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Utility Heroic Gear Helper 1.2

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Whether you are an Achievement Point Nerd or trying to track down dropable visible ornamentations - it can be annoying. This utility will help give insights to your current status, as well as simplify equipping, unequipping, and searching bazaar for missing sets/pieces.

Ornaments may only go in appropriate Armor pieces by armor type. "Plate" ornaments only in Plate or Scalemail gear, etc...

Marketplace Gear Achievements
Achievements for Marketplace Gear may still be achieved by use of a neutral armor set. The easiest is with a set of Shaded Hopperhide visible gear. This will let any char equip visible ornaments from any set.
Therefore per set, 10 achievement points x 6 (plate, scale, ring, chain, leather, cloth) can be acquired
1,800 maximum worthless Achievement points can be earned here.

Dropped Gear Achievements
DROPPED gear may also be equipped like the above, but NO ACHIEVEMENT can be earned. No benefit to acquiring any but your classes primary armor type.
Therefore, per set, only 10 achievement points can be acquired.
420 maximum worthless Achievement points can be earned here.


Marketplace Heroics
Displays all owned Suits of the type that come from Marketplace Chests.

Toolbar Options
  • Search filter, [Clear], and [Only Incomplete]
    • Filter the gear displayed in the list
  • [Reload] - Refreshes data from actual inventory and achievements
  • [Unequip] - Unequips any visible worn ornaments from slots back into inventory
  • Any Suits in "Inventory" can be [Claimed] which results in the 7 individual pieces
  • Any full sets of Pieces in "Inventory" can be "Equipped"
    • After equipping, wait until EQ message of achievement completed has been displayed before unequipping.
  • Full sets of Pieces with Achievement Completed may have the inventory items [Destroy]ed.
    • This deletes all 7 gear items from inventory.
    • Selecting this option presents a warning dialog to prevent mis-clicks
      • 1723397383471.png
  • Note: This does not enforce ability to equip proper Armor Types. Attempting to equip Cloth when wearing Plate armor will generate EQ error, but not detected by this script (at this time)

Marketplace Heroic Achievements

Toolbar Options
  • Search filter, [Clear], and [Only Incomplete]
    • Filter the gear displayed in the list
  • [Reload] - Refreshes data from actual inventory and achievements
  • [Search Bazaar] - Perform bazaar search for "Suit Of ..." on any type NOT owned and NOT achievement'd.
    • Final column will display cheapest price and seller, if any found.
    • "none" displayed if none on sale at this time.
Dropped Heroic Gear

Displays all pieces found in Bank, Shared Bank, or Inventory - and which specific pieces of a set discovered.
This ONLY looks for pieces of the Armor Type matching current character's Race and Class (i.e. Iksar SK == "Plate").

  • Actions:
    • [Equip] will equip any owned visible pieces into current gear.
    • [Destroy] only available when achievement has been completed
      • Presents confirmation dialog to help prevent accidental clickings being destructive
Dropped Heroic Achievements

Displays every dropped armor set tied to an achievement up until Laurion's Song.
[Search Bazaar] on an item will search bazaar for that set
[Search Bazaar] on the toolbar will search for ALL sets without a completed achievement.
First release
Last update
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  1. 1.2: Dropable Gear Improvements; Faster Bazaar Search & Option for Any Armor Type

    Dropable Armor Improvements Bazaar Searches MUCH faster Option to view all armor types...