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  • EverQuest's 31st expansion The Outer Brood goes live Dec 3rd. brainiac is spending extra time updating MacroQuest. Please show him your appreciation.

Utility MQ2Rez

/rez -> displays settings
/rez accept on|off -> Toggle auto-accepting rezbox
/rez pct # -> Autoaccepts rezes only if they are higher than # percent
/rez safemode on|off -> Turn On/Off safe mode (Accepts rez from group/guild/fellowship)
/rez voice on|off -> Turns On/Off voice macro "Help" sound output when you die. This is local to you only.
/rez silent on|off -> Turn On/Off text output when receiving a rez.
/rez setcommand "mycommand" -> Set the command that you want.
/rez help
/rez settings -> Show the current settings.