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Unmaintained MQ2Search

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Included in Very Vanilla
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MQ2Search - Opens a web browser to search Allakhazam's and EQTraders for items, recipes, and npc's.

/alla item [string|item link] - Search for item on Allakhazam's
/alla npc [string] - Search for NPCs on Allakhazam's -
/eqtrader i [item link] - Search for item information on EqTraders.com
/eqtrader r [item link] - Search for recipes requiring item on EqTraders.com - Search for item information on EqTraders.com

Hot Key Suggestion Thanks alt228. Will search Allakhazams.com for any npc you have targeted.
/alla npc ${Target.CleanName}

Hot Key Suggestion. Will search Allakhazams.com for current item on your cursor.
/alla item ${Cursor.Name}
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