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Utility MQ2DanNet

Other Authors
dannuic, Knightly, plure
Included in Very Vanilla
Very Vanilla Included! No need to download.
Server Type
🏢 Live 🏘️ Emu TLP Test

Wiki Manual

2020, 2022, 2023 ESA Winner

This plugin is designed to be a serverless peer network. It is (hopefully) mostly plug and play, and should automatically discover peers for most local network configurations.

Some Notes about Setup
  • Some complicated network topologies won't be supported (a server interface is a better solution)
  • If for some reason the peers aren't self-discovering on a local network
    • check the output of /dnet interface
    • set one of the discovered interface names with /dnet interface "<name>"
    • unload and then reload the plugin
    • failing that, I'll have to look into why, so contact me with as much info as possible
There are 2 basic uses
1. Set up an observer
  • Methods of setting up an observer
    • /dobserve <name> -q <query> [-o <result>]
  • Reading an observer's data: ${DanNet[<name>].Observe[<query>]} or ${DanNet[<name>].O[<query>]}
  • Dropping an observer: /dobserve <name> -q <query> -drop
  • result is optional if no out variable is needed (or not executing from a macro)
2. Single-use direct query
  • Submitting a query: /dquery <name> -q <query> [-o <result>] [-t <timeout>]
    • Combines /delay with /varset
    • timeout is optional, and the default can be configured
    • result is optional, will just write out the result to ${DanNet.Q} or ${DanNet.Query} if omitted
    • If not run in a macro, ignores result and just writes out to the TLO
A query is simply a normal TLO access from the perspective of the peer with the external ${} stripped
  • Me.CurrentMana
  • Target.ID
  • Me.Current$\{thing} -- this will evaluate ${thing} on the peer before sending a response
A fully-qualified name is <server>_<character>, but if you only intend to communicate on your own server, you can ommit the first part and use just <charactername> in all these commands.
  • Locally talk to fatty: /dtell fatty You smell.
  • Talk to fatty on the test server: /dtell test_fatty I can still smell you from this server!

Known Issues
  • Proper workgroup permissions are needed for different network groups across PC's (specifically windows 10 with windows 7 machines)
  • ZeroMQ has structural issues if something externally closes the TCP sockets that it is using for inter-process communication. If you are getting unexpected crashes after some time running, check your antivirus/firewall software to ensure that it's letting eqgame exist peacefully. Kaspersky is known to close these sockets.
TLOData Type(s)Description
DanNetDanNetDanObservationHolds datatypes for DanNet that can query fellow peers and provide information on settings
Source Repository
[git] Automation options?
License Name
MIT License
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 7 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. 11/22/2023

    〰️Commits Update for vcpkg libzmq changes (#62) Completely-authored-by: Knightly...
  2. 20231014

    〰️Commits Remove CINTERFACE definition (#60) (5f3717f) ~brainiac
  3. 20230831

    〰️Commits Update README.md (c5a8be6) ~dannuic

Latest reviews

Absolutely Flawless! Thank you for creating DanNet!
Just using Observers for the first time, and this REALLY is the best thing ever. (I'm late to the party)
Time to delete EQBCS from VV so first time users dont choose EQBCS and train their brain the wrong way.
Started, like many others, with EQBCS, but eventually gave DanNet a shot and haven't had a reason to look back. Just easier to run across multiple accounts and computers.
Long over due rating for such an Excellent plugin. Using other options is not an option. The biggest bonus is never having connection issues between toons. Great work. Thank you for all of your contributions to the community.
is the bees knees still a thing?
You are witnessing the death of EQBC.
MQ2DanNet version .75 not only allowed me to walk for the first time in my life, but also got me exclusive access to a room full of naked Kate Upton impersonators who were all madly in love with me. It's really incredible. Highly recommend this plugin. Thanks, Dannuic.
must have
Seriously game changing plugin, essential to modern day MQ2 set ups.