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Trade / Skill TSRL.mac Tradeskill Recipe List 1.0

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TradeSkill Recipe List (TSRL.mac) by hoosierbilly Jan 2017
outputs to your MQ2Log file and TSRL_Name_Server

You must have the tradeskill window open.
You should decide how to sort the list (Recipe Name or Trivial), the macro will not do any sorting of the list.

NOTE: Recipes with a trivial of 15 (or less) are excluded from the listing.
There are simple too many non-trivial recipes to get a complete list.

Also Note: Recipe lists are limited by your skill. As your skill goes up more recipes become available.
You should run this macro periodically as your tradeskill increases.

Rich (BB code):
TradeSkill Recipe List (TSRL.mac) by hoosierbilly Jan 2017
outputs to your MQ2Log file and TSRL_${Me.Name}_${EverQuest.Server}

You must have the tradeskill window open.
You should decide how to sort the list (Recipe Name or Trivial), the macro will not do any sorting of the list.
NOTE: Recipes with a trivial of 15 (or less) are excluded from the listing.
There are simple too non-trivial many recipes to get a complete list.

Sub Main

/declare    LC        int        outer
/declare    TX        int        outer
/declare    MinTriv    int        outer    16
/declare    MaxTriv    int        outer    40
/declare    Min        string    outer
/declare    Max        string    outer
/declare    TotalList    int    outer    0

    /if (!${Plugin[MQ2Log].Name.Length}) {
        /plugin MQ2Log
        /delay 10
    /mlog on
    /if (!${Window[TradeskillWnd].Open}) {
        /echo You must open tradeskill window and start over...
    /echo TradeSkill Recipe List for: ${Window[TradeskillWnd].Child[COMBW_SkillLabel].Text.Arg[1,]}
    /varset Min ${MinTriv}
    /varset Max ${MaxTriv}
    /nomodkey /notify TradeskillWnd COMBW_MinTrivialEdit leftmouseup
    /nomodkey /keypress backspace chat
    /nomodkey /keypress backspace chat
    /nomodkey /keypress backspace chat
    /for TX 1 to 3
    /if (${Min.Mid[${TX},1].Length}) /nomodkey /keypress ${Min.Mid[${TX},1]} chat
    /next TX

    /nomodkey /notify TradeskillWnd COMBW_MaxTrivialEdit leftmouseup
    /nomodkey /keypress backspace chat
    /nomodkey /keypress backspace chat
    /nomodkey /keypress backspace chat
    /for TX 1 to 3
    /if (${Max.Mid[${TX},1].Length}) /nomodkey /keypress ${Max.Mid[${TX},1]} chat
    /next TX
    /delay 2s
    /nomodkey /notify TradeskillWnd COMBW_SearchButton leftmouseup
    /delay 6s

    /if (${Window[TradeskillWnd].Child[COMBW_RecipeList].Items}==0) {
        /echo List Complete. Total Recipes listed: ${TotalList}
        /squelch /windowstate TradeskillWnd close
        /squelch /windowstate InventoryWindow close
    /if (${Window[TradeskillWnd].Child[COMBW_RecipeList].Items}>=100) {
        /echo Incomplete list resulted, restricting the search...
        /varcalc MaxTriv ${MaxTriv}-5
        /if (${MaxTriv}<1) /varset MaxTriv 1
        /goto :searchloop

    /echo Recipe List for Triv: ${MinTriv} to ${MaxTriv}
    /for LC 1 to ${Window[TradeskillWnd].Child[COMBW_RecipeList].Items}
    /ini "TSRL_${Me.Name}_${EverQuest.Server}" "${Window[TradeskillWnd].Child[COMBW_SkillLabel].Text.Arg[1,]}" "${Window[TradeskillWnd].Child[COMBW_RecipeList].List[${LC},1]}" ${Window[TradeskillWnd].Child[COMBW_RecipeList].List[${LC},2]}
    /echo ${Window[TradeskillWnd].Child[COMBW_RecipeList].List[${LC},1]},${Window[TradeskillWnd].Child[COMBW_RecipeList].List[${LC},2]}
    /next LC
    /varcalc TotalList ${TotalList}+${Window[TradeskillWnd].Child[COMBW_RecipeList].Items}
    /if (${MinTriv}<900) {
        /varcalc MinTriv ${MinTriv}+${Math.Calc[${MaxTriv}-${MinTriv}]}+1
        /varcalc MaxTriv ${MinTriv}+25
        /goto :searchloop
    } else {
        /echo List Complete. Total Recipes listed: ${TotalList}
        /squelch /windowstate TradeskillWnd close
        /squelch /windowstate InventoryWindow close

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