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Utility MQ2PortalSetter

- Corrected issue where commonlands portal did not work.
  • Added ${PortalSetter} and members: Version, Step, InProgress. -- Version is just the version # -- Step is what Step you're on in the portal setter routine -- InProgress would be true any time you are on step1 or greater --- on pulse would kick you back to step 0 if you were not near the portal person etc.
  • Fixed crash due to portalsetter settings panel not being removed on shutdown plugin
  • We will now always check for "Zeflmin Welikanin", and if not found, check for "Teleportation Assistant" -- this corrects an issue with not checking for the correct vendor in "Standard Guild Hall" compared to "Guild Hall" which has the same zone ID, but different vendor.

Posted by: Redbot
Updated for Claws of Veeshan (Cobalt Scar COV)
Update MQ2PortalSetter.cpp to include the new zone for ToV using Brilliant Frigid Gemstone. Update MQUI_PortalSetterWindow.xml to create a new button for Eastern Wastes (TOV). Change spacing for larger buttons to allow for the new button to fit without mangling the window, increasing the size of the window etc. - @ChatWithThisName