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XGen Bridge - a GUI for XGen

Utility XGen Bridge - a GUI for XGen

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Guess I didnt add the edited lua file to the zip upload.. Its here now, I swear.
Added Tribute On (With Timer) / Off buttons to overview page.
Added Cleric Aura and DI check boxes
Last update i accidentally included a wrong file. This corrects that.
Just added Beastlord to nuker / dots tab. No im not playing, this was a request that got to me.. Was a simple 3 letter patch :)
Fixes for ImGui Red wall of text.


- Updates for spawns lua. disengages it if not set as puller to stop loss of performance on multiple toons running xgen.

- Merge branch 'Aipoc' into Xgen_Bridge_RedGuides (c81f4e6)
Posted by: DoNotReply


- Updates to table draws, melee tab added. rogue options.

- Merge branch 'Aipoc' into Xgen_Bridge_RedGuides (0f1a0a2)
Posted by: DoNotReply


- Created tables for Mobs instead of iterators to parse. better code.

- Merge branch 'Aipoc' into Xgen_Bridge_RedGuides (0c2b9f6)
Posted by: DoNotReply


- More changes to spawns, calculating closest mob.

- Merge branch 'Xgen_Bridge_RedGuides' into Aipoc (c1e8ec5)
- Macstatus function

Posted by: DoNotReply