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MI Lang

Utility MI Lang 1.1

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Inspired by drwhomphd's bLang.mac.

I recently moved to Firiona Vie and ran into the language barrier. After learning Elvish the hard way by spamming a hotkey, I found drwhomphd's language learning macro and wanted to expand on it.

The default is to only use non-maxed languages. This will spam each language until it reaches 100. However, by adding the teach command, you can spam a maxed language 100 times to teach your other group members. They can then run milang to max their new language skills.

To teach a specific language, use /lua run milang [I]langname[/I]. If the language is two words, put it in quotes (Ex: "dark elvish")

For maximum language learning, use /dgae /lua run milang teach. This will cause all group members to begin spamming all of their languages.

Usage: /lua run milang [langname] | [teach]

Screenshot 2024-03-12 231232.png
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  1. Teach a specific language

    To teach a specific language, use /lua run milang langname. If the language is two words, put it...