefilename and one on a function called sendexechecksum
thoose 2 hooks lets us know when its time to return the checksum to the server
and will make sure it is.

Short answer, without this file, you will be detected as your client sends the wrong checksum
and you cannot loot stuff.

Note that this is the standalone version.

Best Regards


  • EQMac-Windows-eqmules-Edition-standalone-v2.1.zip
    5 MB · Views: 1,153
Last edited:
This guide has been updated from a previous post by noobhaxor here

This is a guide for you to play EverQuest Mac's Al`Kabor Server on the PC Client. It utilizes a very old Planes of Power client that still contains the original, classic UI, as well as the Velious UI. In addition, it features the classic character select and creation screens. However, to fully function correctly, you must completely follow the steps ahead under "How to Install," including enabling the Luclin UI and disabling the Classic/Velious UI.

How to install
1. Create a folder on your root C: drive called C:EQMac
2. Install EverQuest Mac. Click on the link to download the eqmac live files from SOE web installer. You will need to login with a station account.
3. When the new EQMac client is fully patched, find the folder (default location is C:\Users\Public\Sony Online Entertainment\EverQuest Mac or C:\Users\Default\AppData\Sony Online Entertainment\EverQuest Mac)
4. Go into the folder "EverQuest Mac" > "Contents" > "Resources"
5. In "Resources" folder, Select All > Copy > Paste to your C:\EQMac folder. Overwrite all if prompted.
6. Download the zip in the post above EQMac-Windows-eqmules-Edition-standalone-v2.1
7 Extract the zip file EQMac-Windows-eqmules-Edition-standalone-v2.1 to C:\EQMac. Overwrite all.
8. In C:\EQMac, right click eqw.exe > Properties > Compatibility Settings > Check Run as Administrator > OK.
9. Run eqw.exe
10. If you cannot get it to work (experience weird error), rerun eqw.exe and check "Fix eqclient.ini". This should fix the problem.
11. IMPORTANT: Edit eqclient.ini NewUI=TRUE instead of NewUI=FALSE


What is EQMac, and why is it so special?
EQMac's Al`Kabor server is a server trapped in time. It's final patch coincided with an EQPC patch from late 2002. It features the original zones and most of the original models from EverQuest Vanilla through the Planes of Power expansion. Except for a few miscellaneous updates such as changes to encounters in Ragrax, Stronghold of the Twelve's Rathe Council boss encounter, and fixes to Plane of Time, it is exactly how it was back in late 2002.

Is EQMac an emulator?
No, it's a live SOE server. It functions very well, and is more functional than traditional "emulated" classic servers. Additionally, most EverQuest emulators force you to use the Trilogy client or later. This allows you to use the classic client that you grew to love from the early days of the game.

How much does EQMac cost to play?
Nothing! Account activation is free, and the subscription fee has been removed as of February 14th, 2012. I urge you to e-mail SOE and thank them for making such an amazing server!

Is this mod illegal to use on the server?
Hard question to answer -- although it is very unlikely any action will be taken towards your account. Dozens of people have been using this patch on the server so far with no issues. I've talked in game face to face with EQMac's only Coder using the client, and didn't get banned. So you should be fine.

That's it for now. See you on Al`Kabor!
Hello. I reinstalled EverQuest Titanium, then did the normal steps. I took EQMac resources and dragged it into the EQmac folder I created on C:\ with EQ Titanium files, and then I downloaded the patch and put it in the folder. I changed the eqclient.ini to have old ui off, and I opened up EQW.exe with admin. However, after playing for two minutes, it always crashes and deletes all patch files in the folder. I have tried messing with the read-only mode, but it is always on. I can't change it. I tried changing security settings and turning off all antiviruses but it does nothing. I would appreciate some help fast, because I don't like leaving my mac friend empty :)
Why are you installing titanium? just follow the directions above and see if it works. The titanium edition is not needed with this version.
I can't get the above version to work on one winxp pc. I had to actually just copy the files from a different winxp pc (which has created a looting bug that refuses to get fixed). Not entirely sure what I've done differently except the working winxp pc i started with secrets client and simply upgraded.

MSVCR100.dll was not found - is the error that I get and fix eqclient.ini won't fix it.
WOAH WHAT? REALLY? Thanks for the quick response! With the old versions you needed Titanium, and I did not know that it had changed. Ty!

- - - Updated - - -

Yep, still deletes it, and it gave me the error "exception processing message 0xc0000135 parameters 0x000007fefc34718c" when I did try to launch it.
That's what I did. C:\EQMac.

- - - Updated - - -

I might as well put my full steps. I am using Windows 7. First, I downloaded EQMac. I dragged all of resources into C:\EQMac. Then I put the patch file in. I went to eqclient.ini and changed the UI. Then I opened up EQW.exe as an admin. It gave me the error and then all of the patch files, although it seems like it might be only eqw.exe, vanished.
If files are deleted , you should probably consider that your computer might be infected with a virus.
There is no code in any of the files in the zip that will delete any files.
I've done five virus scans to try to fix the error. It's always just the patched files, nothing else.
I'm busy with live patch right now, but perhaps someone else here can take md5's on the correct files and post them so you can rule out having the wrong versions. I no one does, I'll do it tomorrow and will post.
is it possible to install this to another drive than C? I have no room on that one, but have a 2nd hard drive where I keep my other games installed.
Just went through the above steps. The client will launch almost every time, but I am unable to get past the Eula because my mouse will only click through, to the windows "behind" EQ. Tried going into eqclient.ini and changing WindowedMode to TRUE, but this did not change anything. Anyone else have a similar problem? Thanks.
This reply is for Tazzak about files being deleted:

I just thought of another possibility, perhaps you have a over zealous antivirus program that is deleting the files when you access them?
Hi all.

I installed EQmac via the soe patcher and made a EQMac folder in C:/

I copied the contents from the install to my EQMac folder and then I try starting eqw.exe and it results in me getting a wineq system error, then an error message saying: Failed to load the graphics DLL!

Assume its the eqgfx_dx8.dll it cannot load?

I have done this now 3 times, 2 on windows 7 and 1 time on w8 and always the same thing..
If you are getting that message then eqwin doesn't know how to handle your graphics card/driver. Its a really old program and it can't handle every new graphics card and driver. You pretty much won't be able to run on that machine from my experience. I had the same issue on my win 7 SLI box but it ran fine on my Win XP box.
Is it latest servicepack on it?
If it can't find MSVCR100.dll then I suppose its not on your computer?
See if you can find msvc runtimes from microsofts site
If you are getting that message then eqwin doesn't know how to handle your graphics card/driver. Its a really old program and it can't handle every new graphics card and driver. You pretty much won't be able to run on that machine from my experience. I had the same issue on my win 7 SLI box but it ran fine on my Win XP box.

Aaaw man.. this sucks. I was so looking forward to play :(

Im using a geforce gtx 780 and the latest driver.. so if thats the problem im screwed because i dont have enough parts home to make a third "old" box right now..

Do you think it would be possible to make a winxp partition, and use old drivers with this card and boot it up?

I do remember getting this error and solving it before.. but that was with eqemu, not a old live client..
version 2.2 is released: (i'm sure maskoi will update the first post with a link when he gets his hands on the zip)

For now ill put a link to it here: View attachment EQMac-Windows-eqmules-Edition-standalone-v2.2.zip

VERSION 2.2 by eqmule
- Added a fix for a gfx glitch when using nvidia cards:
Thanks to Abacab for reporting this bug.
Thanks to sodquester2 for the solution.
I just looked at his work on the sodclient for this bug
and implemented it in our eqmac eqgfx_dx8 dll.

File Changed: eqgfx_dx8.dll
the following offsets where changed:
changed 6F927 from 75 1b to 90 90
changed 41260 from 0F 84 BA 01 00 00 to 90 90 90 90 90 90
changed 64907 from 0F 84 0E 02 00 00 to 90 90 90 90 90 90
I know I'm necro'ing this thread, but do we have a compile that works there? (P2002 that is)
After getting it up and running, and it running like shit, I have decided that I am no longer interested in P2002.
Patch - OFFICIAL EQMac-Windows-eqmules-Edition-standalone-v2.1

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