SpellBookUtility is a set of functions to help organize your spell book.
Note: On first use, run "/mac SpellBookUtility" and the associated INI config file and a short cut alias will get created so that you can use this macro with the alias "/sbu"
Base Everquest Functions (As a reminder)
Description: Opens the spell book to the given page
Argument1: PageNumber accepts 1 through 120
Example: /book 12
Featured Functions
Description: Uses settings from the INI config file to organize your spell book...
ini: FixedPages (Default: 1-20) Note: Spells on these pages will not get moved.
ini: MoveToDirection (Default: FrontToBack) Options: FrontToBack or BackToFront
ini: MoveToPages (Default: 21-200) Note: Spells will be moved to these pages.
ini: StepDelay (Default: 5) Note: If spells are getting missed, then increase this value and try again.
Argument1: Are you sure you want to? YES or NO
Example: /sbu CleanUp YES
Description: Attempts to locate the given Spell Name in your spell book.
Argument1: Name or part of the name of the spell that you would like to find. (Use Dashes or Underscores in place of Spaces)
Example: /sbu FindSpell Unity
-- If a single spell is return, then the spell book opens to that spell.
-- If multiple spells are return, then a list is provided.
Spell: "Enticer's Unity" Level: 105 Location 1|4
Spell: "Phantasmal Unity" Level: 100 Location 107|7
Description: Moves the selected spell to the first available slot in the Back of the spell book.
Note: The argument is optional, but if you provide one, it will return to the given page.
ini: MoveToPages (Default: 21-200) Note: Spells will be moved to these pages.
Argument1: ReturnToPageNumber accepts 1 through 120
Example: /sbu MoveToBack 1
Description: Moves the selected spell to the first available slot in the Front of the spell book.
Note: The argument is optional, but if you provide one, it will return to the given page.
ini: MoveToPages (Default: 21-200) Note: Spells will be moved to these pages.
Argument1: ReturnToPageNumber accepts 1 through 120
Example: /sbu MoveToFront 1
Description: Uses settings from the INI config file to move the spells on the selected page to the first available slots in the Back of the spell book...
ini: MoveToPages (Default: 21-200) Note: Spells will be moved to these pages.
ini: StepDelay (Default: 5) Note: If spells are getting missed, then increase this value.
Argument1: PageNumber accepts 1 through 120
Example: /sbu MovePageToBack 14
Description: Uses settings from the INI config file to move the spells on the selected page to the first available slots in the Front of the spell book...
ini: MoveToPages (Default: 21-200) Note: Spells will be moved to these pages.
ini: StepDelay (Default: 5) Note: If spells are getting missed, then increase this value.
Argument1: PageNumber accepts 1 through 120
Example: /sbu MovePageToFront 14
Internal functions (that are still exposed)
Description: Gets the PageNumber and SlotNumber from the provided SlotID.
Argument1: SlotID accepts 1 through 960
Example: /sbu GetLocationFrom 444
Result: SlotID:444 = PageNumber:56 SlotNumber:4
Description: Gets the SlotID from the PageNumber and SlotNumber.
Argument1: PageNumber accepts 1 through 120
Argument2: SlotNumber accepts 1 through 8
Example: /sbu GetSlotIDFrom 56 4
Result: SlotID:444 = PageNumber:56 SlotNumber:4
Description: Moves a spell from SlotID to SlotID.
Argument1: ToSlotID accepts 1 through 960
Argument2: FromSlotID accepts 1 through 960
Note: On first use, run "/mac SpellBookUtility" and the associated INI config file and a short cut alias will get created so that you can use this macro with the alias "/sbu"
Base Everquest Functions (As a reminder)
Description: Opens the spell book to the given page
Argument1: PageNumber accepts 1 through 120
Example: /book 12
Featured Functions
Description: Uses settings from the INI config file to organize your spell book...
ini: FixedPages (Default: 1-20) Note: Spells on these pages will not get moved.
ini: MoveToDirection (Default: FrontToBack) Options: FrontToBack or BackToFront
ini: MoveToPages (Default: 21-200) Note: Spells will be moved to these pages.
ini: StepDelay (Default: 5) Note: If spells are getting missed, then increase this value and try again.
Argument1: Are you sure you want to? YES or NO
Example: /sbu CleanUp YES
Description: Attempts to locate the given Spell Name in your spell book.
Argument1: Name or part of the name of the spell that you would like to find. (Use Dashes or Underscores in place of Spaces)
Example: /sbu FindSpell Unity
-- If a single spell is return, then the spell book opens to that spell.
-- If multiple spells are return, then a list is provided.
Spell: "Enticer's Unity" Level: 105 Location 1|4
Spell: "Phantasmal Unity" Level: 100 Location 107|7
Description: Moves the selected spell to the first available slot in the Back of the spell book.
Note: The argument is optional, but if you provide one, it will return to the given page.
ini: MoveToPages (Default: 21-200) Note: Spells will be moved to these pages.
Argument1: ReturnToPageNumber accepts 1 through 120
Example: /sbu MoveToBack 1
Description: Moves the selected spell to the first available slot in the Front of the spell book.
Note: The argument is optional, but if you provide one, it will return to the given page.
ini: MoveToPages (Default: 21-200) Note: Spells will be moved to these pages.
Argument1: ReturnToPageNumber accepts 1 through 120
Example: /sbu MoveToFront 1
Description: Uses settings from the INI config file to move the spells on the selected page to the first available slots in the Back of the spell book...
ini: MoveToPages (Default: 21-200) Note: Spells will be moved to these pages.
ini: StepDelay (Default: 5) Note: If spells are getting missed, then increase this value.
Argument1: PageNumber accepts 1 through 120
Example: /sbu MovePageToBack 14
Description: Uses settings from the INI config file to move the spells on the selected page to the first available slots in the Front of the spell book...
ini: MoveToPages (Default: 21-200) Note: Spells will be moved to these pages.
ini: StepDelay (Default: 5) Note: If spells are getting missed, then increase this value.
Argument1: PageNumber accepts 1 through 120
Example: /sbu MovePageToFront 14
Internal functions (that are still exposed)
Description: Gets the PageNumber and SlotNumber from the provided SlotID.
Argument1: SlotID accepts 1 through 960
Example: /sbu GetLocationFrom 444
Result: SlotID:444 = PageNumber:56 SlotNumber:4
Description: Gets the SlotID from the PageNumber and SlotNumber.
Argument1: PageNumber accepts 1 through 120
Argument2: SlotNumber accepts 1 through 8
Example: /sbu GetSlotIDFrom 56 4
Result: SlotID:444 = PageNumber:56 SlotNumber:4
Description: Moves a spell from SlotID to SlotID.
Argument1: ToSlotID accepts 1 through 960
Argument2: FromSlotID accepts 1 through 960