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TheZ v4.XX (Works with 4/19/06 patch) (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2006
Notes (v4.3a)
-monkeyed with the MQ2Main and MQ2Chatwnd code to increase stability, hopefully.

Notes (v4.3)
-updated to MQ2-20060501
-updated MQ2Melee to 5/01 version
-updated MQ2Cast to 4/29 version
-updated MQ2Cursor to 4/28 version

If you have any problems with this compile, please, don't hesitate to bash me. Also, if you see any plugins you want added on...feel free to ask. I'll add it if I can find the code. And if, god forbid, you like it, red cents never hurt!


Download the zip at the bottom of this post
Unzip to a folder of your choice
Run MacroQuest2.exe from that folder
Run EverQuest.exe
In-Game, type "/plugin <plugin name> load" to add all plugins you wish to use
Refer back to this post for any syntax and plugin descriptions you need
For plugins that require an XML window, don't forget to put the MQUI files in your "default" ui folder.

*** REMEMBER: Commands listed below will not work unless you load the plugin that enables them first!!!

The following plugins are included, but not enabled by default.
-MQ2Timer (XML included)

-MQ2BuffTool (XML included)
-MQ2Cast (XML included)
-MQ2DoCrack (XML included)
-MQ2DPS (XML included)
-MQ2LinkDB (Download Database HERE)

Plugin Descriptions and Syntax

MQ2Netbots - Provides Linked MQ2EQBC Client way to exchange/share statistics/status to others and make those informations available in TLO for macro scripters and HUD designers.
Rich (BB code):
/netbots on/off
/netbots grab=on/off
/netbots send=on/off
/netbots heal=on/off
/netbots gem=on/off
/netbots buff=on/off
/netbots song=on/off
/netbots PetBuff=on/off

grab: listen to others status on the network.
send: broadcast your status over the network.
heal: broadcast your groups health for listening mq2netheals.
gem: broadcast your spell medded
buff: broadcast your buff
song: broadcast your song
petbuff: broadcast your petbuff

ie: /netbots on grab=on send=on

MQ2Netstats - Simple HUD plugins that display every linked bot that send their status their Name, Health Pct, Mana Pct, Endu Pct and Pet Pct using some text based gauges.
Rich (BB code):
/netstat on/off
/netstat x=5
/netstat y=40

x: Screen Location
y: Screen Location

/ie: Netstat on x=5 y=40

MQ2SpellTimer - Advanced MQ2Timer on steroids

Rich (BB code):
- No ini files needed, no need to setup durations of spells.
- Support instant clikies and instant aas casted on yourself.
- Attempt to keep track of all ae spells that you cast.
- Easy to use XML window with lots of filtering options.
- Easy to setup preference for left or right clicking on list.
- XML Window locked mode that wont close if you hit escape.
- Auto Save your XML window preferences when plugin unload. 

/SpellTimer: Tell the plugin to show his current version, scan your inventory for clickies item and focus item, and force him to popup the spell timer window. (This should be called each time you finish looting your corpse when you die. Otherwise you will loose detection of instant clickes/aas and get wrong duration report on beneficial/detrimental spells.)

MQ2SpellTimer does not have yet a built in Top Level Object (TLO) to provides data informations. I might depending on user appreciation add this in some upcoming versions.

- Instant clickies and aas are tracked down only when casted on self.
- Please make sure you are filtering only spells you are casting.
- You might end up with spells timer for spells that you didnt cast.
- Timer desynchronisation on long term buffs. Sony tick is not constant to 6 seconds.

MQ2Teamspeak - Allows you to control Teamspeak application from within EQ.
Rich (BB code):
/ts connect (I have my ts server settings saved)
/ts show (shows hud display of people in channels) 

Right now the HUD display is defaulted to x 500, y 500, move it with /ts setting x 800 and /ts setting y 1000, etc :) 
/ts [connect|disconnect] [serverinfo[params]]
params (connect) nickname, loginname, password, channel, subchannel, channelpassword
/ts connect nickname=Drunkdwarf channel=Main channelpassword=uber

/ts [mute|afk|silent|players|channels|me|show]

MQ2Spawnmaster - Spawn tracking/analysis utility

Rich (BB code):
/spawnmaster - display usage information

MQ2Faerune - Passive plugin. Load this up and it will give you a faerune buff in your song window...this is EB, See Invis, and Ultravision.

MQ2Cobalt - More Advanced/complicated zoning/warping plugin. If you dont need it, you probably don't want it. As a note, it does *not* do chainzones, so I would recommend keeping piggyzone loaded if you want chainzoning. As a note, I changed the commands from /warp to /cwarp and /zone to /czone, so that you may use piggyzone, rwarp, and cobalt at your leisure.

Rich (BB code):
/cwarp s - warps you to the safe/succor spot in your current zone.
/cwarp t - warp to your target
/cwarp YLoc XLoc ZLoc - yeah
/czone ${Target.ShortName} - to zone to a target or manually enter a name if you know it. ie) /czone Cobalt
/czone poknowledge - same as /czone poknowledge 0 or zone to nothing or aka 0.0 0.0 0.0 (since floats are set to null if you don't specify a loc)
/czone poknowledge 1 - to zone to succor point (normal zone plugins do this)
/czone poknowledge 0 0 123.0 456.0 789.0 - zone to a specific location

MQ2Autoforage - Autoforaging...yeah.
Rich (BB code):
   /startforage         - commence autoforaging.
   /stopforage            - stop autoforaging.
   /keepitem {item}      - add/change the item in the .ini file to auto-keep.
   /destroyitem {item}      - add/change the item in the .ini file to auto-destroy.

MQ2Fakelink - Fake links in channels of your choice. Enjoy.

SYNTAX for MQ2Fakelink

MQ2Combat - A simpler type of autocombat plugin similar to MQ2Melee, but without as nearly as many features.
Rich (BB code):
/combat help - Displays help information.
/combat      - Start fighting your target.
/fight       - Same as /combat, but does not toggle combat music.

MQ2Targets - An interesting blend of MQ2Spawnmaster and HUD displays.

SYNTAX for MQ2Targets

MQ2Clip - This plugin will automatically adjust your clip plane based on how much FPS you are getting, the goal being to keep your FPS hovering around the same number, no matter how laggy of a zone you happen to be in. No commands after loaded.

MQ2SuperDuperReallyGhettoSpeed - Speed hack
Rich (BB code):
/speed 1 - undoes the speed mod
/speed 2-5 --sets speed at various mods. Don't go higher than 5.

MQ2Trademods - This is a plugin to automatically swap in % mod items for tradeskills. It works by checking if a tradeskill window has just been opened/closed, identifying what type of container it is (brewing, baking, etc...) and the swapping in the appropriate % mod item into your mainhand (or your original weapon). This requires MQ2Exchange to be loaded.
The plugin works for the following:
Rich (BB code):

Sample INI
Rich (BB code):
BAKING=Grandmaster Baker's Spoon
TAILORING=Grandmaster Tailor's Needle
SMITHING=Grandmaster Smith's Hammer
FLETCHING=Grandmaster Fletcher's Knife
BREWING=Grandmaster Brewer's Corker
JEWELRY=Grandmaster Jeweler's Eyeglass
POTTERY=Grandmaster Potter's Sculpter
PRIMARY=Staff of Living Brambles

MQ2COpen - Open things from a distance
Rich (BB code):
/open - Open targeted chest/object

MQ2CGank - Pick up items at a distance. Used in conjunction with /itemtarget
Rich (BB code):
/gank - pick up item that has been targeted with /itemtarget

MQ2Piggyzone - Gate/Zone/Chainshift/Fade/Succor
Rich (BB code):
/zone qeynos2 - takes you to North Qeynos if it knows a path
/zone force qeynos - takes you directly to North Qeynos and crashes if you aren't adjacent
/findpath qeynos2 - displays the path to North Qeynos
/findpath North - displays all of the zonenames whose long name contains "North"
/fade - zones you to the zone you are already in (even if its instanced)
/gate - Returns you to your bind point
/succor - fades you out, then back in at the succor point
MQ2Cursor - s0rcier version of MQ2Autodestroy, with a bonus or two, because s0rcier is god.

Rich (BB code):
/autokeep on/off/auto         | Turn on/off or Toggle AutoKeeping of item held.
/autokeep rem(ove) ID/Name    | Remove ItemID or ItemName from List if Found!
/autokeep del(ete) ID/Name    | Delete ItemID or ItemName from List if Found!
/autokeep help                | Internal Help Command
/autokeep list                | List Items in the Keep List.
/autokeep #[ st(acks)]        | Amount that should be kept. (Item on Cursor).
/autokeep al(l(ways))         | Keep All of those (Item on Cursor).

/autodrop on/off/auto         | Turn on/off or Toggle AutoDropping of item held.
/autodrop rem(ove) ID/Name    | Remove ItemID or ItemName from List if Found!
/autodrop del(ete) ID/Name    | Delete ItemID or ItemName from List if Found!
/autodrop help                | Internal Help Command
/autodrop list                | List Items in the Drop List.
/autodrop #[ st(acks)]        | Drop when you have more then this amount.
/autodrop al(l(ways))         | Drop All of those (Item on Cursor).

/autodestroy on/off/auto      | Turn on/off or Toggle AutoDestroy of item held.
/autodestroy rem(ove) ID/Name | Remove ItemID or ItemName from List if Found!
/autodestroy del(ete) ID/Name | Delete ItemID or ItemName from List if Found!
/autodestroy help             | Internal Help Command
/autodestroy list             | List Items in the Destroy List.
/autodestroy #[ st(acks)]     | Destroy when you have more then this amount.
/autodestroy al(l(ways))      | Destroy All of those (Item on Cursor).

/cursorkeep                   | Tell to Keep item held (wont affect keep list).
/cursordrop                   | Tell to Drop item held (wont affect drop list).
/cursordestroy                | Tell to Destroy item held (wont affect destroy list).

/handlecursor                 | Tell to handle cursor, check keep/drop/destroy list.

/autocursor [no param]        | Same as /handlecursor
/autocursor on/off/auto       | Turn on/off or Toggle Background Cursor Handling.
/autocursor quiet on/off/auto | Turn on/off or Toggle Quiet Processing Flag.
/autocursor load/save         | Load/Save Setting from/to INI file.
/autocursor help              | Internal Help Command
/autocursor drop [no param]   | Same as /cursordrop
/autocursor drop [param]      | Same as /autodrop [params]
/autocursor destroy [no param]| Same as /cursordestroy
/autocursor destroy [params]  | Same as /autodestroy [params]
/autocursor keep [no param]   | Same as /cursorkeep
/autocursor keep [params]     | Same as /autokeep [params]

MQ2Hail - Long distance hails. NOTE: you will show up at the target for a brief second and it is possibly to get agro

Rich (BB code):
/hailtarget - hail your target from anywhere inzone.
/saytarget - say anything to your target from inzone.

MQ2Debuff - Nice little plugin that figures out how many counters of what type you have and makes it available as MQData. Has a HUD attachment that can be added.
Rich (BB code):
// MQ2Data:
// Debuff               (bool True if you have debuffs on that have counters on them, false if not)
// Debuff.Poisoned      (int  # of poison counters on you)
// Debuff.Diseased      (int  # of disease counters on you)
// Debuff.Cursed        (int  # of curse counters on you)
// Debuff.Poisons       (int  # of poison spells affecting you)
// Debuff.Diseases      (int  # of disease spells affecting you)
// Debuff.Curses        (int  # of curse spells affecting you)
// Debuff.Count         (int  # of debuffs that need cured, does not include snare)
// Debuff.HPDrain       (int  Amount of HP you are losing per tick from debuffs. This value is POSITIVE)
// Debuff.HPDrain[X]    (int  X= Disease, Poison, Curse, All: Number of specific counters effecting HPDrain)      
// Debuff.ManaDrain     (int  Amount of Mana you are losing per tick from debuffs. This value is POSITIVE)
// Debuff.ManaDrain[X]  (int  X= Disease, Poison, Curse, All: Number of specific counters effecting ManaDrain)      
// Debuff.Slowed        (bool True if you are Slowed (melee attacks), False if not)
// Debuff.SpellSlowed   (bool True if you are SpellSlowed (spell haste reduction), False if not)
// Debuff.CastingLevel  (bool True if your Effective Casting Level has been reduced, False if not)
// Debuff.HealingEff    (bool True if you are Healing Effectiveness has been reduced, False if not)
// Debuff.SpellDmgEff   (bool True if your Spell Damage Effectiveness has been reduced, False if not)
// koad 09-11-2005 added these members:
// Debuff.Snared        (bool True if your are Snared, False if not)
// Debuff.ManaCost      (bool True if your Spell Mana Cost has been raised, False if not)

*This* part can be added to your MQ2Hud if you run the plugin. You may need to alter some of the numbers to get it going for your UI set up. Check out the MQ2Hudmove plugin in the zip's info for some basic ideas on how to do this.
Rich (BB code):
PoisonCounter=1,400,170,0,250,50,${If[${Debuff.Poisoned},${Debuff.Poisoned} POISON,]}
DiseaseCounter=1,400,185,200,200,50,${If[${Debuff.Diseased},${Debuff.Diseased} DISEASE,]}
CurseCounter=1,400,200,250,200,150,${If[${Debuff.Cursed},${Debuff.Cursed} CURSE,]}
DrainHP=1,465,170,250,0,10,${If[${Debuff.HPDrain},-${Debuff.HPDrain} HP/tick,]}
DrainMana=1,465,185,0,50,250,${If[${Debuff.ManaDrain},-${Debuff.ManaDrain} Mana/tick ,]}
BadThings=1,400,220,255,0,10,${If[${Debuff.Snared},SNARED ,]}${If[${Debuff.Slowed},SLOWED ,]}${If[${Debuff.SpellSlowed},SPELLSLOWED ,]}${If[${Debuff.CastingLevel},EFFCASTLEVELDOWN ,]}${If[${Debuff.HealingEff},HEALEFFECTIVEDOWN ,]}${If[${Debuff.SpellDmgEff},SPELLDMGDOWN ,]}${If[${Debuff.ManaCost},MANACOSTUP ,]}
That hud is produced from a buffbar looking like:

And the resulting HUD would look something like this:

MQ2OTD - OTD stands for Overhead Target Direction.
Rich (BB code):
Commands available:
/otd (displays available options)
/otd moveto x y (centers the output at x,y - and stores in ini file)
/otd moveby x y (Like moveto, but moves from where it is by x and y)
/otd on (turns on output)
/otd off (turns off output)
/otd range (toggles numeric range display)
/otd reload (reloads ini file)
/otd drawtight (default off - displays range very close to direction pointer)
/otd getloc (displays current x,y location)

It uses the hud to display an overhead low-tech pointer to your current target. If the target is behind you, it points down. If it is in front of you it points up. If it is to your right... well you get it.

It also displays the range to target (optionally) and changes color as you change distance from target.

It's a silly character-based implementation of something that has become very useful to me. If you look at the code and see how the stunning stick figure graphics are accomplished, you will laugh and you should. But if you use it, I think you will like it.

Finally, it is not to be confused with MQ2Ctd plugin (which gives you and instant crash to desktop).

Now loads colors from INI if they are present. v0.0.2
Add [COLORS] section, and add settings in the following format:
Note: these setting must be in ascending range order,
or none will be loaded (defaults used instead).
Also, there is a LABELCOLOR setting that is used for coloring
the range number.
Here is an example (add to end of mq2otd.ini - or create if does not exist): 




Rich (BB code):
RANGECOLOR3=19FF19 200 1
RANGECOLOR4=C8C820 201 0
RANGECOLOR5=505020 500 1

Rich (BB code):
// MQ2AutoSize.cpp : Automatically Shrink PC's within specific Range (Client Only!)
// version 0.9 (by Psycotic)
// Usage:
//   This plugin will automatically shrink everyone within range down to minimum
//   allowed size.   They will automatically resize back to normal when they move
//   out of range.  (Current range is set at 50' - adjust with #define RANGE)
//   NOTE:  These effects are CLIENT SIDE ONLY!
// Commands:
//  /autosize              - Toggles AutoSizing on/off
// Known Issues/ToDo:
//  - Add configuration file to adjust range, shrinkable targets, and possible
//    unshrinkable list.
//  - Add the ability to resize self (toggle)

Rich (BB code):

/createset <setname> slotname1|slotnumber slotname2|slotnumber2 ... (slotname21|slotnumber22)
Creates a set in MQ2Bandolier_<CharName>.ini using the selected equipment slots. If you use the name of an existing set, it will be over-written.

/deleteset <setname>
Deletes the specified setname from the characters ini.

/equipset <setname>
Equips all items of the specified set.


/createset ThisSet chest mainhand offhand
/createset ThisSet 17 13 14

Both of the above examples will create the following ini entry:



/deleteset ThisSet
Deletes the ThisSet section in the ini

/equipset ThisSet
Equips all of the items from the ThisSet section in the ini

MQ2Charnotes-Add Character / NPC Comments, Viewable in Chat and HUD
Rich (BB code):
// Usage:
//   This plugin lets you add a PC or NPC comment to a character.  When
//   active, It scan any new spawns, and all spawns upon zoning in, for
//   any comments you have saved in MQCharNotes.ini.  It will display these
//   comments in the MQChat window upon spawn or zone if anyone zones in
//   or is currently in zone when you enter.  It will display the current
//   targeted player or NPC comment in the HUD.
// Commands:
//  /charnote <comment>   - Currently targeted PC or NPC will have the comment 
//                          assigned to them, and be displayed as requested
//                          If the target is a corpse, it will assign the 
//                          comment to the live  PC or NPC it belongs to.
//                          If the comment already exists, it will update it.
//  /charnote -delete     - Will delete the comment from the currently targeted
//                          PC or NPC.  Currently will only 'clear' the comment
//                          and not actually remove the name from the INI file.
//  /charnotepos <x> <y>  - Assigns the position of the comment in the HUD
//  Examples -
//  (With "a rabbit" currently targeted)
//   /charnote This guy's foot isn't so lucky anymore!
//    - Would add the comment "This guy's foot isn't so lucky anymore!"
//      to any "a rabbit" NPC's in zone.
//  (With "Psycotic" currently targeted)
//   /charnote This guy rocks!
//    - Would add the comment "This guy rocks!" to PC Psycotic
//   /charnote -delete
//    - Would clear the comment from Psycotic, leaving Psycotic's INI entry

//   /charnotepos 200 500
//    - Would change the current HUD location of the comment to x200 y500
// INI File Config Settings - Current possible settings
// CharNotesPosX=200       - Current HUD X-Axis Location
// CharNotesPosY=170       - Current HUD Y-Axis Location
// ShowInChat=on           - Toggle Showing Comments in Chat
// ShowInHUD=on            - Toggle Showing Comments on HUD
// MaxNotes=200            - Maximum Number of Possible Comments

MQ2Events - Ini-determined, event driven.

// commands:
//    /event <load|delete <name>|settrigger <name> <trigger text>|setcommand <name> <command text>|list>
// variables:
//    EventArg1  these are set acording to last event triggered and correspond to #1# .. #9#
//    EventArg2  these are not cleared so you can have one event use #9# and once set it will stay set until another #9# is encountered.
//    EventArg3
//    EventArg4
//    EventArg5
//    EventArg6
//    EventArg7
//    EventArg8
//    EventArg9
// ini file: MQ2Events_CharacterName.ini
// [eventname]
// trigger=trigger text
// command=command to execute when triggered
// ini example entries
// [enrage]
// trigger=|${Target.DisplayName}| has become ENRAGED#2#
// command=/attack off
// [relaytell]
// trigger=#1# tells you, #2#
// command=/tell relaytargetname ${EventArg1} told me, '${EventArg2.Mid[2,${Math.Calc[${EventArg2.Length}-2]}]}'
// [group]
// trigger=#1#To join the group, click on the 'FOLLOW' option, or 'DISBAND' to cancel.#2#
// command=/timed ${Math.Calc[3+${Math.Rand[4]}].Int}s /keypress ctrl+i
// [raid]
// trigger=#1#To join the raid click the accept button in the raid window or type /raidaccept.#2#
// command=/timed ${Math.Calc[3+${Math.Rand[4]}].Int}s /raidaccept

Rich (BB code):
// Inspired by Fibby's MQ2MasterMind. MQ2Mastermind was good because
// it let me control my bots, and have them run macros w/o actually
// looking at that screen and manually fiddle with buttons.
// I found I would also have situations where I'd want friends to control
// my toons, for situations where one of us would fall asleep etc..
// but MQ2MasterMind only allows 1 controller.
// The next problem is each time the bot is run, you need to resend the password
// When someone sends a blank password, like many do in eq, it would accept it..
// Not good for a random person checking to see if you've zoned see's
// "I will do you bidding"...
// I made MQ2Slave to address all these issues.
// To start it, type /plugin mq2slave
// To add someone named "Mrmath" to the master list, type
// /addmaster mrmath
// To remove "Mrmath" from the master list, you need to type
// /remmaster Mrmath
// *Note* removing masters is case sensitive, adding them is not.
// That is all there is to it, if any of the masters in the .ini file
// send the slave a tell starting with / then the slave will do it.
// The list of masters is saved in the MQ2Slave.ini file which is
// completely customized the first time you run MQ2Slave and is
// edited via eq (you don't have to open the .ini file).

Rich (BB code):
MQ2Vendors is a plugin that lets you setup a search list of items that you want to be notified about if they popup on a vendor that your browsing. Notification happens in the MQ2 chat window and also by adding <<<< >>>> around the vendors name in the MerchantWnd.

You can add/remove/list items on the search list. Passing an item link is valid too. The link information is stripped off before it is saved to the search list. (Search list is global for all characters).

The ability to save a vendors default item list is also available.

"/vendor savevendors" to enable or "/vendor nosavevendors" to disable. the default is disabled.

MQ2Randomstuff - Pulls random text strings from ini file and assigns them to ${RandomStuff}
Rich (BB code):
// Commands:
//  /randomstuff [section] - Picks a random key from [section] of the INI file,
//                           to be returned by ${RandomStuff}

So.. with an ini file like this
Rich (BB code):
hybrid2=shadow knight
incoming1=Holy shit! %t incoming!
incoming2=%t is a big nasty monster!  kill it!
incoming3=%t said he hates gnomes...then again who doesn't?
incoming4=Look, over in the bushes!  It's %t!
You could do
Rich (BB code):
/multiline ; /randomstuff incoming ; /gsay ${RandomStuff}
to trigger a random incoming message. Or maybe
Rich (BB code):
/multiline ; /randomstuff hybrid ; /raidsay some ${RandomStuff} needs to kite that add!
MQ2Customsound -- Assigns custom sounds to chat events.

Rich (BB code):
The MQ2CustomSound plug-in allows MQ2 users to define custom sound events that play based on unique chat events. These events and the sound effects that are played for them are dictated entirely by settings found in the MQ2CustomSound INI file.

With MQ2CustomSound, you can have a sound play...
  - Whenever anybody (or certain people) send you /tell's WHILE FILTERING OUT NPC TELLS!
  - When a spell drops or is resisted
  - When you enable a discipline or a discipline drops
  - Whenever somebody says any particular word, or mentions any particular item
  - When you get hit/stunned/zone/die/camp/etc.


/togglesounds - Turns all custom sound events on/off DEFAULT: OFF

/npctellsounds - Turns NPC tell filter on/off, when ON - tells that come from NPCs will not fire sound events  DEFAULT: ON

/notradersounds - Toggles the Trader Sound Filter on/off. When ON, tell sound events from characters in trader mode will be suppressed. Note: Trader filtering only works when in the Bazaar DEFAULT: OFF

/sound [sound name] - plays the sound identified with a particular sound name (from the INI) - this is based off the MQ2PlaySound plug-in by Digitalxero and was included here for completeness

/sound stop - immediately stops the play-back of whatever sound is currently playing


In order for any sound effect to be played, you must create and configure your MQ2CustomSound.ini file. For the purpose of explaining how it all works, here is a sample INI file:

;>> START Sample MQ2CustomSound.ini START<<

tell=tells you
camp=It will take you about 30 seconds to prepare your camp


;>> END Sample MQ2CustomSound.ini END<<

The INI file creates our custom events (the Events section), defines the text the plug-in must match in order to fire the event (the MatchStrings section) and then provides the sound file that should be played when the
event fires (the Sounds section.)

Defining Events:
All event names should be listed together in the 'keys' entry, separated by the | character. The sample INI above defines three events: tell, zone, and camp. These event names are then used in the other two sections of
the INI file, so make sure you use the same case and names throughout.

For every event name you must have a corresponding key in both the Match String and the Sounds sections!
For every event name you must have a corresponding key in both the Match String and the Sounds sections!
For every event name you must have a corresponding key in both the Match String and the Sounds sections!

NOTE: The last event name in the keys entry should ALWAYS end with a | as well.

Defining Match Strings:
Match Strings define the text that the plug-in matches in order to play the right sound. This text should appear in the INI file exactly as it does in-game and uses the event names defined in the [Events] section as keys.

In the example, since we defined events for tell, zone and camp, we have tell, zone and camp keys defined in the [MatchString] section. From this we can see that the tell event is fired whenever text containing "tells you" appears in any text window within EQ, while the zone event fires whenever the text "LOADING, PLEASE WAIT" appears, and the camp event fires whenever the text "It will take you about 30 seconds to prepare your camp" appears.

Defining Sounds:
The sounds section defines the actual sound files that should be played when an event is fired. This should be a full path location and the backslach character ( \ ) must be padded ( \\ ) in order to function properly (see example.)

In the example, since we defined events and match strings for tell, zone and camp, we also have tell, zone and camp keys defined in the [Sounds] section. All of the files in the example are located in the C:\MQ2\sounds\ directory and AIMding.wav would play when you received a /tell, jeopardy.wav would play when you zone, and astalavista.wav would play when you start your camp!

You can also define sound keys that are not automatically fired by any text event. This is what you see in the 'waycool' key in the [Sounds] section in the example. This enables us to play a sound using the '/sound
waycool' command. Possible reasons for using such an event would be the inclusion of sound effects in MQ2 macros, or included in your own EQ hotkey macro's, etc.

Supported Sound Formats:
Technically play-back of sounds is handled by Windows, so any file format that Windows has a supported driver/codec for should be supported. However, I've only had luck getting it to play .WAV files, so you're best just to use them! Many MP3 applications (WinAmp) can convert from MP3 to WAV if you need to. There's also tons of .wav files to be had out on the net.

MQ2BardSwap - This plugin attempts to retrieve the current song from the twist plugin, if that TLO exists, and swap the correct intstrument into use.

Rich (BB code):
Horn=/exchange "Me So Horny" mainhand
Drum=/exchange "Tambourine of Wonder" mainhand
Lute=/exchange "Lute Skywalker" mainhand
Weapons=/exchange "Really Really Really Sharp Knife" mainhand
;instruments don't have an effect on these
exclude1=Requiem of Time
exclude2=Selo's Rhythm of Speed
exclude3=Selo`s Assonant Strane
exclude4=Song of Sustenance
exclude5=Alenia`s Disenchanting Melody
;no swap for my Composers Greaves click please
exclude6=Selo`s Accelerating Chorus
;or lute of the flowing waters click
exclude7=Wind of Marr

Rich (BB code):
/bardswap       - Toggle swapping on and off.
/bardswap melee - Toggle using "Melee swap" delay.

MQ2BuffTool - This is also a plugin that will click off buffs automatically, but includes some logic to decide what to click off.

TLO Added
Rich (BB code):
${Block.Ready}    (bool Plugin Loaded && InGame && Bloc Enable)
${Block.Quiet}    (bool Always true or NULL if plugin not loaded)
${Block.Popup}    (bool Should i Popup Msg on Spell Block?)
${Block.Count}    (int  # of buff in bloc list)
${Block.Total}    (int  # of buff blocked so far)
${Block.Spell[X]} (int  # of free slot for a spell -1 not found)
${Block.Maxim[X]} (int  Maxim # of Buff (1=buff,2=song,3=pet))
${Block.Avail[X]} (int  Avail # of Buff (1=buff,2=song,3=pet))

Rich (BB code):
/Command Common to ALL (ie /block /unblock /clickoff)
/Command /Help   (Show Help)
/Command /List   (Show List of Spells Being Blocked)
/Command /Load   (Load Settings and Bloc List from INI)
/Command /Save   (Save Settings and Bloc List to INI)
/Command /Block  (Toggle on/off Scan for Bloc Buffs)
/Command /Popop  (Toggle on/off Display of Popups)
/Command /Window (Popups XML Windows)

/Block <##/Name/[Set]> <MODE>
/Block ##   <MODE> (spell on slot ##, -## for song)
/Block Name <MODE> (spell matching that name)
/Block [Set]       (spell list from INI)

<MODE> 0=always(default) 1+ free buff to keep (Optional)

/Unblock <##/Name/[Set]>
/Unblock ##        (remove Block from bloc list ##)
/Unblock Name      (remove Block for that spell name)
/Unblock [Set]     (remove Block for this List from INI)

/Clickoff <##/Name/[Set]>
/Clickoff ##       (click off slot ##, -## for song)
/Clickoff Name     (click off buff matching that name)
/Clickoff [Set]    (click off buff from List in INI)

MQ2Cast - This plugin performs basic casting functions and creates some shortcut TLOs useful in macros. Thanks to its new author, A_Enchanter_00, it also has spell tracking abilities. Check them out!


A nice little HUD snippet to go with the plugin:
Rich (BB code):
CS1=3,425,150,255,255,255,~~ CASTING ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
CS2=3,425,162,255,255,255,Cast Effect: ${If[${Cast.Effect.ID},${Cast.Effect.Name},NONE]}
CS3=3,425,174,255,255,255,Cast Timing: ${Cast.Timing}
CS4=3,425,186,255,255,255,Cast Ready : ${Cast.Ready}
CS5=3,425,198,255,255,255,Cast Status: ${Cast.Status}
CS6=3,425,210,255,255,255,Cast Result: ${Cast.Result}
CS7=3,425,222,255,255,255,Cast Stored: ${If[${Cast.Stored.ID},${Cast.Stored.Name},NONE]}

MQ2CSum - This plugin allows you to summon a corpse from anywhere in the zone.

Rich (BB code):
/sumcorpse - Summons targetted corpse to your feet. (Must have consent)

MQ2DoCrack - This plugin facilitates applying memory patches to the eqgame.exe process.

Rich (BB code):
/docrack list 
     - Lists all available cracks and their current status. 

/docrack <crack name> [on|off] [silent] 
     - Apply or remove <crack name>.  [silent] does it without printing out 
       anything (used during startup). 
/showmem <address> <bytes to show>
     - Shows X amount of bytes of memory at specified address 

/dooffset <address> <memory>
     - Writes supplied memory to specified address

     - Opens or closes the DoCrack window - must have XML file in your UI folder

MQ2Doors - This plugin allows you to hide unlocked doors and walk through them.

Rich (BB code):
/toggledoors on     - Hides all doors in current zone.
/toggledoors off    - Shows all doors and disables 'always' toggle.
/toggledoors always - Hides all doors as soon as you zone anywhere.

MQ2DPS - This plugin is a real-time DPS parser.


MQ2Eqbc - This plugin allows you to send remote commands via box chat much like mastermind does, remotely log into a different character (ie. load up cleric for rezzing) and control anyone anywhere (ie. someone in your raid needs to afk for a while: they connect to your server, you remotely load macros as pimp their char as needed until they return). (Yea, this is the SHIT, I know.)

Rich (BB code):
/bccmd connect <server> <port> (defaults: 2112)
/bccmd quit (disconnects)
/bccmd help (show help)
/bccmd status (show connected or not)
/bccmd reconnect (close current connection and connect again)
/bccmd names (show who is connected)
/bccmd colordump (show color codes)
/bccmd togglecontrol (toggle allow control)
/bccmd togglewindow (toggle dedicated window)
/bccmd toggleautoconnect (toggle auto connect)
/bccmd togglecompatmode (toggle IRC Compatability mode)
/bccmd togglereconnect (toggle auto-reconnect mode on server disconnect)
/bccmd setreconnectsecs n (n is seconds to reconnect: default 15)
/bccmd stopreconnect (stop trying to reconnect for now)
/bccmd relog <charname>
/bccmd version (show version)
/bc your text (send text)
/bc ToonName //command (send Command to ToonName)
/bca //command (send command to all Toons)

MQ2Eqbcs.exe - Eqbcs is a server that can be run as a console app on windows or *nix, and is the server software used to operate Eqbc.

Rich (BB code):
It takes one command line parameter, which is the port you want to bind to (default is 2112)

Control-C ends the program.

MQ2ExchangeItem - This plugin will allow you to exchange items or unequip items without having any inventory windows or bags opened. Will now allow exchanging items that are in main inventory slots, not just in bags.

Rich (BB code):
NOTE: If you use custombinds using shift, alt, or ctrl, and use /itemnotify to right click the item... ENSURE that you use the format: "/nomodkey /itemnotify <slotname> rightmouseup"

/exchange "item name" <slotname> - Swaps "item name" into <slotname>
/unequip <slotname>              - Unequip any of the equipment slots
/exchange help                   - Gives a list of the commands available
/exchange help list              - Gives a list of the equipment slot names

Slotname can be any of the standard named slots:


pack1 - pack8

MQ2FeedMe - This plugin will force-feed food and drink you specify in the ini, so you don't eat your stat food in the top slot.

Rich (BB code):
Drink1=Brackish Water
Drink2=Glob of Slush Water
Drink3=Pod of Water

Food1=Arctic King Crab
Food2=Arctic Mussels
Food3=Arctic Scallop


The two "3500" values at the end indicate hunger and thirst level at which to eat or drink a new item.

Rich (BB code):
/autofeed  - Begin automatically feeding.
/autodrink - Begin automatically drinking.

MQ2FPS - This plugin changes the frames per second of the Everquest screen when it is in focus and when it is in the background. This is the same as EQPlayNice, only more macro friendly.


MQ2HudMove - This plugin moves HUDs around from withing EQ without manually editing MQ2HUD.ini

SYNTAX for MQ2HudMove

MQ2LinkDB - This plugin basically allows you to be a LinkBot. It stores links in a database and allows you to request a link to be posted. Make sure you type import the database with the "/link /import" command after getting ingame and unzipping the file in the right spot...see below.


MQ2Melee - This plugin activates common combat abilities at logical times determined by the user.

SYNTAX for MQ2Melee

MQ2MoveUtils - This plugin performs basic monotonous movement tasks.

SYNTAX for MQ2MoveUtils

MQ2PreventSpeed - This plugin eliminates all changes to your speed, positive or negative.

Rich (BB code):
/dspeed - Toggle PreventSpeed on/off

MQ2Rwarp - Warps.

Rich (BB code):
/zwarp <distance> - Warps you a specified distance on the Z axis.
/exactloc - Gives you a high-precision /loc readout
/waypoint - Sets a waypoint for future /warping
/warp <succor|last|loc <y x z>|dir <dist>|target|wp name>

MQ2Size - This plugin allows you to change the size of characters on your screen. (client side only)

Rich (BB code):
/size 1-98

*WARNING* Do not go higher than /size 98. If you do, you'll have to delete your character file and do a complete file check with the EQ patcher.

MQ2TimeStamp - This plugin inserts a timestamp into incoming chat.

Rich (BB code):
/timestamp [ help| on | off | reload | default | format <format> | loc <0|1> | maxlen <length> ]
      Will toggle on/off with no arguments
      help   - displays usage information
      on/off   - enables/disables timestamps
      reload   - reloads the ini file
      default - resets your format to default(only changeable via ini)
      format   - sets your timestamp format to <format>
      loc      - sets timestamp location: 0-append, 1-prepend
      maxlen   - sets the maximum length of parsed timestamp.

MQ2Tracking - This plugin will provide a similar tracking window to the one used by native tracking characters.

SYNTAX for MQ2Tracking

MQ2Twist - This plugin automates the twisting of bard songs.
SYNTAX for MQ2Twist

MQ2EXPTracker - This plugin is a text-based XP tracker. Uses no XML files.

TLO Added
Rich (BB code):
With Index:


${XPTracker[].Total}      - Total % gained since tracking started
${XPTracker[].Average}    - Average gain per-change/kill (Everquest "points" format)
${XPTracker[].AveragePct} - Average gain per-change/kill as a %
${XPTracker[].TimeToDing} - Estimated hours until ding.

With No Index:

${XPTracker.RunTime}      - Time since tracking started in HH:MM:SS format
${XPTracker.RunTimeHours} - Time since tracking started in hours
${XPTracker.KillsPerHour} - Estimated number of changes per hour
${XPTracker.Changes}      - Total number of changes tracked so far

Rich (BB code):
/xptracker       - Display time tracking was started.
/xptracker reset - Reset all events and begin tracking as if plugin was just loaded
/xptracker total - Display total gains since tracking start
/xptracker quiet - Toggle output of tracking messages
/xpevents        - list the events/timestamps of the events we've tracked
/xpevents [#]    - lists the events tracked in the past [#] seconds
/xpaverage       - lists the average (mean) xp per-kill
Last edited:
Now that I think back, I may have forgotten to update the offset for that plugin...I'll do that for the next version.
Blah, okay. Thought I tested it, but will try again.

Also, for those who need it, unfortunately, mq2cast doesn't seem to be working right. =/
My /zone is working fine, though I just dump this over my own compile, since I don't have time at work to compile my own, have to do that when I get home
It crashed me when useing /succor.but still red cent for you everything else seems to be workin properly.
ncthavoc said:
was in an empty GH and tried to /zone txevu and ctd all 5 times so i ran my lazy ass over.

well not sure about any one else but i have NEVER been able to zone in to or zone out of GH or GL useing the zone plugin..... so in my opinion this is not new bug..... try manually runing to POK then use your zone comand again.
I have never had a problem with GL I could zone in using gate then I could always /zone out of there... I have never gotten GH to work though, but it is the only instanced zone I have tried.
Anyone having problems with MQ2Melee? I'm using my old INI and the plugin loads fine and will respond to /melee command line changes, when I hit autoattack it says it is on but it's just not working. Melee's don't stick, Casters don't send pets in, etc.
melee is toast atm, tried it on thez and ndawgs, wont work on either.. piled the latest zip for myself too, and that gave incorrect client message /boggle.

Combat is working fine, just use that 'til next release :)

side note. combat moveutils feedme warp all working fine, melee cursor are not functional and i haven't bothered checking anythin else yet.
thez said:
You can't zone in to or out of an instance. You'll CTD every time.

While that's a sound piece of advice, Txevu isn't an instanced zone - Tacvi is. Txevu is the only non-instanced zone in GoD progression - Qvic doesn't count, Cynosure is just annoying.
seek&destroy said:
While that's a sound piece of advice, Txevu isn't an instanced zone - Tacvi is. Txevu is the only non-instanced zone in GoD progression - Qvic doesn't count, Cynosure is just annoying.

but the guild hall is an instance. hense in or out of one.
I started to camp to another toon and did not want to crash so I stoped camping and did /unload mq2rwarp and it made the MQ box disappear. How do you unload the plugins and keep the MQ box from going away?
seek&destroy said:
While that's a sound piece of advice, Txevu isn't an instanced zone - Tacvi is. Txevu is the only non-instanced zone in GoD progression - Qvic doesn't count, Cynosure is just annoying.
You need to go through Qvic to get to Txevu and Qvic is a keyed/flagged zone. I've never had luck /zoning to Qvic, or any other keyed zone.
playloc said:
I started to camp to another toon and did not want to crash so I stoped camping and did /unload mq2rwarp and it made the MQ box disappear. How do you unload the plugins and keep the MQ box from going away?

/plugin mq2rwarp unload
playloc said:
I started to camp to another toon and did not want to crash so I stoped camping and did /unload mq2rwarp and it made the MQ box disappear. How do you unload the plugins and keep the MQ box from going away?
With MQ2, typing /unload followed by anything only the /unload portion is seen and it unloads MQ2. To remove a plugin you need to type
Rich (BB code):
/plugin MQ2UberHack unload
I just made a macro called camp. it unloads all the extra plugins i use and the docrack offsets and then it does /keypress instant_camp
At this point, I'll probably be waiting until the zip gets posted at mq2.com to update the compile. My aim was to get the basic functionality to everyone asap.
Sposedly a patch Friday 4/21 - 2 hr downtime. I think the GoM/Abundant healing thid is still broken, so possibly a new exe
2hrs my Red Hiney. You know that craps gonna be down most the day offand on and I got tommorrow off too and planned on playing most the day. You know It won't come back up till my wife and daughter get back from work/school grrrrr hard to be a good dad and get quality EQ time with thier stupid ass patches.
Notes (v4.10)

-patched to MQ2-20060421 zip
-updated offset for MQ2Autosize
-updated MQ2Cast to 4/19 zip (THIS INCLUDES A NEW XML WINDOW)
-updated MQ2Melee to v3.667
-updated MQ2Targets to 4/19 version
-updated to fix the PoR zoning bug
-I recommend that you go to the thread HERE and grab an updated MQ2Piggyzone.ini
-As a note, over the next few days, I will be changing the way that the syntax's for a few plugins are listed. Any plugins that have entries in the MQ2 Wiki will have their syntax replaced with links to the appropriate page. You don't need VIP access to see the syntax there, and this will ensure that I don't forget to update stuff.
DOesnt seem to want ot uload for me very well. Crashed EQ. Still working to get my /docrackwnd up. Gets a error says trying to continue as normal? When I get EQ back up I will make word for word error message.

NM.After teh reboot oof EQ the do crack window came back but I still get this error message on /unload

EQGAME.EXE-Application Error
The instruction as "ox431d5ddd" referenced memory at "0x00000108". The memory couled not be "read".

Click on OK to terminate the program
Click on CANCEL to debug the program
Odd. What plugins do you have loaded?

*edit* You got this while /unload'ing? I'm not quite sure why that would happen, but I'll test it now.

*edit 2* Seems to come from XML windows unloading. Will play around with it.
Oh, and I forgot to add in a little bit to the patch message. It's been updated now...stuff about MQ2Melee updates!
The MQ2Melee INI Files Name aka ("MQ2Melee.ini") has been changed to "servername_charactername.ini" ie: ("povar_superman.ini"). All MQ2Melee settings in that files are saved under labels [MQ2Melee]. This is part of a big project to centralize all my plugins ini files toghether. Lots was complaining it was becoming painfull to manage all those ini for each toon you own for each plugin you have.
TheZ v4.XX (Works with 4/19/06 patch)

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