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--=The August Award Show=-- (last month's best posts) (1 Viewer)

Who had the best posts last month? (you can choose more than one)

  • Devlin

    Votes: 25 26.9%
  • randomguy_01

    Votes: 25 26.9%
  • siddin

    Votes: 12 12.9%
  • N/A (removed self from poll, votes go to devlin - TurkReno)

    Votes: 52 55.9%
  • Noobhaxor

    Votes: 5 5.4%
  • HardOne

    Votes: 6 6.5%
  • minen

    Votes: 9 9.7%
  • TeachersPet

    Votes: 19 20.4%
  • Crystane

    Votes: 14 15.1%
  • EvenLessSpam

    Votes: 6 6.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Oct 15, 2004
Welcome to the August Award Show, showcasing the best threads from the previous month!

We've got memberships and custom titles for every single person who contributed something decent, and the top 3 in the public vote have earned something great such as:

Ipod Nano

Or Creative Zen Nano/Micro, up to you!

Probably duped but who cares?

A decent EQ account

Since you got banned why not start again at level 65? 70? Cheesy lens-flare-ridden sig included!


Or DS lite, Gameboy Micro, GP2X, whatever your taste.

And much more than I care to list! The full Reward list is here.

Here are the Nominees and their best contributions,listed in random order
(new 4+ star threads given priority, Robots not eligible):

Daosheen Macro
The Feerrott, Chest Macro
Re: Sseru Exp Macro
Rikkukin Macro
Relic Dragons Macro ( Tsikut, Ashenback, Shar`Drahn )
Hatchet Macro

Offsets 07-18-06

Re: Classic Source:: Mq2Allwarp :: /warp command
Re: MQ2Trek - AIO Warp, Zone, Fade, Gate
Re: Classic Source::Mq2piggyzone :: /zone & /gate commands

Classic Source::MQ2RWarp : /warp, /waypoint, and other cmds
07/18/06 - eqgame.h
07/18/06 - TurkReno's Semi-VANILLA Modified MQ2 Source Code
MQ2PiggyZone.ini for Progression Servers
TurkReno's v1.0 07/13/06 Compile
MQ2AllZone - No Zone Req's.
Offsets 07-18-06
7/18/06 - v2.X - TurkReno's Compile
Re: Classic Source::Mq2piggyzone :: /zone /gate & /succor commands
Re: MQ2Trek - AIO Warp, Zone, Fade, Gate

Classic Source:: Mq2Allwarp :: /warp command
Classic Source::Mq2piggyzone :: /zone & /gate commands
Re: offsets 06-28-2006

DKP log updating macro
RaidSpammer.inc for MPG Raid - Trial of Foresight (Projection of Tactics)
HardOne's Event Collection
Vanilla MQ2 (7/5/2006 Source)

Sseru Exp Macro

MQ2SuperStacker (Five MILLION stackable items in one stack)

Crystane's just for fun section.
Crystane's working macro's reworked. (Pally,Clr,Wiz,Shm) [07-01-06]

Re: Hatchet Macro
MQ2Trek - AIO Warp, Zone, Fade, Gate

[shadow=#AAAAAA] Honorable Mentions: [/shadow]

Re: Performer in DPOB

Re: MQ2Trek - AIO Warp, Zone, Fade, Gate
Shared Bank

Fun Little Trick
Poi AFK Beastlord xp

Re: offsets 06-28-2006

Re: AFK plat: Foraging

Re: Daosheen Macro

Re: MQ2Vish
Offsets 07-18-06
Re: offsets 06-28-2006

[email protected]
Re: Slipgear macro

Evolving item Mission on Progression Servers

Offsets 07-18-06

Re: Easy mid-level exp

Re: Sseru Exp Macro

Fully Automated Skylance Laboratory Macro

Blood and Creator in Ssra

Re: Pettoys.mac

Dulak Harbor
Re: AFK plat: Foraging

Another, different way to PL a newbie

Powerleveling any class with a 70 cleric (non standard)

Re: Simplesham do my bidding

Daosheen strat

Re: Poi AFK Beastlord xp

Offsets 07-18-06
Re: offsets 06-28-2006

Pet pulling/positioning

Re: Relic Dragons Macro ( Tsikut, Ashenback, Shar`Drahn )

Re: Sseru Exp Macro

Re: NEW Tradeskill Macros

Offsets 07-18-06


TheZ v7.XX (7/18/06 patch)
Re: Classic Source::Mq2piggyzone :: /zone & /gate commands
TheZ v6.XX (works with 6/28 patch)

Re: MQ2Trek - AIO Warp, Zone, Fade, Gate
RedQuest2 - Build: MQ2-20060720
Offsets 07-18-06

Re: Daosheen Macro
Performer in DPOB

Re: Slipgear macro

MQ2AutoTrade * Fixed *

This gets harder and harder every month, giving a great contribution just an "honorable mention" when you deserve much more. I need a new system for this.

If you have any questions please read the monthly reward FAQ.
Red Court in Session Due to the high quality of contributions in July, a second first-place reward is in order. More information on the Red Court can be found here.
Like I say in the poll, I'm sorry this system isn't perfect. I'm always excited to hear new ideas, and I have my own in the works, but this is all we have for a couple months.

TurkReno said:
Randomguy won Redcourt for June. July has yet to be released.

typo on my part, we didn't have a redcourt for june. Noobhaxor and randomguy are the only Redcourt winners.
hehe Go Random_guy01 !!!!

Those plugins he devolped this month rocked bro, if you are thinking about voting for me.... Vote random_guy01 .... he contributed far above anyone this month ;)~ ... keep up the good work bro.
This months post I must say were the best of all the short months I've been here, Congratz to everyone who got mentioned and obtained the list of Top 10; Get those votes in!, Have fun. Good Luck
I don't get it, why those who are making precompiles always get the top spot. Sure, they take the time to fix a compile and put it up to those that are to lazy (or too incompetent) to do it themselves, but everything they're using are made by other people such as RG01 and TP.

The precompilers are standing on the shoulders of the plugin makers and reaping the rewards. It's sad sometimes.

And this is not a rant because I'm not getting 1-3 place, I don't contribute enough worthwhile stuff to merit that, at least not often, but I would think people like RG01 and back in the day Tone etc. should be getting more votes for making those plugins we all love so much.

Anyway, congrats to the winners :)
I agree, But I think that's why redbot put in the Red court..

<Redbot> Yeah, it's like a temporary fix
I think this is at least fair to say and this is all I'll say.

ELS, It may not be a *hard* thing to create a pre-compile, but I've given a lot of support to people who've asked for it. There are members of RedGuides who can't precompile because they may not know how and do not care to learn. Those who have PM'd me and asked for help on how to learn how to do a pre-compile, I've gladly helped them. That's not such a bad thing. Also, I'm not just listed for my pre-compile alone.

Thats all...

Don't take it as a personal assault at you TurkReno. It's been like this all the time I've been member. I don't recall a time where someone who didn't make a precompile won 1st. place. And yes, you've also posted some other stuff, a few which I will certainly say merits a good deal of votes (MQ2AllZone for one), but you know as well as I, that it's for the pre-compile that you're getting the votes :)

And yes, you help people a lot, but so does a lot of other people as well on other areas, and more. And some people just don't wanna take the 30 minutes (and that's setting it high IMO) it takes to learn how to actually compile a vanilla MQ2. Adding plugins are no hard, time consuming at times yes, but not hard.

Now, if 3 different people all made pre-compiles every month, and all of them is doing a darn good job at it, then it would be a popularity contest instead of a contribution contest ;) It's nothing the admins can do anything about, nor anything the pre-compilers can do anything about, but something the voters might want to think about.

Who actually posted something new the previous month?
Who posted something new, that made my daily life in EQ so much better?
Who posted something new that added even more and better functionality to MQ2? (MQ2AllZone, MQ2WorkingAssist, MQ2SuperStacker etc.)

A pre-compile isn't something new, it's something old in a new wrapping.
Here comes my Red-Cent.... hehe

Yeah finally hitting the 1st place for one month..... wouldnt it be great?
I want to congratulate all who made the list, I thought myself hey I got out something decent last month just to see all the damn great fine works all the others did last month too, and on top of it a new needed pre-compile.
(Without which I couldnt even think of working on the stuff I release here.)

So whats left... again I bow to a great months work from all contributers.

PS: Nice Idea's going on there RedBot, on how to spread the thx of the comunity to more contributers.

As allways enjoy the game, Crystane.....
ELS - I see where you're coming from and feel it 100%. At the same time, I'd say that it happens that way cause a large sum of people who subscribe to RG are looking for compiles. In the end, the plugins are awesome and everything you say...but if they're not compiled for the subscribers that joined for compiles...the plugins mean nothing to those people cause they can't use them anyways...this is where the compiler gets supported. Perhaps it would be an idea to make a compilers award....hmm....quarterly....and a seperate "contributions" award. In the contributions award listing, no compiling would be listed for voter consideration? /shrug. Compilers surely drum up enough subcriptions to make that worthwhile!
4 prizes a year if done quarterly...compilers certainly help draw revenue. At the same time, I'm not TRULY pushing for anything...lol. I just wanted to make sure that if I were to make observations or objections, that I also at least had constructive ideas to contribute to a solution hehe. That being said and the current system being what it is...congrats in advance, TurkReno =D haha

I move for secession of my votes and ask that all 52 of them be added to Devlin. This is in light that my skill of a compiler is not more than the capabilities of a monkey with a chainsaw and that development of plugins and macros are what should really be voted on. Compilers should step down for once and make an example. Here's the example.
TurkReno said:
I move for secession of my votes and ask that all 52 of them be added to Devlin.

Please don't get me wrong, I like Dev he's a funny guy and damned smart, but shouldn't the votes that were for you be given back to the person who voted for you? perhaps do a reset on the votes for Turk, and allow the voter to re~vote instead of taking them and giving them to someone that the voter may not have wanted to vote for.

Kind of kills the democratic angle when you take someones votes and give them to someone else just because the person who had said votes dropped out of the race ;P
dirtynumbangel said:
Please don't get me wrong, I like Dev he's a funny guy and damned smart, but shouldn't the votes that were for you be given back to the person who voted for you? perhaps do a reset on the votes for Turk, and allow the voter to re~vote instead of taking them and giving them to someone that the voter may not have wanted to vote for.

Kind of kills the democratic angle when you take someones votes and give them to someone else just because the person who had said votes dropped out of the race ;P

I'd tend to agree, but I guess it's the Red Android's call at the end of the day?
DNA said:
Kind of kills the democratic angle when you take someones votes and give them to someone else just because the person who had said votes dropped out of the race ;P
I'm going to steer away from the polictical side of this conversation and refer more to historical means for an explaination. Typically, the meaning of the word secession means to entirely withdraw from an organization, group, or poll. There are several mentions to the American Civil War when you actually read on secession. However, it doesn't always mean defeat. In artistic terms, it would mean an act to move towards being independant in lieu of beginning or having created more controversial works. With that in mind, that does not mean I'm leaving RedGuides, it simply means that I wish nothing to do with this poll for this month.

At no point have I been able to research that a move towards secession was ever a positive one. As a matter of fact, historically there are anti-secession laws and acts that have been passed simply because of the dissension created amongst the parties involved and those supporting said parties.

I have no problem saying that Redbot is the sole person who knows why I chose this measure. However, my motives for doing so were because I've reviewed the votes from the last 9 months and a pre-compiler won each and every time. It seems that an extra prize has been added simply because pre-compilers won and those with a coding skill for whatever means have been overlooked. To me, this is not fair.

All in all, I had more than just my pre-compile and my source so it's hard to say what I was actually voted on. Past votes reflect current ideas however and its safe to assume that it was mostly for the pre-compile.

DNA said:
Please don't get me wrong, I like Dev he's a funny guy and damned smart, but shouldn't the votes that were for you be given back to the person who voted for you? perhaps do a reset on the votes for Turk, and allow the voter to re~vote instead of taking them and giving them to someone that the voter may not have wanted to vote for.
As a term of my leaving the poll, I asked for the condition that the votes were distributed as I saw fit. That condition did not have to be met, however it was and I stand by it and my decision.

With all of the above said, if you voted for me, does that also mean that you get to select what prize I would have selected? Does it also mean that you put your trust in what my decisions were for my contributions enough to vote for me? Therefore, my choice really shouldn't be disputed if you honestly felt as if I deserved the vote. Continuing the scenario, what if once the polls were closed that I would have just said "I don't want anything, let XXXX decide what they want and they can have it." One way or another, the reward for the contribution would have still been in my hands if I won.

Answering your idea of a 'reset on the votes' would be like saying, "Sure, lets all pretend we're in Florida and find a whole lot of random absentee ballots that never existed just showed up and lets count them to find out who the real winner was". Had I decided that I wanted to stay out of the poll before it started, knowing now that I would have made this move, I would have never entered to begin with. But, since I allowed the poll to begin, and the terms of my secession were met, I gave whom I believed should recieve the votes. The choice was not meant out of favoritism, however my nature of being a "maverick" and researching certain things on my own showed me many things.

In the end, I see it as fair and I can rest well at night knowing that. Some of you may not see what I see as 'fair' because you may not be seeing both sides of the fence. Originality and non-plagiarized work for the benefit of the RedGuides community was key in my decision.

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I'm sorry if I'm the one that caused you to step down, my posts wasn't meant for you to step down, but for the voters to think before just voting blindly "Oh I downloaded this so it must get my vote", instead of thinking about that what they're downloading actually consists of plugins developed by a lot of other people.

Big respect to you for standing down though, less drama about it perhaps would have been good ;)
I voted for Turk because every time I had a question about something he was always there to awnser it and tryed his damndest too. and im sure like me many other people who voted for him didnt only vote for him for his pre compile but all the help he has given us in anything we asked. Idk why he should have to step down when I say for all his hard work and doing as much as he can to help RG members that he deserves to win. But thats just my opinion I guess
dirtynumbangel said:
Kind of kills the democratic angle when you take someones votes and give them to someone else just because the person who had said votes dropped out of the race ;P

I couldn't agree more, and if this is really RedBot's decision, then I think it's slap in the face to all those who did vote. What that would mean is that we now have TWO Red Court Awards!!! =D

Fact is, no matter how you try to slant it or spin it...this wont be decided by the community if done this way. In this poll, people were allowed to vote for more than one person...so I wonder how many people voted for both TurkReno AND Devlin...and in this way, if allowed, Devlin would receive 2 votes from the same person...umm?

Also, If there are three people running for a prize or public office or anything that is worth voting on...the person in 1st place cannot just override what the voters want and make #3 the winner. If the guy in first place steps down and backs out of the running...the ONLY fair ways about it is to either give it to #2 or revote.

Essentially, I have to give Turk props though...and this is not sarcasam...I actually mean it. In addition to being a talented person and working hard for the community (for which he deserves much credit...he's worked VERY hard)...he's also now figured out how to control the community to get what he demands, and our beloved Redbot =P.

Also, I think it goes without saying Devlin...that I agree with many folks that you, like some others are very deserving of recognition and perhaps even the award for all of your hard work and contributions...I only make the point that when the community is asked to vote...the community's wishes should be respected...and to not do so is a slap in the face to those who voted.

Kraze, I know you lived in Florida at one point. This was my decision, not RedBot - and it was under no sort of demands or snide manipulation at all. Even then so, if you were to subtract the number of votes Devlin currently has from the number of votes that I hold, that still puts him in the lead. Or if you were to just take away all of Devlin's votes and give him all of my votes, you'd have to beat 52.
TurkReno said:
Kraze, I know you lived in Florida at one point. This was my decision, not RedBot.

Cool, then I'll ask your permission...can I have a free year's subscription to RG? Oh yeah, and....hmm I'll work on a list of things since you run RG now =D

...and subtracting his votes from yours is playing games with Math. There is a first place, second place, thrid etc...simple. If first backs out...why shouldn't second be respected? Maybe you should use your pull to have random removed from the poll and then Dev becomes #1 by default haha =)

A small suggestion (that has probably been there before mine), but perhaps make it so that no one member can be 1st. to 3rd. place more than 3 times in a row or something?

I haven't given the suggestion much thought I must admit, and it would be unfair in some regards I think, but more people will have the chance of reaping the rewards of their labours. Ofcourse one side effect I can see from this, is that some contributers who've been 1st. to 3rd. place 3 months in a row, will just skill a month of posting/contributing and save it for the month after. As I said, didn't give the idea much thought, and that's all it is, an idea/suggestion :)
bah its just rankings. Randomguy has enough skill that he is bound to win a month. After you get a couple victorys in the polls you kind of just don't care that much. Unless of course you no-reciept return one of the high dollar items to Target and use it to buy food for yourself for a month.... not like i've done that or anything. lol.
TurkReno said:
blah blah blah secession I'm trying again to be a know-it-all, blah blah blah more useless history facts and me trying to be a bigger man for show, blah blah blah


Congratz Devlin, is all I got out of it .
Noobhaxor said:
Unless of course you no-reciept return one of the high dollar items to Target and use it to buy food for yourself for a month.... not like i've done that or anything. lol.

At least your Redguides Subscription was covered...
Outstanding Turk,

All I have to say, RESPECT.

on the votes....

1. Redbot has last word.
2. A legit win of Turkreno and then giveing his price as gift to Devlin.....

Also I had so much fun reading your journey to history about secession....

whats left? Oh, Enjoy as allways,Crystane........
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Well again, I think Turk should have been able to step down if he wanted...I suppose he's chasing a noble cause. /shrug. I just stand by the position that if the community was asked to vote, the voters should pick the winner. And with him dropping out of 1st place, logically...2nd place would become the winner. Because, Turk could have picked anyone...including the person in 6th place...and no matter who he picks...that means he appoints the winner...not the voters...which is really a slant to those who voted for him anyways cause now he's assuming he can speak for them...BUUT....that's beside the point. =)

Gratz, ...i suppose Devlin on winning the "other" Red Court Award this month =D unless of course you get 2nd place in the votes and then woot..we can pretend like it was gonna be democratic the whole time! =D And Thanks Turk for making my nipples hard...will you mother my children?

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Congratulations to:

Devlin (1st place)
Randomguy (2nd)
Teacherspet (3rd)

PM me with what you'd like!

(red court still being tallied)
--=The August Award Show=-- (last month's best posts)
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