Sometimes one wishes to know where a Character starts and what it's Guildmaster is when using original starting starting zones instead of starting in Crescent Reach.
The startingzone also is the Zone where the AA Origin takes you.
Starting Zone (Origin) and Guildmaster depend on the combination of Race, Class AND Deity of a character. So if it comes for Freeport for example and you are a Pal or Clr the deity will have you start at completely different locations.
I needed that information badly so I went ahead and compiled a full list of options starting from with the Race.
In total there are 139 Guildmasters in the game and at least 140 different starting positions (because at least one Guildmaster has two different starting positions for characters - depending on their race).
Formatting is like:
Starting Zone (Shortname)
Class - Deities - Guildmaster
Other Starting Zones for the Race
Halas (halas)
Beastlord - Mithaniel Marr / Tribunal - Field Priest Keven
Berserker - Agnostic / Rallos Zek / Tribunal - Shanis MacDarren
Rogue - Agnostic / Bristlebane / Tribunal - Dun McDowell
Shaman - Tribunal - Margyn McCann
Warrior - Agnostic / Rallos Zek / Tribunal - Kylan O`Danos
Dark Elf
Neriak 3rd Gate (NeriakC)
Clr - Innoruuk - Perrir Zexus
Nec - Innoruuk - Xon Quexill
Rog - Agnostic / Bristlebane / Innoruuk - Eolorn J`Axx
Shd - Innoruuk - Nezzka Tolax
Neriak Commons (NeriakB)
Enc - Agnostic / Innoruuk - Camia V`Retta
Mag - Agnostic / Innoruuk - Jayna D`Bious
War - Agnostic / Innoruuk / Rallos Zek - Seloxia Punox (wandering)
Wiz - Agnostic / Innoruuk / Rallos Zek - Gath N`Mare
Crescent Reach (Crescent)
(also applies to all other races starting here)
Brd - Veeshan - Scalesinger Veshma
Clr - Veeshan - Silverwing Elushar
Dru - Veeshan - Moonreader Ewera
Enc - Veeshan - Dreamseeker Ellowind
Mag - Veeshan - Lavacaller Aenda
Mnk - Veeshan - Clawstriker Yusi`ru
Nec - Veeshan - Boodreaver Riza`farr
Pal - Veeshan - Pridewing Veshdule
Rng - Veeshan - Leafchaser Leilu
Rog - Veeshan - Whisperwalker Maroline
Shd - Veeshan - Blacktalon Teel`qa
War - Veeshan - Commander Menaulus
Wiz - Veeshan - Firetongue Ethantis
North Kaladim (KaladimB)
Ber - Agnostic / Brell / Bristlebane - Dravel Axethrasher
Clr - Brell - Priestess Ghalea
Pal - Brell - Datur Nightseer
Rog - Agnostic / Brell / Bristlebane - Mater
South Kaladim (KaladimA)
War - Agnostic / Brell - Furtog Ogrebane
Erudin (ErudnExt)
Clr - Prexus - Gans Paust
Clr - Quellious - Leraena Shelyrak
Pal - Prexus - Weligon Steelherder
Pal - Quellious - Depnar Bulrious
Erudin Palace (ErudnInt)
Enc - Agnostic / Prexus / Quellious - Lanken Rjarn
Mag - Agnostic / Prexus / Quellious - Markus Jaevins
Wiz - Agnostic / Prexus / Quellious / Solusek Ro - Ghanlin Skyphire
Paineel (Paineel)
Clr - Cazic - Sern Adolia
Nec - Cazic - Coriante Verisue
Shd - Cazic - Mandaril Dark Knife
The Rathe Mountains (Rathemtn)
Clr - Innoruuk - Kor Master Ralg
Clr - Mithaniel Marr - Kor Master Gloorg
Nek - Innoruuk - Zol Master Malgorn
Pal - Mithaniel Marr - Shin Master Grubbus
Rog - Innoruuk - Gaz Master Shargnol
Shd - Innoruuk - Bok Master Thragnog
Shm - Mithaniel Marr - Yun Master Arglug
War - Mithaniel Marr - Dar Master Griblok
Wiz - Mithaniel Marr - Jin Master Sergug
Crescent Reach Only (Crescent)
Mnk - Mithaniel Marr / Quellious - See Drakkin
Clr - Bertoxxulous - Evah Xokez
Clr - Brell / Bristlebane - Iony Gredlong
Enc - Agnostic / Brell - Juline Urncaller
Enc - Bertoxxulous - Rilgor Plegnog
Mag - Agnostic / Brell - Wuggan Azusphere
Mag - Bertoxxulous - Vaenor Husga
Nec - Bertoxxulous - Eonis Mournunder
Pal - Brell - Lewis Reldnok
Rog - Agnostic / Brell / Bristlebane - Welno Tanlonikan
Rog - Bertoxxulous - Kaxon Frennor
Shd - Bertoxxulous - Garret Zethkog
War - Agnostic / Brell / Rallos Zek - Baxok Curhunter
War - Bertoxxulous - Naygog Mitope
Wiz - Agnostic / Brell / Solusek Ro - Tobon Starpyre
Wiz - Bertoxxulous - Velena Corgtec
Half Elf
East Freeport (FreeportEast)
Brd - Agnostic / Brell / Bristlebane / Erollisi / Mithaniel / Prexus / Quellious / Rallos / Solusek / Tribunal / Tunare / Veeshan - Caskin Marsheart
Rog - Agnostic / Bristlebane / Erollisi - Elisi Nasin
War - Agnostic / Erollisi / Mithaniel / Prexus / Rallos / Tribunal - Cain Darkmoore
War - Innoruuk - Brutol Rhaksen
West Freeport (FreeportWest)
Pal - Erollisi - Gygus Remnara
Pal - Mithaniel - Valeron Dushire
Greater Faydark (gfaydark)
Brd - Agnostic / Brell / Bristlebane / Erollisi / Mithaniel / Prexus / Quellious / Rallos / Solusek / Tribunal / Tunare / Veeshan - Sylia Windlehands
Dru - Tunare - Heartwood Master
Rng - Tunare - Maesyn Trueshot
Rog - Agnostic / Bristlebane / Tunare - Tylfon
War - Agnostic / Prexus / Rallos / Tribunal / Tunare - Regren
Northern Felwithe (felwithea)
Pal - Tunare - Tynkale
North Qeynos (Qeynos2)
Pal - Rodcet - Camlend Serbold
Rog - Agnostic / Bertoxxulous / Bristlebane / Karana / Rodcet - Hanns Krieghor
South Qeynos (Qeynos)
Brd - Agnostic / Brell / Bristlebane / Erollisi / Mithaniel / Prexus / Quellious / Rallos / Solusek / Tribunal / Tunare / Veeshan - Belious Naliedin
Pal - Karana - Runethar Hamest
War - Agnostic / Karana / Prexus / Rallos / Rodcet / Tribunal - Ebon Strongbear
Qeynos Aqueduct (Qcat)
War - Bertoxxulous - Rocthar Bekesna
Surefall Glade (QRG)
Dru - Karana / Tunare - Te`Anara
Rng - Karana / Tunare - Hager Sureshot
Rivervale (Rivervale)
Clr - Bristlebane - Beek Guinders
Dru - Karana - Hibbs Rootenpaw
Pal - Karana - Kaya Cloudfoot
Rng - Karana - Megosh Thistlethorn
Rog - Agnostic / Brell / Bristlebane - Lendel Deeppockets
War - Agnostic / Brell / Rallos Zek - Sheriff Roglio
High Elf
Northern Felwithe (felwithea)
Clr - Tunare - Yeolarn Bronzeleaf
Pal - Tunare - Tynkale
Southern Felwithe (felwitheb)
Enc - Agnostic / Erollisi Marr / Karana / Mithaniel Marr / Tunare - Kinool Goldsinger
Mag - Agnostic / Erollisi Marr / Karana / Mithaniel Marr / Tunare - Niola Impholder
Wiz - Agnostic / Erollisi Marr / Karana / Mithaniel Marr / Solusek Ro / Tunare - Tarker Blazetoss
East Freeport (FreeportEast)
Brd - Agnostic / Brell / Bristlebane / Erollisi / Mithaniel / Prexus / Quellious / Rallos / Solusek / Tribunal / Tunare / Veeshan - Caskin Marsheart
Clr - Innoruuk - Venox Tarkog
Enc - Innoruuk - Konious Eranon
Mag - Innoruuk - Heneva Jexsped
Nec - Innoruuk - Opal Darkbriar (DarkElf)
Rog - Agnostic / Bristlebane / Erollisi / Innoruuk - Elisi Nasin
Shd - Innoruuk - Pietro Zarn
War - Agnostic / Erollisi / Mithaniel / Rallos - Cain darkmoore
War - Innoruuk - Brutol Rhaksen
Wiz - Innoruuk - Nexvok Thirod
West Freeport (FreeportWest)
Clr - Erollisi - Tholius Quey
Clr - Mithaniel - Eestyana Naestra
Enc - Agnostic / Erollisi / Mithaniel - Romiak Jusathorn
Mag - Agnostic / Erollisi / Mithaniel - Lorme Tredore
Mnk - Quellious - Puab Closk
Pal - Erollisi - Gygus Remnara
Pal - Mithaniel - Valeron Dushire
Wiz - Agnostic / Erollisi / Mithaniel / Solusek - Opal Darkbriar (HighElf)
North Qeynos (Qeynos2)
Clr - Rodcet - Priestess Jahnda
Mnk - Agnostic - LuSun
Pal - Rodcet - Camlend Serbold
Rog - Agnostic / Bertoxxulous / Bristlebane / Karana / Rodcet - Hanns Krieghor
South Qeynos (Qeynos)
Brd - Agnostic / Brell / Bristlebane / Karana / Prexus / Quellious / Rallos / Rodcet / Solusek / Tribunal / Tunare / Veeshan - Belious Naliedin
Clr - Karana - Renic Losaren
Enc - Agnostic / Karana / Rodcet - Mespha Tevalian
Mag - Agnostic / Karana / Rodcet - Kinloc Flamepaw
Pal - Karana - Runethar Hamest
War - Agnostic / Karana / Rallos / Rodcet - Ebon Strongbear
Wiz - Agnostic / Karana / Rodcet / Solusek - Gahlith Wrannstad
Qeynos Aqueduct (Qcat)
Clr - Bertoxxulous - Xeture Demiagar
Enc - Bertoxxulous - Reania Jukle
Mag - Bertoxxulous - Perkon Malok
Nec - Bertoxxulous - Lyris Moonbane
Shd - Bertoxxulous - Sragg Bloodheart
War - Bertoxxulous - Rocthar Bekesna
Wiz - Bertoxxulous - Trenon Callust
Surefall Glade (QRG)
Dru - Karana / Tunare - Te`Anara
Rng - Karana / Tunare - Hager Sureshot
Cabilis East (Cabeast)
Bst - Cazic - Prime Patriarch Vuzx
Nec - Cazic - Harbinger Glosk
Shd - Cazic - Arch Duke Xog
Shm - Cazic - Prime Hierophant Vek
War - Cazic - Drill Master Vygan
Cabilis West (Cabwest)
Mnk - Cazic - Grand Master Glox
Oggok (Oggok)
Bst - Rallos Zek - Brogdog
Ber - Agnostic / Cazic / Rallos Zek - Baddi Waca
Shd - Cazic - Rallos Zek - Soonog
Grobb (Grobb)
Bst - Cazic / Innoruuk - Gardunk
Ber - Agnostic / Cazic / Innoruuk / Rallos Zek - Daboo Dogak
Shd - Cazic / Innoruuk - Hukulk
Shm - Cazic / Innoruuk - Kaglari
War - Agnostic / Cazic / Innoruuk - Ranjor
Vah Shir
Shar Vahl (SharVahl)
Brd - Agnostic - Elder Hymnist Hortitosh
Bst - Agnostic - Elder Animist Sahdi
Ber - Agnostic - Vrasha Piennsa
Rog - Agnostic - Master Taruun Rakutah
Shm - Agnostic - Elder Spiritist Grawleh
War - Agnostic - High Armsman Trukhanah
Wood Elf
Greater Faydark (Gfaydark)
Brd - Agnostic / Brell / Bristlebane / Erollisi / Karana / Mithaniel / Prexus / Quellious / Rallos / Rodcet / Solusek / Tribunal / Tunare / Veeshan - Sylia Windlehands
Dru - Tunare - Heartwood Master
Rng - Tunare - Maesyn Trueshot
Rog - Agnostic / Bristlebane / Karana / Tunare - Tylfon
War - Agnostic / Karana - Rallos Zek / Tunare - Regren
Crescent Reach Only (Crescent)
Bst - Crescent (see Drakkin)
The startingzone also is the Zone where the AA Origin takes you.
Starting Zone (Origin) and Guildmaster depend on the combination of Race, Class AND Deity of a character. So if it comes for Freeport for example and you are a Pal or Clr the deity will have you start at completely different locations.
I needed that information badly so I went ahead and compiled a full list of options starting from with the Race.
In total there are 139 Guildmasters in the game and at least 140 different starting positions (because at least one Guildmaster has two different starting positions for characters - depending on their race).
Formatting is like:
Starting Zone (Shortname)
Class - Deities - Guildmaster
Other Starting Zones for the Race
Halas (halas)
Beastlord - Mithaniel Marr / Tribunal - Field Priest Keven
Berserker - Agnostic / Rallos Zek / Tribunal - Shanis MacDarren
Rogue - Agnostic / Bristlebane / Tribunal - Dun McDowell
Shaman - Tribunal - Margyn McCann
Warrior - Agnostic / Rallos Zek / Tribunal - Kylan O`Danos
Dark Elf
Neriak 3rd Gate (NeriakC)
Clr - Innoruuk - Perrir Zexus
Nec - Innoruuk - Xon Quexill
Rog - Agnostic / Bristlebane / Innoruuk - Eolorn J`Axx
Shd - Innoruuk - Nezzka Tolax
Neriak Commons (NeriakB)
Enc - Agnostic / Innoruuk - Camia V`Retta
Mag - Agnostic / Innoruuk - Jayna D`Bious
War - Agnostic / Innoruuk / Rallos Zek - Seloxia Punox (wandering)
Wiz - Agnostic / Innoruuk / Rallos Zek - Gath N`Mare
Crescent Reach (Crescent)
(also applies to all other races starting here)
Brd - Veeshan - Scalesinger Veshma
Clr - Veeshan - Silverwing Elushar
Dru - Veeshan - Moonreader Ewera
Enc - Veeshan - Dreamseeker Ellowind
Mag - Veeshan - Lavacaller Aenda
Mnk - Veeshan - Clawstriker Yusi`ru
Nec - Veeshan - Boodreaver Riza`farr
Pal - Veeshan - Pridewing Veshdule
Rng - Veeshan - Leafchaser Leilu
Rog - Veeshan - Whisperwalker Maroline
Shd - Veeshan - Blacktalon Teel`qa
War - Veeshan - Commander Menaulus
Wiz - Veeshan - Firetongue Ethantis
North Kaladim (KaladimB)
Ber - Agnostic / Brell / Bristlebane - Dravel Axethrasher
Clr - Brell - Priestess Ghalea
Pal - Brell - Datur Nightseer
Rog - Agnostic / Brell / Bristlebane - Mater
South Kaladim (KaladimA)
War - Agnostic / Brell - Furtog Ogrebane
Erudin (ErudnExt)
Clr - Prexus - Gans Paust
Clr - Quellious - Leraena Shelyrak
Pal - Prexus - Weligon Steelherder
Pal - Quellious - Depnar Bulrious
Erudin Palace (ErudnInt)
Enc - Agnostic / Prexus / Quellious - Lanken Rjarn
Mag - Agnostic / Prexus / Quellious - Markus Jaevins
Wiz - Agnostic / Prexus / Quellious / Solusek Ro - Ghanlin Skyphire
Paineel (Paineel)
Clr - Cazic - Sern Adolia
Nec - Cazic - Coriante Verisue
Shd - Cazic - Mandaril Dark Knife
The Rathe Mountains (Rathemtn)
Clr - Innoruuk - Kor Master Ralg
Clr - Mithaniel Marr - Kor Master Gloorg
Nek - Innoruuk - Zol Master Malgorn
Pal - Mithaniel Marr - Shin Master Grubbus
Rog - Innoruuk - Gaz Master Shargnol
Shd - Innoruuk - Bok Master Thragnog
Shm - Mithaniel Marr - Yun Master Arglug
War - Mithaniel Marr - Dar Master Griblok
Wiz - Mithaniel Marr - Jin Master Sergug
Crescent Reach Only (Crescent)
Mnk - Mithaniel Marr / Quellious - See Drakkin
Clr - Bertoxxulous - Evah Xokez
Clr - Brell / Bristlebane - Iony Gredlong
Enc - Agnostic / Brell - Juline Urncaller
Enc - Bertoxxulous - Rilgor Plegnog
Mag - Agnostic / Brell - Wuggan Azusphere
Mag - Bertoxxulous - Vaenor Husga
Nec - Bertoxxulous - Eonis Mournunder
Pal - Brell - Lewis Reldnok
Rog - Agnostic / Brell / Bristlebane - Welno Tanlonikan
Rog - Bertoxxulous - Kaxon Frennor
Shd - Bertoxxulous - Garret Zethkog
War - Agnostic / Brell / Rallos Zek - Baxok Curhunter
War - Bertoxxulous - Naygog Mitope
Wiz - Agnostic / Brell / Solusek Ro - Tobon Starpyre
Wiz - Bertoxxulous - Velena Corgtec
Half Elf
East Freeport (FreeportEast)
Brd - Agnostic / Brell / Bristlebane / Erollisi / Mithaniel / Prexus / Quellious / Rallos / Solusek / Tribunal / Tunare / Veeshan - Caskin Marsheart
Rog - Agnostic / Bristlebane / Erollisi - Elisi Nasin
War - Agnostic / Erollisi / Mithaniel / Prexus / Rallos / Tribunal - Cain Darkmoore
War - Innoruuk - Brutol Rhaksen
West Freeport (FreeportWest)
Pal - Erollisi - Gygus Remnara
Pal - Mithaniel - Valeron Dushire
Greater Faydark (gfaydark)
Brd - Agnostic / Brell / Bristlebane / Erollisi / Mithaniel / Prexus / Quellious / Rallos / Solusek / Tribunal / Tunare / Veeshan - Sylia Windlehands
Dru - Tunare - Heartwood Master
Rng - Tunare - Maesyn Trueshot
Rog - Agnostic / Bristlebane / Tunare - Tylfon
War - Agnostic / Prexus / Rallos / Tribunal / Tunare - Regren
Northern Felwithe (felwithea)
Pal - Tunare - Tynkale
North Qeynos (Qeynos2)
Pal - Rodcet - Camlend Serbold
Rog - Agnostic / Bertoxxulous / Bristlebane / Karana / Rodcet - Hanns Krieghor
South Qeynos (Qeynos)
Brd - Agnostic / Brell / Bristlebane / Erollisi / Mithaniel / Prexus / Quellious / Rallos / Solusek / Tribunal / Tunare / Veeshan - Belious Naliedin
Pal - Karana - Runethar Hamest
War - Agnostic / Karana / Prexus / Rallos / Rodcet / Tribunal - Ebon Strongbear
Qeynos Aqueduct (Qcat)
War - Bertoxxulous - Rocthar Bekesna
Surefall Glade (QRG)
Dru - Karana / Tunare - Te`Anara
Rng - Karana / Tunare - Hager Sureshot
Rivervale (Rivervale)
Clr - Bristlebane - Beek Guinders
Dru - Karana - Hibbs Rootenpaw
Pal - Karana - Kaya Cloudfoot
Rng - Karana - Megosh Thistlethorn
Rog - Agnostic / Brell / Bristlebane - Lendel Deeppockets
War - Agnostic / Brell / Rallos Zek - Sheriff Roglio
High Elf
Northern Felwithe (felwithea)
Clr - Tunare - Yeolarn Bronzeleaf
Pal - Tunare - Tynkale
Southern Felwithe (felwitheb)
Enc - Agnostic / Erollisi Marr / Karana / Mithaniel Marr / Tunare - Kinool Goldsinger
Mag - Agnostic / Erollisi Marr / Karana / Mithaniel Marr / Tunare - Niola Impholder
Wiz - Agnostic / Erollisi Marr / Karana / Mithaniel Marr / Solusek Ro / Tunare - Tarker Blazetoss
East Freeport (FreeportEast)
Brd - Agnostic / Brell / Bristlebane / Erollisi / Mithaniel / Prexus / Quellious / Rallos / Solusek / Tribunal / Tunare / Veeshan - Caskin Marsheart
Clr - Innoruuk - Venox Tarkog
Enc - Innoruuk - Konious Eranon
Mag - Innoruuk - Heneva Jexsped
Nec - Innoruuk - Opal Darkbriar (DarkElf)
Rog - Agnostic / Bristlebane / Erollisi / Innoruuk - Elisi Nasin
Shd - Innoruuk - Pietro Zarn
War - Agnostic / Erollisi / Mithaniel / Rallos - Cain darkmoore
War - Innoruuk - Brutol Rhaksen
Wiz - Innoruuk - Nexvok Thirod
West Freeport (FreeportWest)
Clr - Erollisi - Tholius Quey
Clr - Mithaniel - Eestyana Naestra
Enc - Agnostic / Erollisi / Mithaniel - Romiak Jusathorn
Mag - Agnostic / Erollisi / Mithaniel - Lorme Tredore
Mnk - Quellious - Puab Closk
Pal - Erollisi - Gygus Remnara
Pal - Mithaniel - Valeron Dushire
Wiz - Agnostic / Erollisi / Mithaniel / Solusek - Opal Darkbriar (HighElf)
North Qeynos (Qeynos2)
Clr - Rodcet - Priestess Jahnda
Mnk - Agnostic - LuSun
Pal - Rodcet - Camlend Serbold
Rog - Agnostic / Bertoxxulous / Bristlebane / Karana / Rodcet - Hanns Krieghor
South Qeynos (Qeynos)
Brd - Agnostic / Brell / Bristlebane / Karana / Prexus / Quellious / Rallos / Rodcet / Solusek / Tribunal / Tunare / Veeshan - Belious Naliedin
Clr - Karana - Renic Losaren
Enc - Agnostic / Karana / Rodcet - Mespha Tevalian
Mag - Agnostic / Karana / Rodcet - Kinloc Flamepaw
Pal - Karana - Runethar Hamest
War - Agnostic / Karana / Rallos / Rodcet - Ebon Strongbear
Wiz - Agnostic / Karana / Rodcet / Solusek - Gahlith Wrannstad
Qeynos Aqueduct (Qcat)
Clr - Bertoxxulous - Xeture Demiagar
Enc - Bertoxxulous - Reania Jukle
Mag - Bertoxxulous - Perkon Malok
Nec - Bertoxxulous - Lyris Moonbane
Shd - Bertoxxulous - Sragg Bloodheart
War - Bertoxxulous - Rocthar Bekesna
Wiz - Bertoxxulous - Trenon Callust
Surefall Glade (QRG)
Dru - Karana / Tunare - Te`Anara
Rng - Karana / Tunare - Hager Sureshot
Cabilis East (Cabeast)
Bst - Cazic - Prime Patriarch Vuzx
Nec - Cazic - Harbinger Glosk
Shd - Cazic - Arch Duke Xog
Shm - Cazic - Prime Hierophant Vek
War - Cazic - Drill Master Vygan
Cabilis West (Cabwest)
Mnk - Cazic - Grand Master Glox
Oggok (Oggok)
Bst - Rallos Zek - Brogdog
Ber - Agnostic / Cazic / Rallos Zek - Baddi Waca
Shd - Cazic - Rallos Zek - Soonog
Grobb (Grobb)
Bst - Cazic / Innoruuk - Gardunk
Ber - Agnostic / Cazic / Innoruuk / Rallos Zek - Daboo Dogak
Shd - Cazic / Innoruuk - Hukulk
Shm - Cazic / Innoruuk - Kaglari
War - Agnostic / Cazic / Innoruuk - Ranjor
Vah Shir
Shar Vahl (SharVahl)
Brd - Agnostic - Elder Hymnist Hortitosh
Bst - Agnostic - Elder Animist Sahdi
Ber - Agnostic - Vrasha Piennsa
Rog - Agnostic - Master Taruun Rakutah
Shm - Agnostic - Elder Spiritist Grawleh
War - Agnostic - High Armsman Trukhanah
Wood Elf
Greater Faydark (Gfaydark)
Brd - Agnostic / Brell / Bristlebane / Erollisi / Karana / Mithaniel / Prexus / Quellious / Rallos / Rodcet / Solusek / Tribunal / Tunare / Veeshan - Sylia Windlehands
Dru - Tunare - Heartwood Master
Rng - Tunare - Maesyn Trueshot
Rog - Agnostic / Bristlebane / Karana / Tunare - Tylfon
War - Agnostic / Karana - Rallos Zek / Tunare - Regren
Crescent Reach Only (Crescent)
Bst - Crescent (see Drakkin)