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Utility ChatRelay v2.2


By Grimmier


This script creates a Window on the Driver to monitor Chat from other Characters on the same PC over Actors.

The script came about from a question in Discord about being able to see guild chat from other characters that were in different guilds without alt-tabbing.You can relay Guild Chat and / or Tells settings in the Config Window.


  • Tabs for Guild Chat and Tells will show if enabled.
  • Tabs for GuildNames will show for each unique guild name as they receive messages, to relay that guilds chat into.
  • Tabs for each Character will show for each Character as they receive tells, otherwise you will always see yourself (driver)
  • /chatrelay commands bindings
  • Send and Replay to tells from GUI.
    • Message format( who|message ) will have the character whose tab you are on send a message who = who to send it to message = your message.
    • example tab(Char1) soandso|testing 123 will have character1 issue /tell soandso testing 123


  • /lua run chatrelay driver will run in driver mode with the GUI displayed
  • /lua run chatrelay client will run in client mode without a GUI


  • /chatrelay tells Toggles tell monitoring on|off
  • /chatrelay guild Toggles guild monitoring on|off
  • /chatrelay gui Toggles the GUI
  • /chatrelay exit Closes the script
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[git] Automation options?
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Latest updates

  1. v2.2

    [2.2] - 2024-09-01 Styling🦋 - Set the button size in config for minimized. (9f855af) ~grimmier378
  2. v2.1

    [2.1] - 2024-09-01 Bug Fixes🐛 - Filter out npc tells (cca29c6) ~grimmier378 - Shouldn't...
  3. v1.9

    [1.9] - 2024-08-31 Features⛲ - Minimize options * closing the window will minimize it to a...