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Quest / Event MQ2Grind 2791

The Discord webhook integration is now available again.
The Discord webhook integration is currently disabled.

This defect arose after the latest MQ update. I will re-enable this feature once I resolve the problem.

I'm looking into the issue now. No additional reports are needed.


Updated / Fixed
- corrected `/grind resume` to reset the early exit timer
- re-wrote the entrance routine for Sleeper's Tomb: The Call
Thank you to those who reported the issue found in ToV, which was an issue everywhere except Laurion's Song. Oops!

I've made changes that have resolved the reported problem.

I'm re-building RG VV now to include an updated MQ2Grind.
I am aware of the problem in ToV Eastern Wastes and am working to resolve it.

- Session-based configuration option to remain standing or sit and med when getting an instance

Updated / Fixed
- Discord integration was sending more API calls than needed
- Added timestamps to Discord integration debug messages
- The Grind UI UX in Eastern Wastes has been enriched to help navigate and start the different instances
- Removed the extra Mean Streets reference in safe mode and added When One Door Closes
- Will no longer pull a mob if a group member is dead; rather, pause as it does before moving locations
- Safety exit timer will be reset when using /grind resume
- All listing of Grinds to be in chronological order
- Grind debug wording to indicate that it is a toggle and not a setting
- Fixed the safe mode locations for the Mashing Pumpkins instance
- Fixed the time to 24-hour view instead of the 12-hour view
- resolved double API messaging during the exit routine
- resolved excessive memory allocation and look-ups
- Exit routine now waits for you to stop moving before beginning the routine
- Grind will end automatically if it detects the bug where MQ believes it has a shared task while EQ knows it doesn't.
- Unified all debug and error messages

- the command `/grind restart <#>`
- the command `/grind stats`
- Unreleased HoT: Moment of Clarity -> you may remove `lastHOTMOCLoc` from MQ2Grind.ini
- Unreleased ToL: Close the Gate -> you may remove `lastToLCtGLoc` from your MQ2Grind.ini
Happy Mother's Day!

- Corrected a defect which caused a silent crash to desktop while trying to enter Mashing Pumpkins
- NoS: When One Door Closes instance (level 120+ recommended)

- KissAssist and Laurion's Song had a problem and now should play nicely together.
- VoA: Pups of War (Beasts' Domain) instance (level 90+ recommended)
- Webhook tab under General configuration
- Discord integration so you can keep track of your Grind's progress, per driver
- check Sic's video about it:

- Session-based configuration
- HideDriverName toggle, this is available once you enable the Discord Webhook
- Aggro check during Early Exit routine along with a very special error message. If you see it, please tell me asap
- groupGap description to state the correct expected values

- "nosave" from CWTN pause default settings
- The requirement for all toons to be in a single pick in order to request a task