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Discussion - How do you create your multiple accounts? (1 Viewer)

May 17, 2015
My question is basically how do you make your DBG accounts?

I have some that old friends gave me or are mine 'legit' from day 1, some silver some free some 10+ yrs old.
login example=

Then I have some accounts that are like
login example=

All of these accounts are registered the same 'normal' gmail account I use for everything (personal, netflix, amazon, ebay etc..).

Then I have a spreadsheet that I try to keep all my account names/passwords and characters per server etc..

I was going to add some more boxes and wondering if it is best to attach them all to my 'legit' gmail account and do the #1234 thing or do you make unique named accounts and attach them to a unique email address?

I am thinking to make unique named accounts all attached to unique email address rather than #1234 accounts.
Reasoning being if for some reason an account gets banned I dont want all the accounts banned.
bob@gmail = bob
sue@gmail = sue

Or is that overly anal retentive and I should just continue with lamahherder12345 attached to a MQ2 email or my personal email etc..

I think dbg still allows you to create 2 accounts a day per-IP address.
I use one main email acct for my mains (old dirty veteran accts) and one email acct for all the silvers (all others). I wondered the same thing. I should probably mix it up and use different emails... 4 or 5 apiece sounds reasonable...
Step 1. Buy domain name : ILikeBigButts.com
Step 2. Make sure it comes with at least 1 email account (I use 1and1.com)
Step 3. Setup alias email accounts that all point to the main account...

So your emails would be like this.....
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

so on and so on..... and that way you can look in 1 place to see any emails from DBG.....
$74 Thousand REAL dollars! Fuck ME!

- - - Updated - - -

ilikebigbutts.black however is ghetto priced at $41.95
I throw all my accounts on my main email, I have some on separate emails, but at least 70 - 80 of my accounts are tied to one email.

I understand people being sneaky and using different emails, however if it ever gets to the point of where you get banned and they want you gone SO BADLY that they investigate you, you're screwed anyway. Look at Tecnotic and what happened recently with him. Peoples mains were banned who were just connected with the IP of a purchased account. Seems to be Daybreak would be able to figure out ok an entire email suffix belongs to this one guy =P

IE Ctrl F Ilikebigbutts search results 90 and all of them are <AccountName>@Ilikebigbutts.com.

Unless you got a common email suffix, it's going to stand out like an illuminated pink flamingo in the middle of your yard in December.

If you're feeling paranoid, have a few accounts on another email that you only log on from a second Ip that share no direct relation to your mains. That's the only way you won't get all your accounts nabbed if they actually go after you.

Honestly, I think you could be banned a dozen times and they wouldn't investigate you. They'll investigate you if you're massively disrupting an economy or doing something that widespread infuriates people.
I feel like they don't even investigate problems in the game or when people are having bugs and issues, so why are they going to waste that much time trying to investigate bots and boxers. (Assuming you're on one of the live/regular servers).
I feel like they don't even investigate problems in the game or when people are having bugs and issues, so why are they going to waste that much time trying to investigate bots and boxers. (Assuming you're on one of the live/regular servers).

They won't. Unless you're causing issues/need to make an example with like the guy LurkMcGurk pointed out :P

They can tie all my accounts together by IP, so it doesn't really matter if the emails are the same, as LurkMcGurk also pointed out. I only went with the +shortname scheme because I assumed you couldn't do them all on the same email :P
If/when I get banned I'll spend more time outside and my girlfriend will love me more :) No worries!
Considering I have paid them about $3,000 in the last year I am pretty sure they are not out to ban people like me/us... we keep the lights on for them... they just don't want flaming assholes or general douchieness.... They ARE looking to RMTers but not boxers... HUGE difference! So RMT with care..... Not saying don't do it, saying be careful with it.... I can prove they want to keep the boxers.... they rolled back the bans when they knew damn good and well people buying and using 6+ keys MUST be boxers.... But they are boxers who PAY so they promote and encourage the game's livelihood
A little trick to do with gmail...

As far as google is concerned [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] are all the same email. Most websites will accept them as different email addresses. Thus you can have many emails on one gmail id. Any incoming emails for all the accounts will appear in the one mailbox. Of course if GMs really look into it, it would be no problem to link the accounts, but this has never been an issue for me.

Seems they changed the 2 new accounts created per IP.

You can make 5 accounts per IP address now (not sure if per day or whatever yet)
Just did this 11/6/16

p.s. What the hell is RMT?

Seems they changed the 2 new accounts created per IP.

You can make 5 accounts per IP address now (not sure if per day or whatever yet)
Just did this 11/6/16

p.s. What the hell is RMT?

Real Money Transaction

As for the owning your own domain, I ditched 1and1 a while back and moved to namecheap.com and have loved the service from there. A bit cheaper but far better, I think 1and1 has really slipped in recent years.
for those that run hotmail/outlook email accounts, they have a feature called "aliases" which allows you to create new email addresses that have no resemblance to your primary email but still flow into the same inbox.

i.e. instead of [email protected], [email protected], etc. I can use [email protected] and [email protected] and they'll both go to a 3rd email address that is [email protected].

There used to be a 5 alias limit but it may not be that way anymore.
I make three accounts on my personal ISP. Then when DBG wont let me make anymore I turn on my VPN, rinse and repeat!
ride around town hopping on others wifi and make your accounts .. make sure to wear sunscreen that thing in the sky they call sun is hot... no its not a shiney and you cant add it to your collection!
Discussion - How do you create your multiple accounts?

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