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MQ2Nav Meshes

MQ2Nav Meshes 2019-11-13


Added connectiosn to make Researcher Relreom reachable
(db8a9e0) ~Lisie


Added connection to make Cedrick reachable
(aec58cf) ~Lisie
Added connection so nav can reach a leprous chodikai - @Lisie
(a2ebc64) ~Lisie


Updated multiple zones - @Lisie
(63b7907) ~Lisie
causeway.navmesh | Bin 3674592 -> 3674736 bytes
citymist.navmesh | Bin 1492231 -> 1492642 bytes
crushbone.navmesh | Bin 486357 -> 342382 bytes
mirb.navmesh | Bin 653860 -> 654000 bytes
mischiefplane.navmesh | Bin 1076929 -> 1077047 bytes
nedaria.navmesh | Bin 4122859 -> 4122998 bytes
qeynos2.navmesh | Bin 288154 -> 288321 bytes
shadowhaven.navmesh | Bin 1136547 -> 1136759 bytes
soldungb.navmesh | Bin 222468 -> 222595 bytes
veksar.navmesh | Bin 1432356 -> 851445 bytes

Updated by @Lisie
potranquility.navmesh | Bin 2385137 -> 2385909 bytes
1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

Updated by @Lisie
abysmal.navmesh | Bin 1742949 -> 1743292 bytes
charasis.navmesh | Bin 178039 -> 178259 bytes
erudnext.navmesh | Bin 442854 -> 442882 bytes
grobb.navmesh | Bin 217219 -> 217783 bytes
halas.navmesh | Bin 244082 -> 244345 bytes
poknowledge.navmesh | Bin 1555950 -> 1556030 bytes
postorms.navmesh | Bin 10049084 -> 10050449 bytes
shadowhaven.navmesh | Bin 1136165 -> 1136547 bytes
soldungc.navmesh | Bin 554807 -> 554914 bytes
9 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

General improvements.

Submitted by @Lisie
More connections and walkables added. Mainly at zone in. - Jande
[LS] All Zones
- Updated with experimental version of mesh generator. Catches way more trees and objects - Fizzun

[OTHER] Anniversary Tower
- Added initial mesh for Anniversary Tower - @Sic
  • updated to avoid a u-shaped lip between two trees which would force toon trying to navigate through it to duck and be stuck - @hytiek
ankexfen.navmesh, herosforge.navmesh, timorousfalls.navmesh, unkemptwoods.navmesh
  • Updated to fix various pathing issues - fizzun
Updated with new test versions that should avoid more stuff. Provided by @bytebite

If they work well they'll stay. If I get a ton of complaints I'll roll them back.