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Combat Assist MQ2Mage 2791

Can this be used on EMU if so is there a guide.
Uh, get it. Immediately.
Mage has been my main driver for years, but this plays my own character better than me! it makes me sick watching how she burns...great job!
Really nice plugin and overall happy.
This plays my mage better than I do. More dmg - less mana use.
This makes running 3 x mages so easy, in my setup!
ever used this? lol use it and you will leave a 5 star rating as well :)P
The most impressive part is how little mana seems to be used compared to how much damage gets done. I bought the Mage, Necro and Paladin. And I rated them all 5 Stars, only because I couldn't rate them more.
Been running a couple weeks and love it. Works well out of the box, and easy to tune for preference. Wishing for the pettankpuller feature in the future =). My top DPS toon running this plugin. Thank you for yet another fantastic resource!
Another fantastic plugin, great dps and overall utilization. They've even incorporated things like CotH so that you don't need to pause anything. I've learned by now that when in doubt, trust that all these plugins are working exactly the way they're supposed to. Can't ask for more than that!
Have been using pretty much using all of the available CWTN plugs for almost a year now (with exception of WAR and MNK, but they are next). These are phenomenal! I cannot fathom the amount of time and work that must have been, and continues to be, put into each of these. Not to mention the pretty much live support from the developers and community. Bravo and Thank you!
This plugin takes a rookie mage player and teaches them what a mage is supposed to be like. Excellent addition to the entire VV package. Only thing to even consider as an issue is when it rests you underwater in hunter mode. :p
Love it!! Have had 0 issues with it plays the class very good1
This is what I was looking for the whole time.
Sustained dps around the 1 million mark, impressive plugin, top marks
Absolutely amazing. Love it. Together with Shd, Ber and Clr, have added this back to the lineup after testing it before launch. Makes you want to roll a 6 man Mage team.

Thanks for making this work so well, right out of the box.
Finally give up my Druid and go for Mage, u won’t regret to try this plug-in
I arrogantly thought my mage ini was pretty good, wow was I wrong! DPS increase is very impressive! Great work on this plugin!
Great plugin!
I love it but just one draw back for me, it just keep casting summon Imperative minion over and over over till i run out of mana or i pause can u help to get it to stop
Yes, but you should post your issue to the discussion thread so that we can have a discussion. The reviews is not a place to discuss issues.