MQ2SlotColors changes the color of your bag slots depending on the type of item, making sorting much easier. Right now it handles tradeskill and quest items, with more to come.
Default colors
Tradeskill: yellow
Quest: purple
Download the zip file and extract it to your
IMPORTANT: You will need to re-download it after every patch or you'll crash.
To load MQ2SLotColors,
To configure,
Default colors
Tradeskill: yellow
Quest: purple
Download the zip file and extract it to your
folder.IMPORTANT: You will need to re-download it after every patch or you'll crash.
To load MQ2SLotColors,
/plugin mq2slotcolors
/loadskin default
To configure,
/slotcolors queston
- turns on quest item color/slotcolors tradeskillon
- turns on tradeskill item color/slotcolors q | qr | ts | tsr
- to change item colors