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Fisherman's Companion - Alcohol Tolerance Trainer

Utility Fisherman's Companion - Alcohol Tolerance Trainer 1.0

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Hello Everyone! This is a simple macro to max out your Alcohol Tolerance. You will need a Fisherman's Companion to use this macro. It will summon a Brell's Fishin' Pole that will let you get drunk for free! The quest for the companion is extremely simple or even obtainable in bazaar.

Rich (BB code):
|          SummonBooze.mac
|      Last Modified by: TheDroidUrLookingFor
|        Originally by: WizeOne
|          Includes
|          Defines
#define CHATMETHOD      "/echo"
|#define CHATMETHOD     "/i say"
|#define CHATMETHOD     "/bc"
|          Events
#Event SkillUp "You have become better at #1# (#2#)"
#event TooDrunk "You could not possibly consume more alcohol or become more intoxicated#*#"

|          Main Rountine
Sub Main
/declare DrunkCap    int    outer ${Skill[Alcohol Tolerance].SkillCap}
/declare MaxSnacks    int    outer 20
/declare SummonAt    int    outer 1
/declare SummonDelayTime    int    outer 3
/declare Booze    string    outer "Summoned: Ale"
/declare BoozeItem    string    outer "Brell's Fishin' Pole"
/declare PreBoozeItem    string    outer "Fisherman's Companion"

/if (${Me.Skill[Alcohol Tolerance]} == ${DrunkCap}) {
   CHATMETHOD \ayYou are a professionsal drinker! skill maxed\x
/if (${FindItemCount[${BoozeItem}]} == 0 && ${FindItem[${PreBoozeItem}].Name.NotEqual["NULL"]}) /useitem ${FindItem[${PreBoozeItem}]}
CHATMETHOD \ayStarting Alcohol Tolerance Trainer \ar( \ag${Me.Skill[Alcohol Tolerance]} \ar/ \ag${DrunkCap}\ar) \x
    /if (${Me.Skill[Alcohol Tolerance]} == ${DrunkCap}) {
        CHATMETHOD \ayYou are a professionsal drinker! skill maxed\x
    /if (${Cursor.ID}) /autoinventory
    /if (${FindItemCount[${Booze}]} <= ${SummonAt}) /call SummonBooze
    /if (${Me.Drunk} < 100 && ${FindItemCount[${Booze}]} >= 1) /useitem ${FindItem[${Booze}]}
    /delay 1s
/goto :Main_Loop
|          End Main Rountine
|          Other Rountines
Sub SummonBooze
CHATMETHOD "Starting to summon: ${Booze}!"
    /if (!${FindItem[${BoozeItem}].TimerReady} && ${FindItemCount[${Booze}]} <= ${MaxSnacks} && ${FindItem[${BoozeItem}].Name.NotEqual["NULL"]}) {
        CHATMETHOD "Summoning ${Booze}!"
        /useitem ${FindItem[${BoozeItem}]}
    /delay ${SummonDelayTime}s
    /delay 1
    /if ((${FindItemCount[${Booze}]} >= ${MaxSnacks})) /goto :END
/goto :Loop
CHATMETHOD "Summoned ${MaxSnacks} of ${Booze}!"
|          End Other Rountines
|          Events
Sub Event_TooDrunk
  /declare Stumble
  /varcalc Stumble 20+${Math.Rand[10]}
  CHATMETHOD Too Drunk to drink right now ( waiting ${Stumble}s )
  /delay ${Stumble}s

Sub Event_SkillUp(SkillUpText,SkillName,int Amount)
        CHATMETHOD \ay${SkillName} \awincreased - \ag${Amount} \ar/ \ag${DrunkCap} \x
|          End Events
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