Since someone asked, i thought about it, and decided to take a crack at it.
its not fancy, its not foolproof, and someone could probably do it better.
but its simple, and it works. and thats the point.
Requirements: Tranquil Blessing AA
Usage: Mem your group buffs, type /mac tbuffer and watch it go.
its not fancy, its not foolproof, and someone could probably do it better.
but its simple, and it works. and thats the point.
Requirements: Tranquil Blessing AA
Usage: Mem your group buffs, type /mac tbuffer and watch it go.
Rich (BB code):
| Tranquil Blessing Buffer(TBbuffer.mac) by kaen01
| Requirements: Tranquil Blessing AA
| Usage: Mem your group buffs, type /mac tbuffer and watch it go.
Sub Main
/echo --Tranquil Blessing Starting --
/declare i int
/for i 1 to 13
/if (!${Me.AltAbilityReady[992]}) /echo -- Waiting for Tranquil Blessing to Refresh --
/delay 30s ${Me.AltAbilityReady[992]}
/delay 5
/if (${Spell[${Me.Gem[${i}]}].TargetType.Find[group v]} && ${Me.SpellReady[${i}]} && !${Me.SpellInCooldown}) {
/alt act 992
/cast "${Me.Gem[${i}]}"
/echo -- Casting: ${Me.Gem[${i}]} --
/delay 30s !${Me.Casting.ID}
/next i
/echo --Tranquil Blessing Done --