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Quest / Event LS Final Fugue AutomationScript 1.9

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2023 ESA Winner
/lua run mission_finalfugue
The script only requires run on the main tank/main assist

* For 1+ meleeing characters, set up two bandolier slots
- "stun" -> Equips a weapon with a stunning component. See other thread for details
- "standard" -> Normal combat for that mission

* Group must be either in Laurion Inn, or already in Pal`Lomen mission zone
* Script should properly handle being initiated at any point before or during the mission.

  • If MT/MA is in Laurion Inn
    • If Quest is not requested
      • Char will run to Shalowain and request task
    • Script will pause 25 second then instruct group into Pal`Lomen
  • If MT/MA is in Pal`Lomen mission zone
    • Script will wait until all group members are in zone as well
  • Script will begin/continue the mission

- "bcga", "dcga", or whatever group command you use
- If run and group not in zone, will issue travelto command
- If true, will run to kill archers before engaging with the boss
- Only really useful to complete the "Plucked" achievement
- Name of stun Bandolier for any who have set up
- Name of non-Stun bandolier for any. Must all be the same.

For kills, script moves to, targets, and /attack's mobs.
I have only tested with CWTN/Sic Tank mode, but should work with KA or others set up similarly.

Should be restartable at any point up through the final boss fight, and know where it is at.

At this time it's pretty stripped down so some odd-seeming behavior happens and optimizations are needed. Mainly on the moving and waiting for each of the final 5 bosses.

* One time script skipped initial Hex 'til last. Worked but caused more running-around
* There's more /nav than necessary
* Needs cleaned-up logic when running to final hunter phase
* Hunter phase doesn't grab agro, by default.
- May lose an ally at this point
First release
Last update
4.93 star(s) 14 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. 1.9: TRULY Revert Bandolier at End of Run

    If UseBandoliers is enabled, reverts to Main (non-Stun) at end of run
  2. 1.8: Optional ResetCamp When Engaging Hunters

    Will perform a CWTN /resetcamp when engaged with Hunters Optional, defaults to true...
  3. 1.7 Targeting/Prioritization and misc updates

    Zoning into quest should work better Will only wait for instance spin-up as necessary Bard...

Latest reviews

SK, WIz, Mage, Dru, Enc, Clr
After setting archers to false, win win win no deaths
GoldenFrog makes awesome resources <3 this is a huge time/effort saver for anyone to run this mission
the time and effort put in is great so i give 5 stars and its probabaly smething i am doing wrong but i can not get this to run with out glitching and killing us all. made final boss on first try and then i have not bee able to get any were close . it will not even finishe the waves of mobs. before the 4 bosses
Script works wel but I dont like my guys running off to kill the archers, so trying to figure it out opened up the script and changed some lines to false on ones with archers in it, we'll see if it fixed it.
Thank you, @eatyoface.

To disable the archer chase - open up the config for your character: config\mission_finalfugue_{charname}.inni

This just works.
My group is usually WAR in LS gear with max merch AA healer, very fortunate that my wife allows me to include her Raid Rogue, then I can pretty much include any 116-120+ toon.
Sticking points for me -- NOT the script -- are a few times the initial warriors will aggro someone and kill them, then you have to make sure you have DPS enough to kill the piggies - if you can get the last one to 10-20% before the bacon dude comes, you should be OK. Finally, I have had a couple of runs where the hunters are either under the ground or down in the tunnel -- that has caused trouble.
After that, just make sure you have the Bando set with standard/stun -- I made some 'Entwinded Hammer' - TS smithing IIRC -- works like a charm.
Thanks for the work in putting this together!!
Thank you for the script I won the first time, but failing every since. Running sk, mage, mage, chanter, druid, shammy. One mage is the stunner. Set all but shammy to mele. Lucky on the first try that stunner mage was rezed, campfired and made the final boss. Since then one or more casters dies before final fight, rez and runs kinda work (start with none on mele to test but no change). Script engages the final boss and then run to archers wipes group or fails. Thanks again for the effort and my one check mark for completion.
Solid ! Hit Speed Limit and Plucked right out the gate first try!!
Solid scripting. Two thumbs up!
Worked as advertised!
Works, got Archer Achievement Plucked