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casino macro need ) (1 Viewer)


New member
Feb 22, 2006
i do a search before post and trying to search a macro that do just give 4 token and stop when get golden ticket i try 2 or 3 macro but all seem to not working
it could be very nice if someone could write a quick thing simple that give 4 token and stop when gold ticket come ) ty by advance and sorry for bad anglish
i am frenchy nobody s perfect )
Buy the tokens open the bags with with tokens in them and then move to and target the guy you want to hand the tokens too.
This works for me.
Rich (BB code):
|Casino Plat-waster by Groo Apr 29, 2004

Sub Main
   /declare i int
      /for i 0 to 3
         /call PickupToken
         /call GiveToken ${i}
      /next i
      /call ClickTrade
      /call ClearCursor
      /if (${FindItem[Gold Ticket].ID}) {
      /delay 1s
      /goto :Loop

Sub GiveToken(i)
   /if (${i}>0) {
      /notify GiveWnd GVW_MyItemSlot${i} leftmouseup
   } else {
      /click left target
         /delay 1
         /if (!${Window[GiveWnd].Open}) /goto :Loop
   /delay 3

Sub PickupToken
   /if (!${FindItem[King's Court Token].ID}) {
        /echo Could not find King's Court Token in inventory

      /ctrl /itemnotify ${FindItem[=King's Court Token].InvSlot} leftmouseup

      /if (!${Cursor.ID}) {
         /delay 1
         /goto :Loop

Sub ClickTrade
   /notify GiveWnd GVW_Give_Button leftmouseup   
   /delay 1s

sub ClearCursor
      /if (!${Cursor.ID}) /return
      /delay 1s
      /goto :Loop
here is a sample of how it woould work.
Rich (BB code):
#event ticket "You have gotten a ticket and you need exact text here."

sub event_ticket
/echo yay you won.

you need to throw a /doevents in there some where too.
casino macro need )

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