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  • EverQuest's 31st expansion The Outer Brood goes live Dec 3rd. brainiac has been spending extra time updating MacroQuest. Please show him your appreciation.
    Don't forget to update your mq2nav meshes by running the meshupdater or by visiting MQ Mesh
    EQ stated servers will be up "No earlier than noon PST"
The NEW Linux and MQ Guide!!

Guide The NEW Linux and MQ Guide!! 2.0

Download now:  Join us with Level 2 access or earn your way in with  RedCents.
Software Requirements
Linux, Wine-Staging, dxvk, Vulkan GPU drivers, winetricks, ms-corefonts
Server Type
🏢 Live 🏘️ Emu TLP Test
Got bored today during compile down patch day so here is an update to my old guide

The quick and dirty rundown to installing EverQuest on Ubuntu 22.04

1. Install Ubuntu 22.04 and necessary graphics drivers (not covered here) [I have tested on Nvidia (proprietary), Intel (Mesa) with no issues]

2. Install wine-staging from apt:

Installing Wine-Staging:
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo mkdir -pm755 /etc/apt/keyrings
sudo wget -O /etc/apt/keyrings/winehq-archive.key https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/winehq.key
sudo wget -NP /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/ubuntu/dists/jammy/winehq-jammy.sources
sudo apt update
sudo apt install --install-recommends winehq-staging

3. Activate the wine prefix (hit yes/ok on any installer prompts)

Activating Wine Prefix:
mkdir -p Games/eqlive
export WINEPREFIX=~/Games/eqlive

close the winecfg window

4. Install corefonts and dxvk systemwide

Install corefonts,winetricks, and dxvk:
sudo apt install winetricks ttf-mscorefonts-installer dxvk

5. Setup corefonts and dxvk in the eqlive prefix using winetricks

Activating corefonts and DXVK in Wine Prefix:
export WINEPREFIX=~/Games/eqlive
winetricks corefonts dxvk

6. Download the game from the website

7. Install the LaunchPad

export WINEPREFIX=~/Games/eqlive
cd ~/Downloads
wine EQ_setup.exe

Click through the installer as normal. When it prompts to install DirectX just say no/cancel. The LaunchPad utility will try to load but will be a black screen. Close it by hitting Ctrl+C in the terminal or killing the process.

Killing LaunchPad.exe:
killall LaunchPad.exe

8. Launch the LaunchPad correctly!

LaunchPad Execution:
export WINEPREFIX=~/Games/eqlive
cd ~/Games/eqlive/drive_c/users/Public/Daybreak\ Game\ Company/Installed\ Games/EverQuest/
wine LaunchPad.exe --disable-gpu

The LaunchPad should now load correctly and start downloading the game. When it completes hit play, go to server select, then quit out.

9. Change the following settings in eqclient.ini
eqclient.ini changes:
vim ~/Games/eqlive/drive_c/users/Public/Daybreak\ Game\ Company/Installed\ Games/EverQuest/eqclient.ini

Vertex Shaders:

CPU Core Affinity:

10. Now go back to step 8 and fully load up a toon for testing! Everything should work at this point. Feel free to tweak your in game settings and toon UI!

The quick and dirty guide to getting MQ running on Linux

1. Download the latest release of VV.

2. Extract to a prep directory

cd downloads
mkdir MacroQuest
cd MacroQuest
mv ../Redguides_VeryVanilla.zip .
unzip Redguides_VeryVanilla.zip
rm Redguides_VeryVanilla.zip

3. Create Working MacroQuest Directory and sync latest files

mkdir ~/Games/MacroQuest
rsync -avz ~/Downloads/MacroQuest/ ~/Games/MacroQuest/

3a. Updating MQ on new releases. I use the ~/Downloads/MacroQuest directory as a clean working directory for new update prep, then sync the updated files to my working game directory in ~/Games/MacroQuest. This way I don't have to worry about clobbering my custom settings and macros.

cd Downloads/MacroQuest
rm -rf *
mv ../Redguides_VeryVanilla.zip .
unzip Redguides_VeryVanilla.zip
rm Redguides_VeryVanilla.zip
rsync -avz ~/Downloads/MacroQuest/ ~/Games/MacroQuest/

4. Launching MacroQuest

export WINEPREFIX=~/Games/eqlive
cd ~/Games/MacroQuest
wine MacroQuest.exe &

From here you can use the tray icon as normal to create autologin profiles to load all of your toons. If you have to ever update go back up to step 8 above to load the LaunchPad.

Some Notes

1. You will want to make a backup of your ~/Games/MacroQuest/MacroQuest.ini file once you get it to your liking. I usually call it MacroQuest_Backup.ini. Before you load MQ fresh you need to copy this backup over to the MacroQuest.ini file otherwise bad juju will happen when you load, like missing plugins and such. ALWAYS REFRESH MACROQUEST.INI BEFORE/AFTER EVERY USE!!!!

2. You can use this same process to run on test, beta, and emu. Just create new wineprefixes and follow the instructions and just use the proper installer/client for your needs.

3. I never can seem to get dannet to work on Linux so I always result to reverting back to EQBCS. This is a pretty straightforward change.

First edit MQ2GroupInfo.ini to change the group hotbuttons to use bca instead of dgca. The bca lines are commented out. You just need to edit the file and find the lines and swap the comments so that you are using the eqbc commands instead of the dannet commands like so:

;ComeToMeCommand=/dgge /multiline ; /afollow off;/nav stop;/timed 5 /nav id ${Me.ID}
ComeToMeCommand=/bcg //multiline ; /afollow off;/nav stop;/timed 5 /nav id ${Me.ID}

There are quite a few of these that need changing in the file so go through it and get them all!

Then in MacroQuest.ini you need to disable dannet from loading and enable mqeqbc


Now you can load the EQBC server from the tray icon and connect clients to it using:

/bccmd connect

4. Quick launch script that copies over your MacroQuest_Backup.ini file to MacroQuest.ini before launching. It also cleans up all of the lingering logs and hashed .exe files that get generated on every launch and start filling up the working directory. You will need to create the backup file yourself prior to launching!


export WINEPREFIX="~/Games/eqlive"

cp ${MQHOME}/config/MacroQuest_Backup.ini ${MQHOME}/config/MacroQuest.ini
rm -rf ${MQHOME}/Logs/*.log
CLEANUP=`find ${MQHOME} -type f -executable -print`

# start macroquest
cd ${MQHOME}
wine MacroQuest.exe > /dev/null 2>&1 &

Enjoy! If you get mq2dannet or the Redguides launcher working under Linux feel free to contribute to growing the Linux user population and simplifying the update and plugin management process by adding it to the discussion!
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Last update
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Fantastic update. Thanks for the break down. Had one or two items that I kept missing and this filled in the gaps.