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Unmaintained MQ2Tracking

Other Authors
Redbot, MacroFiend, Kallo
Server Type
🏢 Live 🏘️ Emu TLP Test

Wiki Manual
MQ2Tracking - This plugin will provide a similar tracking window to the one used by native tracking characters.

/track help - Show command help

/track off - Stop tracking the current spawn

/track target - Start tracking the current target

/track players [all | pc | group | npc] - What you want to track

/track refresh [on|off] - Explicitly turns on or off window refresh

/track refresh - Toggles the window refresh on or off

/track refresh # - Sets the refresh time in seconds

/track filter [off|<spawn search string>] - Sets or removes custom spawn search parameters (same as /who)

/tracknames [<value>|reset] - Sets or removes custom naming for spawn entries in the list (see NamingSpawn)
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