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Combat Assist MQ2Wizard 2691

- fixed skyfire portal
- fixed memorization issue in blend mode
- (reminder) MQ2Wizard will be going to paid starting this patch May 15, 2024
- - I hope everyone has enjoyed the free trial and thank you to anyone who has reported any issues during the free beta period
- Lower level spell additions
- Concussive Jolt addition and usage
- Removed UseBifold from the Wizard toggle options
- - Use Special in AddClicky tab to toggle it on/off
- some low/mid level spell adjustments
Ward of destruction, during burns with aoe usage on
Corrected loadout issue with gem 11
added Exfiltrate, Depart, Decession, and Greater Decession to portals
- MQ2Wizard will be going to paid next scheduled patch to EQ (likely May 15th, 2024)
- - I hope everyone has enjoyed the free trial and thank you to anyone who has reported any issues during the free beta period
- Corrected alliance check
- - thx malamber