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Utility MQ2EQBC

Other Authors
Omnictrl, jimbob, plure, sym, chatwiththisname, redbot
Included in Very Vanilla
Very Vanilla Included! No need to download.
Server Type
🏢 Live 🏘️ Emu TLP Test

Wiki Manual

2019, 2023 ESA Winner

MQ2EQBC - (EQ box chat) This plugin is composed of two parts, a server (EQBCS.exe) and a client (MQ2EQBC). This resource is for the client.
  • The server provides a similar service to an IRC server but is much easier to setup.
  • The client is similar to the MQ2IRC client in that it monitors text that is sent to the EQBC server.
Idiot's guide here:

Frequent Quick Info:
/bcga = everyone in your group including yourself
/bcg = everyone in your group not including yourself
/bcaa = everyone connected to eqbcs including yourself
/bca = everyone connected to eqbcs not including yourself

/bc your text hereSends a message to the EQBC server.
/bca //commandSend /command to all connected clients, excluding client issuing the command
/bcaa //commandSend /command to all connected clients, including client issuing the command
/bcclearClears the buffer of the (optional) MQ2EQBC UI window
/bccmd [option] | toggle <option> | set <option> {on|off}Meta control of the EQBC client, including connecting to the server, channels, help, status, and more.
/bcfont #Sets the font size of the optional UI window
/bcg //commandSend /command to all connected group members, excluding client issuing the command
/bcga //commandSend /command to all connected group members, including client issuing the command
/bcminMinimizes the optional UI window
/bcsa //commandSilently send /command to all connected clients, excluding client issuing the command
/bcsaa //commandSilently send /command to all connected clients, including client issuing the command
/bcsg //commandSilently send /command to all connected group members, excluding client issuing the command
/bcgsa //commandSilently send /command to all connected group members, including client issuing the command
/bcst {CharName|Channel} //commandSilently send /command to the specified character or channel
/bct {CharName|Channel} //commandSend /command to the specified character or channel

Sample Setup: (enable pasting from clipboard in Everquest options)
Rich (BB code):
/bccmd connect 2112
/bccmd set autoconnect on
/bccmd set window on

Rich (BB code):
Sending commands to other toons:
/bct ToonName //sit
/bct ToonName //stand
/bct ToonName //macro ninjalooter
/bct ToonName //endmacro

Sending commands to channels:
/bccmd channels chatchan, commands
/bct chatchan hey there guys
/bct commands //bct chatchan My zone: $\{Zone.ShortName}

Sending commands to all other connects clients:
/bca //target id ${Me.ID}
/bca //timed 10 /stick 10
/bca //stick id ${Me.ID} 5 uw

Sending commands to all clients including yourself:
/bcaa //makecamp return

TLOs added by MQ2EQBC:

TLOData Type(s)Description
EQBCEQBCUsed to return information about MQ2EQBC settings and general plugin information
Source Repository
[git] Automation options?
  • eqbc.png
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