I've been helping test this thing for a couple days and every update this thing gets smoother and smoother. And fair disclaimer, I am using this plugin at zero cost to me (hopefully I am giving my value in feedback and testing and suggestions) - so I may sound a little biased, but dude, I am seriously hyped.
As i've said a few times around here recently - I've only been back to eq for just around a month, maybe 5 weeks, and chat and a few others convinced me to start a zerker in my main group - which was awesome. Huge dps after getting a decent .ini setup. Much of my frustration with it was that I knew nothing about zerkers and all I want it to do is maximum dps - that is what it was born to do, all the deeps and no utility (as zerkers are pure deeps). This plugin is doing over 25%+ more dps over long periods of time vs my .ini and doing some crazy mega dps on nameds - doing 500-600k+ on named fights of a minute+ --- this is nutty for me. This is certainly not a knock on the other macros available on this site, this is more of a knock on my class knowledge and the barrier that lack of knowledge was holding on my ability to put a new class to work.
In fact, the accessibility of such good dps from a zerker which had zero (not even autogrant) AA and was 105, 30 days ago has me rethinking my entire approach to EverQuest and to MQ2.
I've mained a necro since 2000 (my nec was made in 2001 after using a nec I made on a friends account) and this has me second guessing what I am going to do in the future - I made a heroic Zerker on that account yesterday! lol
Considering I went from zero knowledge about zerkers to using this getting the results I am getting, I'm pretty excited to say the least. (except that my main is a pile of poop)
I also really appreciate how approachable and how reachable Chat is when it comes to suggestions or usage.