- Other Authors
- ChatWithThisName, Sic
- Software Requirements
- MQ2Nav
- Included in Very Vanilla
- Included! No need to download.
Will collect items in a list for you by zone.
There is a global list, and a zone specific list.
It uses nav path length instead of radial distance.
Is smart enough to compare distances, skip unreachable items, and find alternate paths to items that are barely off mesh.
Will run forever.
Is not a macro.
Will stop traveling to an item that has been picked up.
Will redirect mid travel to an item if another item matching your list spawns closer to you.
Will bring you coffee (if that happens to be a ground spawn).
recommended to use it with a rogue.
${GroundSpawns} - Outputs "GroundSpawns"
Active - Is the plugin activly trying to grab items.
InvalidCount - How many items are currently on the invalid list.
ValidCount - How many items the plugin thinks it can get to.
ItemCount - How many non-shiny items have been picked up.
ShinyCount - How many collectibles have been picked up.
TotalCount - How many collectibles and non-collectibles have been picked up.
Example Macro:
Will get all collectibles it can on your list of items until there are no more, then turn itself off.
Sub Main
/declare currentCount int local 0
/if (${GroundSpawns.ValidCount}) {
/if (!${GroundSpawns.Active}) {
/varset currentCount ${GroundSpawns.ValidCount}
/ground active on
/while (${GroundSpawns.ValidCount}) {
/if (${currentCount} != ${GroundSpawns.ValidCount}) {
/echo Remaining: ${GroundSpawns.ValidCount}
/varset currentCount ${GroundSpawns.ValidCount}
/delay 1
/if (${GroundSpawns.Active}) {
/ground active off
/while (${Cursor.ID}) {
TLOs added by MQ2GroundSpawns:
TLO | Data Type(s) | Description |
GroundSpawns | GroundSpawns | Holds the GroundSpawns datatype. |
Here is the FAQ Entry about this exact problem. If nothing else it'll show others that look at the reviews that this was corrected. It has been this way for as long as I remember, so this issue didn't remain long.
Q. Some items are weird names, like Drop11125/123?
A. you can just /ground add 11125 and it would find any of the weird entries for "Drop11125/123" Do not use addglobal, global won't find these.