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Resource icon

Utility Player Targ v2.01

[2.01] - 2024-08-06​


- Tooltips, config window, font scaling
Cleaned up the config window.
fixed font scaling so as to not affect tooltips.
(dff2120) ~grimmier378

[2.00] - 2024-08-05​

Bug Fixes🐛

- Variable capitalization
(658b4fb) ~grimmier378

[1.99] - 2024-07-28​

Bug Fixes🐛

- Removed 2nd imgui.init since we only need one.
(83e0699) ~grimmier378


- Cleaned up settings loading
(fd9af02) ~grimmier378

[1.98] - 2024-07-04​


- Added BreathMeter with toggle
You can enable a breath meter and set its colors in the config window.
(76cee7b) ~grimmier378

[1.97] - 2024-06-30​

Bug Fixes🐛

- Transparency flags and color count
(1a48523) ~grimmier378
- Transparency flags and color count
(1ddb48b) ~grimmier378
- Transparency flags and color count
(6fa4de2) ~grimmier378
- Transparency flaggs
(8a469f0) ~grimmier378

[1.96] - 2024-06-30​


- Transparency options
You can override theme transparency.
and toggle mouse over on or off.
(ff430c3) ~grimmier378

[1.95] - 2024-06-30​


- Toggle for displaying Xtarget #
(eb1170c) ~grimmier378
- Separated the Target bar size from the others
You can now set the target HP bar height.
(60c854f) ~grimmier378

[1.94] - 2024-06-30​


- Scaling fix
Removed the prescaling on certain text. now everything is the same scale as you set.
(79d179a) ~grimmier378

[1.93] - 2024-06-30​


- XTarget Slot Number
Added Display of XTarget Slot Number
Shows as X:# Name
(5a37168) ~grimmier378

[1.92] - 2024-06-30​


- Split target window
Added toggle to menu bar.
will split the target window into its own window.
This window will auto hide if you do not have a target.
(e177bdc) ~grimmier378