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Aura's and targeting (1 Viewer)

Oct 18, 2005
This is not a huge deal, but like to know if anyone knows a way around having aura's show up in the /npc named list or, something that really bugs me cause I use it alot, /tar named to target the nearest named to me. If anyone knows a way to avoid aura's being targeted or showing up without blocking out ALL untargetable mobs from list or /target, i would greatly appreciate your help.
in MQ2Utilities.cpp,

Rich (BB code):

Rich (BB code):
    CHAR szTemp[MAX_STRING]={0};
    if (pSpawn->Type != SPAWN_NPC)
		return false;

	if (pSpawn->Class >= 20 && pSpawn->Class <= 35 ) // NPC GMs
		return false;
	if (pSpawn->Class == 41 )  // NPC merchants
		return false;
	if (pSpawn->Class == 60 || pSpawn->Class == 61 )  //Ldon Merchants/Recruiters
		return false;
	if (pSpawn->Class == 63 ) // Tribute Master
		return false;

	strtok(szTemp," ");

	// Checking for mobs that have 'A' or 'An' as their first name
	if (szTemp[0] == 'A')
		if (szTemp[1] == '_')
			return false;
		else if (szTemp[1] == 'n')
			if (szTemp[2] == '_')
				return false;

    if ( (!strnicmp(szTemp,"Guard",5))			||
		(!strnicmp(szTemp,"Defender",8))		||
		(!strnicmp(szTemp,"Soulbinder",10))		||
		(!strnicmp(szTemp,"Aura",4))			||
		(!strnicmp(szTemp,"Diaku",5)) )
		return false;

    if (isupper(szTemp[0]))
		return true;
	if (szTemp[0] == '#' )
		return true;

	return false;
Thanks RG, will recompile it tonight when i get home and give it a go. I figured it wasn't too much I would have to do. But I really didn't know where to start. Was just an annoyance I was getting sick of :) Thanks again.
Aura's and targeting

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