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Overseer Automation

Overseer Automation 1.9

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The attached macro will completely automate Overseer for a given character:

Type : /mac overseer

*** ( If you have an older INI file , delete it and re-run mac to build new INI File ) ***

  1. Claim any completed quests
  2. Accept rewards in rewards window. If reward type is MercAA or Exp, unpack mercenary and repack when done
  3. Run any upgrade common, uncommon, rare quests using only duplicate agents.
  4. Run any available Recruit missions
  5. Run any available quests in order specified in [QuestOrder] ini section
  6. Optionally wait until next quest is ready and restart.
Note #1: Due to limitations with MQ2 itself, the reward-claiming system will not work 100% if you have other, non-Overseer rewards banked. MQ2 doesn't support navigating tabs in the Reward window.

Note #2:
If the tutorial hasn't been run for the character yet, execute /macro overseer runTutorial to have the macro do this part.

Macro has the option of running with GLOBAL or Character settings. By default it runs for all characters. Overseer_[CharName].ini

If Overseer.ini has the following flag specified as 0 (FALSE)

Then all characters will use the configurations in the central Overseer.ini.

Sample INI
Default INI is generated if one does not exist.
requireMercToClaimExpRewards = 0



1=Overseer Tetradrachm
2=Character Experience
3=Mercenary Experience

  • General:
    • claimRewards: if 0, will leave pending Ctrl+Rewards. If 1, will try to claim per [Rewards] section below.
      • NOTE: Not working correctly now. Default is 0. Please set to 0 unless it's use is clearly understood.
    • repeatTimeInMinutes: If 0, will not restart. If -1, will restart when next quest is ready. If > 0, will just repeat every specified amount of minutes
    • requireMercToClaimExpRewards: If 0, inability to unpack mercenary for "Character Experience" rewards will not prevent claiming reward. If 1, it will.
    • minimumSuccessPercent: If 0 (default), no restrictions exist. If > 0, only quests with success % greater than or equal to this value will be allowed to run.
      • Level-specific may be specified (minimumSuccessPercent_Elite) which, if exists, will override the general amount.
      • "Recruit Xxxx" quests are excluded from this minimum success check
    • agentCountForConversion: Minimum number to consider before adding an agent to conversion quests. Minimum allowed ever is 2.
  • QuestPriority: Specifies order to run quests, based on Level and Time Duration. Will attempt to run them in the order specified
  • QuestPriority_Unsubscribed: Same as QuestPriority above but used when the account is not Gold.
  • Rewards: NOTE CURRENTLY NOT WORKING CORRECTLY. Will try to claim rewards in the order, and only those specified.
Quest Priorities
Using this example:
  1. Level 5 6h Elite Military
  2. Level 5 6h Elite Stealth
  3. Level 5 6h Rare Military
  4. Level 5 6h Rare Stealth
  5. Level 5 12h Elite Military
  6. ...
However this can be reordered by changing Priorities or other. For example
  1. 6h Elite Military Level 5
  2. 6h Elite Military Level 4
  3. 12h Elite Military Level 5
  4. 12h Elite Military Level 4
  5. ...
Indicating "Any" or "0" for Levels removes it from prioritization

The quest TYPE dictates which rewards are available:
  • Exploration - Collection Item Dispenser
  • Diplomacy - Collection Item Dispenser
  • Trade - Collection Item Dispenser
  • Plunder - Mercenary Experience
  • Military - Mercenary Experience & Ornamentation Dispenser
  • Stealth - Mercenary Experience & Ornamentation Dispenser
  • Research - Tradeskill items
  • Crafting - Tradeskill items
  • Harvesting - Tradeskill items
Agent Conversion Counts
agentCountForConversion may be optionally extended per-priority (common, uncommon, rare). Unspecified values use that configured for next lowest priority.

[General] agentCountForConversion=Common|Uncommon|Rare

Sample Values:
  • (default) 2
    • Common: 2
    • Uncommon: 2
    • Rare: 2
  • 2|9
    • Common: 2
    • Uncommon: 9
    • Rare: 9
  • 2|9|8
    • Common: 3
    • Uncommon: 9
    • Rare: 8
Specify a large value to essentially "disable" conversions for a priority.
Specify "0" to indicate all agents for a priority should be converted.
  • 0|0|999
    • Common: 0 (ALL common will be converted)
    • Uncommon: 0 (ALL uncommon will be converted)
    • Rare: 999 (Only convert agents that have 1,000 or more)

To view details about experience and stats on each type go here : Overseer Rewards Tracker Chart

Reward types:
  • Character Experience
    • Regular exp (varies but avg around 0.5%) and Merc AA exp if a merc is active when claimed
  • Mercenary Experience
    • Average 0.25% merc AA. Merc does not need to be active when claimed. Always seems less than Character Experience gives.
  • Overseer Tetradrachm
    • Overseer currency. Buys things from 'a mysterious presence' in PoK (use Ctrl+Find to find)
  • Collection Item Dispenser
    • Gives item with 25% chance at collection item. Can combine 4 for 100% chance.
  • Ornamentation Dispenser
    • Gives item that can award ornamentations (haven't used, don't have much detail)
  • Tradeskill Items
    • Various tradeskill items claimable by expansion from Seeds of Destruction to The Burning Lands

If "Character Experience" reward being claimed, the macro will attempt to unpack a mercenary, if one is not already out, placing it in /passive stance.
If the macro did the unpacking, it will be suspended when the reward claiming is complete.
If a mercenary cannot, due to timer, group size, or not having a mercenary, it will not prevent the claiming of the exp reward unless "requireMercToClaimExpRewards" is set to 1

Usage: /mac overseer [param] IE /mac overseer countAgents
  • countAgents - determines how many of each agent type you currently have and outputs
  • runTutorial - Runs a character through the Overseer tutorial
  • generalList - Does Not Run Quests. Determines order and success% of quests that would run. Due to agent selection, can take some time (several minutes).
  • generalListFast - Does Not Run Quests. Determines order of quests that would run. No agent selection attempted, success assumed.

  • Make reward selection work properly (requires plug-in support: https://www.redguides.com/community/threads/mq2rewards.72494/)
  • Allow specification of different QuestOrder section to easily toggle between "Choose fast first" or "Choose long first" situations.
  • Flag to allow waiting if Quest List is rotating in near future (i.e. < 1 hour)
  • Do not initiate a cycle if actively rotating ("Rotate in: Rotating Current Quests...") or < X min (default 10?) to next rotation. Rotate during cycle can be problematic.
  • Add support for 'Easy' quests. (Will require plug-in support to access details not available to the macro)
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 36 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. 1.9: Reduce Output Spam on Conversion Quests

    No longer outputs 'Waiting For...' 3-4 times per conversion quest Output occurs only if quest...
  2. 1.8: Use new Auto-Fill Button

    Uses [Auto-Fill] Button for faster quest agent selection This can be overridden with...
  3. replacing 1.7 back

    - reverting to 1.7 as the overseer.lua was accidentally uploaded to the overseer.mac resource (sic)

Latest reviews

I love this so much! Thank you it is amazing!
This is golden when running 6+ toons at once. Thank you for the great macro!
Love it
Does what you need, right out of the can. Great macro!
My favorite plugin, I had to renew review, do you lose your previous post after you account goes down to level 1 access?
Thank you!
Works exactly as I expected, no issues at all.
Kool it works just fine thanks!
Wow! this is a masterpiece.

Thankyou so much :)