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Invite.mac - Invite closest guild members to group

Unmaintained Invite.mac - Invite closest guild members to group 1.0

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🏢 Live 🏘️ Emu TLP Test
This code has been incorporated into Kiss 9 under the new /KTinvite command

I wrote this mac quite while back. Since all of my toons are in my own guild and I log the group into together I use this macro to invite everyone into group from my tank.
It will simply target and invite anyone in your guild into group and use MQ2Eqbc to have them accept the invite.
If it doesn't detect MQ2Eqbc but finds MQ2Autoaccept it invite them assuming you have autoaccept group on.

Rich (BB code):
| Invite.mac Maskoi 03/02/2016
| This little macro will invite your closest guild members to a group
| Requires MQ2EQBC or MQ2AutoAccept with Inviter on list or auto accept group on

Sub Main
   /if (!${Bool[${Plugin[MQ2EQBC]}]} || !${EQBC.Connected}) {
        /echo MQ2EQBC not detected or not connected. Group members will not accept invites unless using MQ2EQBC or MQ2AutoAccept
        /if (!${Bool[${Plugin[MQ2AutoAccept]}]}) {
            /echo MQ2EQBC and MQ2AutoAccept not detected. Group members will not accept invites unless using MQ2EQBC or MQ2AutoAccept.
            /echo ending macro
        } else {
            /echo MQ2AutoAccept Detected. Inviting closest guild memmbers to group.
            /goto :StartInvite
    } else {
        /echo MQ2EQBC Detected. Inviting closest guild memmbers to group.
        /goto :StartInvite
    /declare i int
    /declare WhoToInvite ${SpawnCount[pc radius 75 guild]}
    /squelch /alert clear 6
    /squelch /alert add 6 ${Me}
    /for i 1 to ${Math.Calc[${WhoToInvite}-1]}
        /target id ${NearestSpawn[radius 75 pc guild noalert 6].ID}
        /delay 10
        /echo Inviting ${Target.CleanName} to Group
        /delay 20
        /if (${EQBC.Connected}) {
            /bct ${Target.CleanName} //invite
            /delay 10
        /squelch /alert add 6 id ${Target.ID}
    /next i
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