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Question - Automate login for multiple accounts (1 Viewer)

Nov 7, 2005
Is there a way to automate login for multiple accounts?

Let's say you have a group of 6 and you want to log them all in.

One could jerryrig something with AutoHotKey but perhaps there is an easier way with MQ and WinEQ.

So this would mean starting an EQ instance bypassing patch through WinEQ then login, pw, then server select then Enter World.

I am getting lazy in my old age... Just hate when I get disconnected.
Bat file and MQ2Autologin


Super secret launch crew.bat file
This line needs to point to your winEQ folder CD C:\Program Files (x86)\WinEQ2\
Rich (BB code):
@ECHO off
CD C:\Program Files (x86)\WinEQ2\
timeout /t 5
@ECHO Launching MY SK
START WinEQ2.exe /plugin:WinEQ2-EQ.dll "WinEQNameSK"
timeout /t 20
@ECHO Launching MY Cleric
START WinEQ2.exe /plugin:WinEQ2-EQ.dll "WinEQNameCleric"
timeout /t 20
@ECHO Launching MY Beastlord
START WinEQ2.exe /plugin:WinEQ2-EQ.dll "WinEQNameBeasty"
timeout /t 20
@ECHO Launching MY Mage
START WinEQ2.exe /plugin:WinEQ2-EQ.dll "WinEQNameMage"
timeout /t 20
@ECHO Launching MY Chanter
START WinEQ2.exe /plugin:WinEQ2-EQ.dll "WinEQNameChanter"
timeout /t 20
@ECHO Launching MY Wizard
START WinEQ2.exe /plugin:WinEQ2-EQ.dll "WinEQNameWiz1"
timeout /t 20
@ECHO Launching MY Wizard
START WinEQ2.exe /plugin:WinEQ2-EQ.dll "WinEQNameWiz2"
Question - Automate login for multiple accounts

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