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Combat Assist Simple Complete Heal Macro 1.0

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This simple macro is for a dedicated cleric to enter into a Cheal chain. It will cast Complete Heal on a designated tank and will delay between casts for however long you want. It can also med at a certain percentage of mana and will resume at a designated percentage.
You can set a new tank with /newtank Name/ID

Simple /mac SimpleCheal TargetName/ID DelayTime %ManaToStop %ManaToResume

/mac SimpleCheal ${Target.ID} 5 10 40
/mac SimpleCheal Smooshers 5 10 40
/mac SimpleCheal TanksID# OR Name        Delay between casts in seconds        %Mana to sit and med to 40        %Mana to Stop medding
/newtank ${Target.ID}
/newtank NewTankName

|SimpleCheal by Lemons
|/mac SimpleCheal ${Target.ID}                         5                                     10                            40
|/mac SimpleCheal Smooshers                         5                                     10                            40
|/mac SimpleCheal TanksID# OR Name        Delay between casts in seconds        %Mana to sit and med to 40        %Mana to Stop medding
|/newtank ${Target.ID}
|/newtank NewTankName

#bind SwitchTanks /newtank

Sub Main(string TID, int DTime, int MPoint, int SMPoint)
    /echo SimpleCheal by Lemons
    /echo You need to have Complete Heal memorized
    /echo Usage: /mac SimpleCheal $/{Target.ID} DelayBetweenCasts# %ManaToStartMed %ManaStopMedding
    /echo It interrupts the spell if you are not yet in combat so you can start the chain before pulling
    /echo /newtank Name/ID# to switch tank targets

    /if (!${Int[${TID}]}) /varset TID ${Spawn[pc ${TID}].ID}
    /declare TankID     int     outer     ${Spawn[${TID}].ID}
    /declare DelayTime     int     outer     ${DTime}
    /declare MedPoint    int        outer    ${MPoint}
    /declare CTimer        timer    outer    ${Math.Calc[${DTime} + 10]}s
    /declare StopMed    int     outer    ${SMPoint}
    /echo I'm chealing ${TID}, ${Spawn[${TID}].CleanName} with a delay of ${DTime}, stopping at %Mana ${MedPoint} and resuming after I med to ${StopMed}
    /if (${Me.SpellReady[Complete Heal]} && !${Me.Casting.ID} && !${CTimer} && ${Me.PctMana} > ${MedPoint}) {
        /cast "Complete Heal"
        /echo Casting Complete Heal on ${Spawn[${TankID}].CleanName}
        /varset CTimer ${CTimer.OriginalValue}
        /delay 1s ${Me.Casting.ID}
        /delay 2
        /if (${Me.CombatState.NotEqual[COMBAT]} && ${Target.PctHPs} > 99) /interrupt
        /if (${Me.Standing} && ${CTimer} && !${Me.Casting.ID}) {
            /delay 1s ${Me.Sitting}
        /if (${CTimer} && ${Spawn[${TankID}].Type.NotEqual[Corpse]}) /goto :WaitLoop
        /if (${Spawn[${TankID}].Type.Equal[Corpse]}) {
            /echo We let the tank die! Need a new target!
            /delay 1s
    /if (${Me.Standing} && !${Me.Casting.ID} && ${Me.PctMana} < 100) {
            /delay 1s ${Me.Sitting}
    /if (${Me.PctMana} < ${StopMed}) /goto :MedWait
    /delay 1
    /call CheckBind
    /goto :loop


Sub CheckBind

Sub Bind_SwitchTanks(string TarID)
/if ((${TarID.Equal[NULL]} || ${TarID.Equal[0]} || ${TarID.Length} == 0) || ${Spawn[${Target.ID}].Type.Equal[NPC]}) {
    /echo No valid ID. Not setting TankID. Keeping it as ${TankID}.
/if ((${TarID.Equal[NULL]} || ${TarID.Equal[0]} || ${TarID.Length} == 0) && (${Spawn[${Target.ID}].Type.Equal[PC]})) /varset TarID ${Target.ID}
/varset TankID ${Spawn[${TarID}].ID}
/echo Switching tanks to ${TankID} which is ${Spawn[${TarID}].CleanName}
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