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Utility MQ2Nav


Replace polling for file changes with a filesystem watcher
(ba808a6) ~brainiac


ImGui Update support
(0fc65ce) ~brainiac


Really Fix building meshgen on emu
(1fec756) ~brainiac


Fix building meshgen on emu
(fe1f9e1) ~brainiac


(31873f2) ~Knightly


Fix not saving AttemptUnstuck
(3110475) ~brainiac


Fix some code.

- conversions from eq types (to avoid glm in headers)
- initialize glm types (will be disabling glm constructors sometime)
(88de8fa) ~brainiac


Update usage of ImGuiListClipper
(0cde951) ~brainiac


Adjust the color of Disabled poly's from pruning. (#143)
(10827d9) ~ChatWithThisName