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Tradeskill Consolidator (TSC)

Trade / Skill Tradeskill Consolidator (TSC) 2.3.1


Feat: Various improvements
/tsc toonA toonB routine now ignores artisan items if toonA is artisan
/tsc toonA depot now respects ignore.lua file
Main routine: recipients now do bank routine even if they didn't give
(8fcb538) ~rawmotion1


Sync to 0.4.8
(2d6817c) ~rawmotion1
(3e7aa16) ~rawmotion1
Tie breaker should no longer cause error.
Extra check on artisan settings.
Fixed issue with tiebreaker and store-all routine.
Changed store all command from /tsc toonname bank to /tsc toonname depot
This update has several features I added to make managing TS items in combination with TCN, and the Artisan Prize quests easier. They make sense for my specific setup but may not for yours.

I wanted the toon I'm working on for the AP to completely dump all his TS items onto mules, EXCEPT for the items he still needs for the AP combines. In addition, during consolidation, I wanted all mules to give TS items to my AP toon regardless of other considerations.

In other words, I want my main toon to ONLY bank/carry TS items that he still needs (according to TCN) and place the rest on mules.

To do this, I had to create a massive list of TS items my AP toon still needs. I added support for this in a config file called artisans.lua. Read more below.

- For the toon give routinte (e.g., /tsc toona toonb), added the 'all' option. Usage: /tsc toona toonb all
This will instruct Toona to give all mats to Toonb, including all TS items in their bank and depot. To ONLY give items from their inventory, omit 'all'.

- Also, for the toon-give routine, I added the option for an ignore_Toonname.lua. If this file exists for the giver toon, it will use this instead of the global ignore. This doesn't affect the main routine.

- Added a settings.lua with two entries. "Tiebreaker", and "Artisan".
- Tiebreaker lets you specify the tiebreaker (before, it was just the 1st toon in toons.lua)
- Artisan lets you assign a specific toon always to receive and never give away items in artisan.lua. This is specifically useful if you want to consolidate, but you have a list of items you want THIS particular toon always to receive and never give away. This allows you, for example, to go hunting, come back to your mules, run consolidate, and ensure your main toon gives all non-essential mats to your mules while keeping all mats you still need for AP combines. It also causes your mules, during the main routine to give all artisan items to your Artisan toon, even if they have a greater quantity.

- Added a bank all command (/tsc toonname bank). This will attempt to put all TS items from your inventory into your personal depot. Unlike self-consolidation (/tsc tooname) this doesn't check whether you already have items in the bank or personal depot. This simply tries to put everything in your inventory into your PD. There are currently no checks as to whether the personal depot is full, so you might need to manually stop it. I created this so my main toon, who is working on his AP, can keep all mats he still needs in his depot while giving everything else to his mules.

format for \config\Consolidate\artisan.lua

format for \config\Consolidate\settings.lua
Fixed issue that caused a crash in final banking stage.
Refactored large sections of the script. It should be much faster in many tasks like banking, trading, and grabbing.
Will now attempt to combine incomplete stacks in your inventory the correct number of times (instead of number of stacks x number of matches 😱)
If you don't want to run the entire "/tsc go" routine across all toons, you can now also do "/tsc toonName" to make that player self-consolidate across their own bank, depot, and inventory.
Type /tsc name1 name2 for the first toon to give all mats in their general inventory to the second toon.
This disregards all other variables from the main routine, only checking the second toons inventory space.
It won't do any consolidation afterward.