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Lazarus BIS 09/15/2024


Remove forsaken shieldstorm from nec
(b7ab68f) ~aquietone

Bug Fixes 🐛

Fix script stop/start on bots when changing selected characters
(13264e0) ~aquietone
Fix dumpinv command
(e35d3e9) ~aquietone
Fix tradeskill column off by 1 when unselecting driver toon
(103487a) ~aquietone
Fix item link scanning for visible armor containers again
(83b819f) ~aquietone


Update readme
(b39cd99) ~aquietone
Add announce channel, persist some settings
(f3909d6) ~aquietone
Update table and database based on looted items
(4d27ce6) ~aquietone
Use pretty names again for item list dropdown
(b61c888) ~aquietone
Increase scrollbar size
(1615195) ~aquietone
Sort character names in dropdown menu and announce messages
(e22a75d) ~aquietone


Toggle auto announce item needs
(078faef) ~aquietone


- Show correct have/need for linked items regardless what item list is currently selected
(e50c6ca) ~aquietone

Bug Fixes 🐛

Fix linked item scanning for some item lists like veksar
(87bf556) ~aquietone


Announce in raid or group depending if in a raid
(137b42a) ~aquietone
Add announce button next to needed items to list who needs a loot
(1b1d934) ~aquietone
Remove hardcoded things and change stat food tab layout
(1d348f4) ~aquietone


Correct a couple veksar loots and change priest food
(b59a293) ~aquietone


Make ingredient table sortable
(4fd0528) ~aquietone


Correct some typos in food and drink
(2444c42) ~aquietone

Refactor ❤️

Refactor stat food quest info and ingredients table
(77e7d8f) ~aquietone


Include find item counts for ingredients
(80f80e9) ~aquietone