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Utility EMUZoner (EMU Only) 3

Server Type
🏘️ Emu
Built this for EMU players who use a GM enabled player to move around using the #zone or #goto commands. I built it with a lot of help from ChatGPT as I'm learning Lua. I got tired of looking up the shortnames and then having to copy/paste them into the chat windows.

Does not work on anything but EMU.
I tested on the current version of RG EMU download. Not sure if it will work on older versions

There is a region drop down to select a region for example Faydwer and a zone drop down that corresponds with the zones there.

just select a region and a zone and hit the "Teleport to" button that shows up. If "Select a Zone" is listed, the button is hidden.

There are 4 Hot buttons that can be edited (right click) to zones you go to often. I have the bazaar, guild lobby, guild hall, and PoKn listed by default but they can be changed to what ever. Just change the name and add a shortname to the zone and click save.


In the edit popup, you can switch the button to use #goto instead of #zone which can be a players name, an NPC LongName (ie a_rat000), or a XYZ loc.

I think I checked all the zones but if there are errors, please let me know and I will get them changed but also you can simply edit of the Lua's in the zonelists directory will update the lists.
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