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Resource icon

Utility ChatRelay v2.2

[2.2] - 2024-09-01​


- Set the button size in config for minimized.
(9f855af) ~grimmier378

[2.1] - 2024-09-01​

Bug Fixes🐛

- Filter out npc tells
(cca29c6) ~grimmier378
- Shouldn't highlight a new message if you sent it yourself
(dfa063f) ~grimmier378

[1.9] - 2024-08-31​


- Minimize options
* closing the window will minimize it to a button.
* Right click the button to close script or open the confit
* pressing the button reopens the main window.
* if you have Open on new messages off, the button will highlight red if you have a new message.
* added escape to minimize option
* if the window has focus and you press escape it will minimize back into a button.
(6085dcd) ~grimmier378

[1.8] - 2024-08-20​


- Same text coloring applied to guild tabs
If you have multiple guild tabs the text coloring will apply to the tab name same as it does for tells.
(9a07914) ~grimmier378

[1.7] - 2024-08-19​


- Tab text color change if it has new text
If a Tells tab has new text the name of the tab will turn red until you have looked at it.

you can reply to the last tell with
* r|message

this should make it easier than typing out someone's name.
(b9bb578) ~grimmier378

[1.6] - 2024-07-30​

Bug Fixes🐛

- Removed duplicate message when you send a message to guild
You won't see both You say to the guild... and CharName tells the guild...
back to back messages when you send a message to the guild now and have another character in the same guild as well.
(f86ada4) ~grimmier378

[1.5] - 2024-07-29​


- Send guild messages from driver
Send guild messages from the driver through the specified character similar to tells.


will send that characters guild a message from that character.
(5f96f0f) ~grimmier378

[1.4] - 2024-07-29​


- Alpha sorted tab's
(483e7eb) ~grimmier378

[1.3] - 2024-07-29​

Bug Fixes🐛

- Pet tells check. and localized the 2 functions missing that
(b85129e) ~grimmier378


- Auto generate tabs on init
Will automatically generate the guild and character tabs when initialized instead of as the messages come in.
(54fe9e4) ~grimmier378

[1.2] - 2024-07-29​


- Toggle Show GUI on new Message
If the GUI is closed and you receive a new message it will popup for you. (Driver only)

/chatrelay autoshow to toggle on|off

or can access from the config window.
(dbf0166) ~grimmier378

[1.1] - 2024-07-29​


- Send tells remote:
You can send tells from driver and have them come from the selected tab's character

message format:


so if character1's tab is selected and we enter

character1 will send a tell to soandso with the message testing123
(ce0b739) ~grimmier378
- Send tells remote:
You can send tells from driver and have them come from the selected tab's character

message format:


so if character1's tab is selected and we enter

character1 will send a tell to soandso with the message testing123
(5afbfa8) ~grimmier378
- Send tells remote:
You can send tells from driver and have them come from the selected tab's character

message format:


so if character1's tab is selected and we enter

character1 will send a tell to soandso with the message testing123
(2b6b257) ~grimmier378