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Assist Macro 2

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This is a simple macro that will have any character running macro assist either the groups main assist or a specific character listed in the event you wish to have out of group DPS.

Player running macro assists MA or Named Character
Merc assists MA or Named Character
Constantly checks for new target
Reses Merc if it dies
Tracks kills per hour, total number of kills and time run.

How to use:
simple run macro via "/mac mercassist2" on any character you wish to use it on. Can be used on multiple characters for lots of out of group dps.

Whats the point?
You can have a Tank and Cleric with DPS mercs out in a group together and then a separate group of ALL dps. The DPS group will assist tank in other group and that group will get exp. Great for rapid AA gains.


Assist Macro:
#event MobKilled      "You gain#*#experience#*#"

Sub Main
/declare kills int outer
/declare CombatStart int outer
/declare MercAssisting int outer
/declare MercAssistAt string outer 90
/declare MercOn int outer 1
/declare MercInGroup int outer 0
/declare MercWaitTimer string local 20
|Auto assists your groups Main Assist.
|Delete "${Group.MainAssist.Name}" and replace with characters
|name for out of group assist.
/declare mainassist string outer ${Group.MainAssist.Name}

/echo Assist macro now running!

|Echo Settings on Startup.
/echo Assist set to ${mainassist}
/echo Merc will assist at ${MercAssistAt}

/delay 1s

|Check HP of Assists Target.
 /if (${Target.ID} && ${Target.Type.Equal[NPC]} && !${Target.Type.Equal[Corpse]} && ${Target.PctHPs}<=${MercAssistAt}) {
    /call Fight
/if (!${Target.ID}) /call Gettarget
/goto :Looping

|Get target of Assist.
Sub Gettarget
|let us get a target?
/assist ${mainassist}
/delay 1s ${Target.ID}
/if (${Target.ID}) {
    /varset CombatStart 1


|Send Merc.
Sub Fight
    /if (${Target.ID}) {
        /attack on
            /if (${Target.Type.Equal[corpse]}) /target clear
            /delay 1
            /if (${Me.Sitting}) /squelch /stand
                    /if (${CombatStart} && !${MercAssisting}) {
            /varset MercAssisting 1

|Make sure we still have right target.
/if (!${Target.ID}) {
    /varset MercAssisting 0
    /varset CombatStart 0
    /attack off
    /if (${Target.ID}) {
        /goto :fighting

|Count Kills Per Hour.

Sub Event_MobKilled
/varset kills ${Math.Calc[${kills}+1]}
/echo Your kills per hour is ${Math.Calc[${kills}/${Macro.RunTime}*60*60]}
/echo You have killed ${kills} mobs in ${Math.Calc[${Macro.RunTime}/60]} Minutes

|Is Merc Dead? Revive!
Sub MercsDoWhat
    /if (!${Mercenary.State.Equal[ACTIVE]}) {
        /echo Attempting to revive my mercenary.
        /nomodkey /notify MMGW_ManageWnd MMGW_SuspendButton LeftMouseUp
        /delay 3s
    /if (!${Mercenary.State.Equal[ACTIVE]}) {
        /echo Waiting ${MercWaitTimer}s until mercenary can be revivied.
        /delay ${MercWaitTimer}s
        /goto :MercReviveLoop
    } else {
        /if (${Mercenary.State.Equal[ACTIVE]}) /goto :MercReviveLoop
        /varset MercClass ${Mercenary.Class}
        /echo My mercenary's class is (${MercClass}).
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