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Discussion - Maskoi's Boxing Guide to EQ with MQ2 #3 - The Fellowship & the Porter


old and salty
Sep 28, 2005
I am jumping a head a little in my series. The next planned article was supposed to be about the healer. The recent ban wave got me thinking about how to make the EverQuest easier to play without active hacks, Warp, Piggyzone , etc. This article is about the Porters and the Fellowship because it impacts a slot in your group.

I am adding a must have 4th to any group.

The Porter: Druid or Wizard.
Safety in MQ2ing has been our main goal at Redguides for the last Year since VoA and SOE's hack detection went into effect. We all miss warping and piggyzone but we would miss our toons more when they get banned. Porters and fellowships can take a lot of the pain out moving your entire bot army to new locations.

The Fellowship:
I hope everyone already knows about the EverQuest Fellowship but here are the basics in a nut shell.

  • You can have 12 members to each Fellowship.
  • You can only join 1 Fellowship per character.
  • You can drop a Fellowship Campfire in most zones and camps. The campfire allows any of the 12 people in your fellowship to teleport to the campfire every 15 minutes.
  • You need to have at least 3 Fellowship Members in the same zone within 100' of each other to drop a Fellowship Campfire.
  • On average the campfire lasts 3-6 hours before it fades and you have to drop another one.

Start a Fellowship

  • Find Randall of the Fellows in PoK. He is in the neutral area in the building next to the Nexus Stone.
  • Cntl+Shift+F or Right click on Randall of the Fellows to open your Fellowship Window.
  • Click the Create Button. Congratulations you just started your Fellowship. The person that created it is now the leader and is the only one that can invite others.
  • Say "How" to Randall of the Fellows to get your Fellowship Registration Insignia. The item used to port to your campfire.
  • Invite everyone in your bot army to your fellowship
  • Have your all your fellowship members get their Fellowship Registration Insignia.

The Porter:

This does involve a higher level toon since they need the Class AA Teleport Bind at level 69.

Druid or Wizard

What both classes bring to the group.

  • Port all over Norrath
  • Evacuate - save your party from wiping by succoring in zone. Run or campfire back to your camp.
  • Group invisibility and levitation.
  • Snare

Teleport Bind: - When activated, this ability will teleport the wizard's entire group to the wizard's/Druid's bind point.

  • Run your wizard/druid to scout your camp.
  • Cast Bind Affinity in a safe spot near your camp.
  • Port back to your group. Don't under estimate the Origin AA to get your group together if they all have Crescent Reach as their home city.
  • Cast Teleport Bind: and BAM group is at your camp. Drop your campfire at the safe spot and you are good to go

Druid - if you intend to use them as your primary healer slot 3 in the holy trinity or you just can't play EQ without your druid. If your group is heavily melee based the druid is a better selection in my opinion.

  • Buffs
  • Heals
  • Ranged DPS
  • Damage Shield

Wizard - is a better choice if your group is caster based in my opinion.

  • Ranged DPS
  • DPS
  • DPS
  • What else can be said but DPS.

Previous Articles
Maskoi's Boxing Guide to EQ with MQ2 #1
Maskoi's Boxing Guide to EQ with MQ2 #2 - The Tank
I'm thinking of starting up a Shadow Knight/Cleric/Enchanter group based on these articles. I already have a SK and CLR just around lvl 80, and I think I can get an enchanter up to speed pretty quick.

So my questions are:

1. Is my dps going to suffer badly with only these 3 accounts and some dps mercs at 95+?
2. Do you recommend using a Druid instead of the Cleric, since I won't be using a 4th account?
My druid is 95 but i never tried him as a primary healer. Looking at their spells they are now better healers than shammys. Druid as a healer you also get the ports and ds. Also you can always drop a cleric merc into the group to pick up the slack. the druid as a 4th box though and 2 dps mercs you have back up heals and the druid dpsing ports and damage shield. A druid adds a lot of possibles for you group.

DPS mercs are dps. I use the melee dps mercs all the time.
Thanks for the info. I think I'm pretty excited for a SK/DRU/ENCH group. Looking forward to more of your series man.
DPS mercs are dps. I use the melee dps mercs all the time.

As a side note, if youre using mercs for dps, caster mercs set on burn will blow away melee mercs. But you better have your sk's taunts set well, otherwise the mercs will be tanking. You can expect 25k+dps at level 100 from your merc. And, if youre using a chanter, you get the benefit of twincast aura.
I have been toying with lots of different combos since i ran into this site. My latest team is SK-Cleric-Bard-Zerker-Wiz. I usually run a wiz merc for the last spot but will switch in a healer merc for named or harder content. When im feeling lazy i will just run Sk-Cleric-Bard and 3 wiz mercs. All i ever see is puffs of smoke and charred remains.
Another tip: with ftp accounts, you can make unlimited gnome wizards. I dont use either a druid or wizard in my main play group, but i DO have 6 wizards (2 gold, 4 ftp) bound at my most common travel spots. I simply bring three characters from my main group to pok, group with whatever wizard is bound at my destination, tp to bind there (like maskoi already suggested), set up a campfire, and then log in the rest of my main group to campfire in. No running around required, at all.
Of course, if you want to use the multi-wizard tactic in RoF, you'll need to have the expansion, so, if you dont want to buy rof for ftp accounts, you can also just fill your gold rof accounts with porters if you have enough free character slots.
I have been toying with lots of different combos since i ran into this site. My latest team is SK-Cleric-Bard-Zerker-Wiz. I usually run a wiz merc for the last spot but will switch in a healer merc for named or harder content. When im feeling lazy i will just run Sk-Cleric-Bard and 3 wiz mercs. All i ever see is puffs of smoke and charred remains.

I wasn't really having much fun playing an enchanter up to level 30, so I switched it to a bard instead. Glad to see you are kicking ass with that combo.

I decided to add a 4th account druid and see how it goes. Hopefully I'll prefer it to one of the wizard mercs.
I wasn't really having much fun playing an enchanter up to level 30, so I switched it to a bard instead. Glad to see you are kicking ass with that combo.

I decided to add a 4th account druid and see how it goes. Hopefully I'll prefer it to one of the wizard mercs.

My original line up had my enchanter in the mix. I will admit the chanter was a bit nicer for mezzing, with his aoe mez's and all his aa mez i had a much larger "safety net" for bad pulls or just large pulls, but i did not have fun with the class. ( sorry Teichou!) Once Maskoi helped me figure out how to make the bard mez with Kiss i keep my pulls to 6 mobs or less ( thats the max the bard aoe mez hits) and i really dont have to worry anymore. With the aoe's from the SK on the rare occasion i get to many, or if something resists the bard aoe i just hit the sk hate, and with all his life saving abilities i usually dont have trouble. Often times i find myself leaving the group on kiss and will manually play the bard, i just have alot more fun on that class vs the chanter.
Personally I dont worry about a porter ... I actually find the Mage and CoH to be much more useful.

For the most prat getting from zone to zone is easy but often I have a harder time getting to my camp when in my destination zone.
Another tip: with ftp accounts, you can make unlimited gnome wizards. I dont use either a druid or wizard in my main play group, but i DO have 6 wizards (2 gold, 4 ftp) bound at my most common travel spots. I simply bring three characters from my main group to pok, group with whatever wizard is bound at my destination, tp to bind there (like maskoi already suggested), set up a campfire, and then log in the rest of my main group to campfire in. No running around required, at all.
Of course, if you want to use the multi-wizard tactic in RoF, you'll need to have the expansion, so, if you dont want to buy rof for ftp accounts, you can also just fill your gold rof accounts with porters if you have enough free character slots.

Hate to be a thread necromancer, but I just have to ask, why gnome wizards specifically? Because they are the punting class ? :P
Don't under estimate the Origin AA to get your group together if they all have Crescent Reach as their home city.

Holy crap, why didn't I ever think of that?
I can make a EQBC origin macro and have everyone together and then have my wizzy port everyone somewhere after buying spells or wiping with no campfire.
I run 18 accounts now, what I do is run 3 to the location, my sk bard and shaman. set up campfire and campfire in the rest, after everyone else is there I drop down guild banner and port everyone else in that isnt in fellowship... as the max number of fellowship is the required numbers needed to drop guild banner.. lol
Discussion - Maskoi's Boxing Guide to EQ with MQ2 #3 - The Fellowship & the Porter

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