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- May 27, 2005
- RedCents
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Guardian Spells/Skills 1-70
Level Spell/Skill Name Description Replaces/Replaced By
1 Swing Melee damage attack. (none)/Strike (15)
1 Taunt Single target threat increase. (none)/Provoke (9)
2 Shield Bash Crush damage + knockdown. (Requires shield.) (none)/Shield Rush (13)
3 Hold the Line Toggleable self buff granting chance for threat increase when taking melee damage. (none)/Hold the Fort (15)
4 Taunting Strike Melee damage + threat increase. (none)/Taunting Blow (10)
4 Stance: Defense Increase defense, parry, physical mit, heat mit; decrease melee offense. (none)/Brace (16)
4 Stance: Offence Increase str, melee offense; decrease defense.
(none)/Stance: Desperate Offenisve (22)
5 Fighting Chance Heroic Opportunity starter. N/A
5 Kick Crushing damage attack. (none)/Knee Bash (19)
6 Intervene Intercept (partial) damage on ally for 1 attack. (none)/Intercept (20)
7 Assault 360 AE melee damage attack. (none)/Bury (21)
9 Shout Encounter AE threat increase. (none)/Shouting Cry (21)
9 Call to Arms Group crush/pierce/slash buff. (none)/Guardian's Call (23)
9 Provoke Single target threat increase + interrupt. Taunt (1)/Anger (17)
10 Taunting Blow Melee damage + threat increase. Taunting Strike (4)/Taunting Challenge (24)
11 Crumble Slash damage + slash DOT + melee skills debuff. (none)/Ruin (25)
12 Rallying Cry Short group physical mit buff. (Lower vs. crush; higher vs. slash/pierce.) (none)/Battle Cry (26)
13 Hunker Down Short self physical mit buff w/ self snare/atk speed decrease + chance to root target. Can be toggled off. (none)/Wall of Flesh (27)
13 Shield Rush Crushing damage attack + knockdown. (Requires a shield.) Shield Bash (2)/Bull Rush (27)
14 Wound Slash damage + slash DOT + DPS debuff. (none)/Maim (28)
15 Hold the Fort Toggleable self buff granting chance for threat increase when taking melee damage. Hold the Line (3)/Goading Defense (29)
15 Strike Melee damage attack. Swing (1)/Shatter (29)
16 Brace Increase defense, parry, physical mit, heat mit; decrease melee offense. Stance: Defense (4)/Stance: Dig In (30)
16 Anger Single target threat increase + interrupt. Provoke (9)/Suppress (31)
17 Concussion Crush damage + casting skills debuff. (none)/Batter (31)
18 Stand Firm Single target buff on ally giving chance to avoid attack using guard's avoidance + self parry buff. (none)/Never Surrender (32)
19 Battle Tactics Group max health buff. (none)/Do or Die (33)
19 Knee Bash Crushing damage attack. Kick (5)/Invade (33)
20 Hand of the Just Covers hand in shimmering white light. N/A
20 Intercept Intercept (partial) damage on ally for 1 attack. Intervene (6)/Intercede (34)
20 Sentinel Single target buff on priest/mage ally giving chance for (partial) damage intercept. (none)/Safe Guard (34)
21 Allay Single target buff on ally giving chance to avoid attack using guard's avoidance + percentage decrease hate gain. (none)/Maneuver (35)
21 Bury 360 AE melee damage attack. Assault (7)/Topple (35)
22 Shouting Cry Encounter AE threat increase. Shout (9)/Smothering Cry (36)
22 Slam High crushing damage attack. (none)/Crush (36)
22 Stance: Desperate Offensive Increase str, melee offense; decrease defense. Stance: Offence (4)/Stance: Desperate Flurry (30)
23 Guardian's Call Group crush/pierce/slash buff. Call to Arms (9)/Call to Battle (37)
24 Call of Command Group defense buff. (none)/Call of Protection (38)
24 Taunting Challenge Melee damage + threat increase. Taunting Blow (10)/Vengeful Strike (38)
25 Rescue Increase threat priority by 3 positions + scaling threat increase. N/A
25 Ruin Slash damage + slash DOT + melee skills debuff. Crumble (11)/Ferocious Charge (39)
26 Battle Cry Short group physical mit buff. (Lower vs. crush; higher vs. slash/pierce.) Rallying Cry (12)/Commanding Presence (40)
26 True Strike Melee damage attack that rarely misses. (none)/Unerring Strike (40)
27 Bull Rush Crushing damage attack + knockdown. (Requires a shield.) Shield Rush (13)/Staggering Slam (41)
27 Wall of Flesh Short self physical mit buff w/ self snare/atk speed decrease + chance to root target. Can be toggled off. Hunker Down (13)/Wall of Brawn (41)
28 Iron Will Self sta buff. (none)/Iron Conviction (42)
28 Maim Slash damage + slash DOT + DPS debuff. Wound (14)/Cleave (42)
29 Goading Defense Toggleable self buff granting chance for threat increase when taking melee damage. Hold the Fort (15)/Maddening Defense (43)
29 Shatter Melee damage attack. Strike (15)/Overwhelm (43)
30 Stance: Desperate Flurry Increase str, melee offense; decrease defense. Stance: Desperate Offensive (22)/Stance: Desperate Rush (44)
30 Stance: Dig In Increase defense, parry, physical mit, heat mit; decrease melee offense. Brace (16)/Stance: Fortified Stance (44)
31 Batter Crush damage + casting skills debuff. Concussion (17)/Vindication (45)
31 Suppress Single target threat increase + interrupt. Anger (16)/Deafen (45)
32 Entrench AE root, DPS debuff, atk speed debuff; self root, self DPS debuff, self atk speed debuff. (none)/Anchor (46)
32 Never Surrender Single target buff on ally giving chance to avoid attack using guard's avoidance + self parry buff. Stand Firm (18)/Vigilance (46)
33 Do or Die Group max health buff. Battle Tactics (19)/Return to Battle (47)
33 Invade Crushing damage attack. Knee Bash (19)/Swamp (47)
34 Intercede Intercept (partial) damage on ally for 1 attack. Intercept (20)/(none)
34 Safe Guard Single target buff on priest/mage ally giving chance for (partial) damage intercept. Sentinel (20)/Sentry (48)
35 Maneuver Single target buff on ally giving chance to avoid attack using guard's avoidance + percentage decrease hate gain. Allay (21)/Assuage (49)
35 Topple 360 AE melee damage attack. Bury (21)/Tremor (49)
35 Unyielding Will Temporary self buff that delays death once. On death grants a small heal, but kills guard 36 seconds later. N/A
36 Crush High crushing damage attack. Slam (22)/Blast (50)
36 Smothering Cry Encounter AE threat increase. Shouting Cry (22)/Protect (50)
37 Call to Battle Group crush/pierce/slash buff. Guardian's Call (23)/Call to War (51)
38 Call of Protection Group defense buff. Call of Command (24)/Call of Defense (52)
38 Vengeful Strike Melee damage + threat increase. Taunting Challenge (24)/Unforgiving Strike (52)
39 Ferocious Charge Slash damage + slash DOT + melee skills debuff. Ruin (25)/Relentless Charge (53)
40 Commanding Presence Short group physical mit buff. (Lower vs. crush; higher vs. slash/pierce.) Battle Cry (26)/Commanding Aura (54)
40 Form of the Rock Self giant golem illusion. N/A
40 Retaliate High melee damage attack + daze. (none)/Quelling Strike (54)
40 Unerring Strike Melee damage attack that rarely misses. True Strike (26)/Perfect Strike (54)
41 Staggering Slam Crushing damage attack + knockdown. (Requires a shield.) Bull Rush (27)/Staggering Rush (55)
41 Wall of Brawn Short self physical mit buff w/ self snare/atk speed decrease + chance to root target. Can be toggled off. Wall of Flesh (27)/Wall of Might (55)
42 Cleave Slash damage + slash DOT + DPS debuff. Maim (28)/Hew (56)
42 Iron Conviction Self sta buff. Iron Will (28)/Steely Conviction (56)
43 Maddening Defense Toggleable self buff granting chance for threat increase when taking melee damage. Goading Defense (29)/Inflaming Defense (57)
43 Overwhelm Melee damage attack. Shatter (29)/Overpower (57)
44 Stance: Desperate Rush Increase str, melee offense; decrease defense. Stance: Desperate Flurry (30)/Stance: Desperate Charge (58)
44 Stance: Fortified Stance Increase defense, parry, physical mit, heat mit; decrease melee offense. Stance: Dig In (30)/Stance: Steadfast Stance (58)
44 Taunting Assault Encounter AE melee damage attack + encounter AE threat increase. (none)/Goading Assault (58)
45 Deafen Single target threat increase + interrupt. Suppress (31)/Confront (59)
45 Vindication Crush damage + casting skills debuff. Batter (31)/Buffet (59)
46 Anchor AE root, DPS debuff, atk speed debuff; self root, self DPS debuff, self atk speed debuff. Entrench (32)/Plant (60)
46 Vigilance Single target buff on ally giving chance to avoid attack using guard's avoidance + self parry buff. Never Surrender (32)/Unyielding Vigilance (60)
47 Return to Battle Group max health buff. Do or Die (33)/Return to War (61)
47 Swamp Crushing damage attack. Invade (33)/Compression (61)
48 Sentry Single target buff on priest/mage ally giving chance for (partial) damage intercept. Safe Guard (34)/Sustain (62)
49 Assuage Single target buff on ally giving chance to avoid attack using guard's avoidance + percentage decrease hate gain. Maneuver (35)/Moderate (63)
49 Tremor 360 AE melee damage attack. Topple (35)/Besiege (63)
50 Blast High crushing damage attack. Crush (36)/Flay (64)
50 Guardian Sphere Chance to intercept damage from group members + stoneskin proc (absorbs all damage to self 1 time). (none)/Stone Sphere (70)
50 Guardian's Sanctuary Covers guardian in a glowing golden aura. N/A
50 Protect Encounter AE threat increase. Smothering Cry (36)/Protection (64)
51 Call to War Group crush/pierce/slash buff. Call to Battle (37)/Call to Siege (65)
52 Call of Defense Group defense buff. Call of Protection (38)/Call of Armament (66)
52 Reinforcement 13 sec self buff that increases threat priority by 1 and increases threat towards the guard w/ every successful attack on a target. N/A
52 Unforgiving Strike Melee damage + threat increase. Vengeful Strike (38)/Vindictive Strike (66)
53 Relentless Charge Slash damage + slash DOT + melee skills debuff. Ferocious Charge (39)/Merciless Charge (67)
54 Commanding Aura Short group physical mit buff. (Lower vs. crush; higher vs. slash/pierce.) Commanding Presence (40)/Command (68)
54 Perfect Strike Melee damage attack that rarely misses. Unerring Strike (40)/Precise Strike (68)
54 Quelling Strike High melee damage attack + daze. Retaliate (40)/Retaliation Strike (68)
55 Sentry Watch 30 sec buff on ally that prevents their death, heals them some, intercepts almost all damage on them, and increases threat towards the guard. N/A
55 Staggering Rush Crushing damage attack + knockdown. (Requires a shield.) Staggering Slam (41)/Staggering Blow (69)
55 Wall of Might Short self physical mit buff w/ self snare/atk speed decrease + chance to root target. Can be toggled off. Wall of Brawn (41)/Wall of Force (69)
56 Hew Slash damage + slash DOT + DPS debuff. Cleave (42)/Sever (70)
56 Steely Conviction Self sta buff. Iron Conviction (42)/Fortified Conviction (70)
57 Inflaming Defense Toggleable self buff granting chance for threat increase when taking melee damage. Maddening Defense (43)/
57 Overpower Melee damage attack. Overwhelm (43)/
58 Goading Assault Encounter AE melee damage attack + encounter AE threat increase. Taunting Assault (44)/
58 Stance: Desperate Charge Increase str, melee offense; decrease defense. Stance: Desperate Rush (44)/
58 Stance: Steadfast Stance Increase defense, parry, physical mit, heat mit; decrease melee offense. Stance: Fortified Stance (44)/
58 Tower of Stone 15 sec buff that absorbs all attacks over 10% guard's health for 3 times. Requires a tower shield and does damage to that shield. N/A
59 Buffet Crush damage + casting skills debuff. Vindication (45)/
59 Confront Single target threat increase + interrupt. Deaven (45)/
60 Plant AE root, DPS debuff, atk speed debuff; self root, self DPS debuff, self atk speed debuff. Anchor (46)/
60 Unyielding Vigilance Single target buff on ally giving chance to avoid attack using guard's avoidance + self parry buff. Vigilance (46)/
61 Compression Crushing damage attack. Swamp (47)/
61 Return to War Group max health buff. Return to Battle (47)/
62 Sustain Single target buff on priest/mage ally giving chance for (partial) damage intercept. Sentry (48)/
63 Besiege 360 AE melee damage attack. Tremor (49)/
63 Moderate Single target buff on ally giving chance to avoid attack using guard's avoidance + percentage decrease hate gain. Assuage (49)/
64 Flay High crushing damage attack. Blast (50)/
64 Protection Encounter AE threat increase. Protect (50)/
65 Call to Siege Group crush/pierce/slash buff. Call to War (51)/
65 Obliterate High melee damage attack that can't be parried, deflected, blocked or riposted + parry, defense and deflection debuff. N/A
66 Call of Armament Group defense buff. Call of Defense (52)/
66 Vindictive Strike Melee damage + threat increase. Unforgiving Strike (52)/
67 Merciless Charge Slash damage + slash DOT + melee skills debuff. Relentless Charge (53)/
68 Command Short group physical mit buff. (Lower vs. crush; higher vs. slash/pierce.) Commanding Aura (54)/
68 Precise Strike Melee damage attack that rarely misses. Perfect Strike (54)/
68 Retaliation Strike High melee damage attack + daze. Quelling Strike (54)/
69 Staggering Blow Crushing damage attack + knockdown. (Requires a shield.) Staggering Rush (55)/
69 Wall of Force Short self physical mit buff w/ self snare/atk speed decrease + chance to root target. Can be toggled off. Wall of Might (55)/
70 Fortified Conviction Self sta buff. Steely Conviction (56)/
70 Sever Slash damage + slash DOT + DPS debuff. Hew (56)/
70 Stone Sphere Chance to intercept damage from group members + stoneskin proc (absorbs all damage to self 1 time). Guardian Sphere (50)/
Level Spell/Skill Name Description Replaces/Replaced By
1 Swing Melee damage attack. (none)/Strike (15)
1 Taunt Single target threat increase. (none)/Provoke (9)
2 Shield Bash Crush damage + knockdown. (Requires shield.) (none)/Shield Rush (13)
3 Hold the Line Toggleable self buff granting chance for threat increase when taking melee damage. (none)/Hold the Fort (15)
4 Taunting Strike Melee damage + threat increase. (none)/Taunting Blow (10)
4 Stance: Defense Increase defense, parry, physical mit, heat mit; decrease melee offense. (none)/Brace (16)
4 Stance: Offence Increase str, melee offense; decrease defense.
(none)/Stance: Desperate Offenisve (22)
5 Fighting Chance Heroic Opportunity starter. N/A
5 Kick Crushing damage attack. (none)/Knee Bash (19)
6 Intervene Intercept (partial) damage on ally for 1 attack. (none)/Intercept (20)
7 Assault 360 AE melee damage attack. (none)/Bury (21)
9 Shout Encounter AE threat increase. (none)/Shouting Cry (21)
9 Call to Arms Group crush/pierce/slash buff. (none)/Guardian's Call (23)
9 Provoke Single target threat increase + interrupt. Taunt (1)/Anger (17)
10 Taunting Blow Melee damage + threat increase. Taunting Strike (4)/Taunting Challenge (24)
11 Crumble Slash damage + slash DOT + melee skills debuff. (none)/Ruin (25)
12 Rallying Cry Short group physical mit buff. (Lower vs. crush; higher vs. slash/pierce.) (none)/Battle Cry (26)
13 Hunker Down Short self physical mit buff w/ self snare/atk speed decrease + chance to root target. Can be toggled off. (none)/Wall of Flesh (27)
13 Shield Rush Crushing damage attack + knockdown. (Requires a shield.) Shield Bash (2)/Bull Rush (27)
14 Wound Slash damage + slash DOT + DPS debuff. (none)/Maim (28)
15 Hold the Fort Toggleable self buff granting chance for threat increase when taking melee damage. Hold the Line (3)/Goading Defense (29)
15 Strike Melee damage attack. Swing (1)/Shatter (29)
16 Brace Increase defense, parry, physical mit, heat mit; decrease melee offense. Stance: Defense (4)/Stance: Dig In (30)
16 Anger Single target threat increase + interrupt. Provoke (9)/Suppress (31)
17 Concussion Crush damage + casting skills debuff. (none)/Batter (31)
18 Stand Firm Single target buff on ally giving chance to avoid attack using guard's avoidance + self parry buff. (none)/Never Surrender (32)
19 Battle Tactics Group max health buff. (none)/Do or Die (33)
19 Knee Bash Crushing damage attack. Kick (5)/Invade (33)
20 Hand of the Just Covers hand in shimmering white light. N/A
20 Intercept Intercept (partial) damage on ally for 1 attack. Intervene (6)/Intercede (34)
20 Sentinel Single target buff on priest/mage ally giving chance for (partial) damage intercept. (none)/Safe Guard (34)
21 Allay Single target buff on ally giving chance to avoid attack using guard's avoidance + percentage decrease hate gain. (none)/Maneuver (35)
21 Bury 360 AE melee damage attack. Assault (7)/Topple (35)
22 Shouting Cry Encounter AE threat increase. Shout (9)/Smothering Cry (36)
22 Slam High crushing damage attack. (none)/Crush (36)
22 Stance: Desperate Offensive Increase str, melee offense; decrease defense. Stance: Offence (4)/Stance: Desperate Flurry (30)
23 Guardian's Call Group crush/pierce/slash buff. Call to Arms (9)/Call to Battle (37)
24 Call of Command Group defense buff. (none)/Call of Protection (38)
24 Taunting Challenge Melee damage + threat increase. Taunting Blow (10)/Vengeful Strike (38)
25 Rescue Increase threat priority by 3 positions + scaling threat increase. N/A
25 Ruin Slash damage + slash DOT + melee skills debuff. Crumble (11)/Ferocious Charge (39)
26 Battle Cry Short group physical mit buff. (Lower vs. crush; higher vs. slash/pierce.) Rallying Cry (12)/Commanding Presence (40)
26 True Strike Melee damage attack that rarely misses. (none)/Unerring Strike (40)
27 Bull Rush Crushing damage attack + knockdown. (Requires a shield.) Shield Rush (13)/Staggering Slam (41)
27 Wall of Flesh Short self physical mit buff w/ self snare/atk speed decrease + chance to root target. Can be toggled off. Hunker Down (13)/Wall of Brawn (41)
28 Iron Will Self sta buff. (none)/Iron Conviction (42)
28 Maim Slash damage + slash DOT + DPS debuff. Wound (14)/Cleave (42)
29 Goading Defense Toggleable self buff granting chance for threat increase when taking melee damage. Hold the Fort (15)/Maddening Defense (43)
29 Shatter Melee damage attack. Strike (15)/Overwhelm (43)
30 Stance: Desperate Flurry Increase str, melee offense; decrease defense. Stance: Desperate Offensive (22)/Stance: Desperate Rush (44)
30 Stance: Dig In Increase defense, parry, physical mit, heat mit; decrease melee offense. Brace (16)/Stance: Fortified Stance (44)
31 Batter Crush damage + casting skills debuff. Concussion (17)/Vindication (45)
31 Suppress Single target threat increase + interrupt. Anger (16)/Deafen (45)
32 Entrench AE root, DPS debuff, atk speed debuff; self root, self DPS debuff, self atk speed debuff. (none)/Anchor (46)
32 Never Surrender Single target buff on ally giving chance to avoid attack using guard's avoidance + self parry buff. Stand Firm (18)/Vigilance (46)
33 Do or Die Group max health buff. Battle Tactics (19)/Return to Battle (47)
33 Invade Crushing damage attack. Knee Bash (19)/Swamp (47)
34 Intercede Intercept (partial) damage on ally for 1 attack. Intercept (20)/(none)
34 Safe Guard Single target buff on priest/mage ally giving chance for (partial) damage intercept. Sentinel (20)/Sentry (48)
35 Maneuver Single target buff on ally giving chance to avoid attack using guard's avoidance + percentage decrease hate gain. Allay (21)/Assuage (49)
35 Topple 360 AE melee damage attack. Bury (21)/Tremor (49)
35 Unyielding Will Temporary self buff that delays death once. On death grants a small heal, but kills guard 36 seconds later. N/A
36 Crush High crushing damage attack. Slam (22)/Blast (50)
36 Smothering Cry Encounter AE threat increase. Shouting Cry (22)/Protect (50)
37 Call to Battle Group crush/pierce/slash buff. Guardian's Call (23)/Call to War (51)
38 Call of Protection Group defense buff. Call of Command (24)/Call of Defense (52)
38 Vengeful Strike Melee damage + threat increase. Taunting Challenge (24)/Unforgiving Strike (52)
39 Ferocious Charge Slash damage + slash DOT + melee skills debuff. Ruin (25)/Relentless Charge (53)
40 Commanding Presence Short group physical mit buff. (Lower vs. crush; higher vs. slash/pierce.) Battle Cry (26)/Commanding Aura (54)
40 Form of the Rock Self giant golem illusion. N/A
40 Retaliate High melee damage attack + daze. (none)/Quelling Strike (54)
40 Unerring Strike Melee damage attack that rarely misses. True Strike (26)/Perfect Strike (54)
41 Staggering Slam Crushing damage attack + knockdown. (Requires a shield.) Bull Rush (27)/Staggering Rush (55)
41 Wall of Brawn Short self physical mit buff w/ self snare/atk speed decrease + chance to root target. Can be toggled off. Wall of Flesh (27)/Wall of Might (55)
42 Cleave Slash damage + slash DOT + DPS debuff. Maim (28)/Hew (56)
42 Iron Conviction Self sta buff. Iron Will (28)/Steely Conviction (56)
43 Maddening Defense Toggleable self buff granting chance for threat increase when taking melee damage. Goading Defense (29)/Inflaming Defense (57)
43 Overwhelm Melee damage attack. Shatter (29)/Overpower (57)
44 Stance: Desperate Rush Increase str, melee offense; decrease defense. Stance: Desperate Flurry (30)/Stance: Desperate Charge (58)
44 Stance: Fortified Stance Increase defense, parry, physical mit, heat mit; decrease melee offense. Stance: Dig In (30)/Stance: Steadfast Stance (58)
44 Taunting Assault Encounter AE melee damage attack + encounter AE threat increase. (none)/Goading Assault (58)
45 Deafen Single target threat increase + interrupt. Suppress (31)/Confront (59)
45 Vindication Crush damage + casting skills debuff. Batter (31)/Buffet (59)
46 Anchor AE root, DPS debuff, atk speed debuff; self root, self DPS debuff, self atk speed debuff. Entrench (32)/Plant (60)
46 Vigilance Single target buff on ally giving chance to avoid attack using guard's avoidance + self parry buff. Never Surrender (32)/Unyielding Vigilance (60)
47 Return to Battle Group max health buff. Do or Die (33)/Return to War (61)
47 Swamp Crushing damage attack. Invade (33)/Compression (61)
48 Sentry Single target buff on priest/mage ally giving chance for (partial) damage intercept. Safe Guard (34)/Sustain (62)
49 Assuage Single target buff on ally giving chance to avoid attack using guard's avoidance + percentage decrease hate gain. Maneuver (35)/Moderate (63)
49 Tremor 360 AE melee damage attack. Topple (35)/Besiege (63)
50 Blast High crushing damage attack. Crush (36)/Flay (64)
50 Guardian Sphere Chance to intercept damage from group members + stoneskin proc (absorbs all damage to self 1 time). (none)/Stone Sphere (70)
50 Guardian's Sanctuary Covers guardian in a glowing golden aura. N/A
50 Protect Encounter AE threat increase. Smothering Cry (36)/Protection (64)
51 Call to War Group crush/pierce/slash buff. Call to Battle (37)/Call to Siege (65)
52 Call of Defense Group defense buff. Call of Protection (38)/Call of Armament (66)
52 Reinforcement 13 sec self buff that increases threat priority by 1 and increases threat towards the guard w/ every successful attack on a target. N/A
52 Unforgiving Strike Melee damage + threat increase. Vengeful Strike (38)/Vindictive Strike (66)
53 Relentless Charge Slash damage + slash DOT + melee skills debuff. Ferocious Charge (39)/Merciless Charge (67)
54 Commanding Aura Short group physical mit buff. (Lower vs. crush; higher vs. slash/pierce.) Commanding Presence (40)/Command (68)
54 Perfect Strike Melee damage attack that rarely misses. Unerring Strike (40)/Precise Strike (68)
54 Quelling Strike High melee damage attack + daze. Retaliate (40)/Retaliation Strike (68)
55 Sentry Watch 30 sec buff on ally that prevents their death, heals them some, intercepts almost all damage on them, and increases threat towards the guard. N/A
55 Staggering Rush Crushing damage attack + knockdown. (Requires a shield.) Staggering Slam (41)/Staggering Blow (69)
55 Wall of Might Short self physical mit buff w/ self snare/atk speed decrease + chance to root target. Can be toggled off. Wall of Brawn (41)/Wall of Force (69)
56 Hew Slash damage + slash DOT + DPS debuff. Cleave (42)/Sever (70)
56 Steely Conviction Self sta buff. Iron Conviction (42)/Fortified Conviction (70)
57 Inflaming Defense Toggleable self buff granting chance for threat increase when taking melee damage. Maddening Defense (43)/
57 Overpower Melee damage attack. Overwhelm (43)/
58 Goading Assault Encounter AE melee damage attack + encounter AE threat increase. Taunting Assault (44)/
58 Stance: Desperate Charge Increase str, melee offense; decrease defense. Stance: Desperate Rush (44)/
58 Stance: Steadfast Stance Increase defense, parry, physical mit, heat mit; decrease melee offense. Stance: Fortified Stance (44)/
58 Tower of Stone 15 sec buff that absorbs all attacks over 10% guard's health for 3 times. Requires a tower shield and does damage to that shield. N/A
59 Buffet Crush damage + casting skills debuff. Vindication (45)/
59 Confront Single target threat increase + interrupt. Deaven (45)/
60 Plant AE root, DPS debuff, atk speed debuff; self root, self DPS debuff, self atk speed debuff. Anchor (46)/
60 Unyielding Vigilance Single target buff on ally giving chance to avoid attack using guard's avoidance + self parry buff. Vigilance (46)/
61 Compression Crushing damage attack. Swamp (47)/
61 Return to War Group max health buff. Return to Battle (47)/
62 Sustain Single target buff on priest/mage ally giving chance for (partial) damage intercept. Sentry (48)/
63 Besiege 360 AE melee damage attack. Tremor (49)/
63 Moderate Single target buff on ally giving chance to avoid attack using guard's avoidance + percentage decrease hate gain. Assuage (49)/
64 Flay High crushing damage attack. Blast (50)/
64 Protection Encounter AE threat increase. Protect (50)/
65 Call to Siege Group crush/pierce/slash buff. Call to War (51)/
65 Obliterate High melee damage attack that can't be parried, deflected, blocked or riposted + parry, defense and deflection debuff. N/A
66 Call of Armament Group defense buff. Call of Defense (52)/
66 Vindictive Strike Melee damage + threat increase. Unforgiving Strike (52)/
67 Merciless Charge Slash damage + slash DOT + melee skills debuff. Relentless Charge (53)/
68 Command Short group physical mit buff. (Lower vs. crush; higher vs. slash/pierce.) Commanding Aura (54)/
68 Precise Strike Melee damage attack that rarely misses. Perfect Strike (54)/
68 Retaliation Strike High melee damage attack + daze. Quelling Strike (54)/
69 Staggering Blow Crushing damage attack + knockdown. (Requires a shield.) Staggering Rush (55)/
69 Wall of Force Short self physical mit buff w/ self snare/atk speed decrease + chance to root target. Can be toggled off. Wall of Might (55)/
70 Fortified Conviction Self sta buff. Steely Conviction (56)/
70 Sever Slash damage + slash DOT + DPS debuff. Hew (56)/
70 Stone Sphere Chance to intercept damage from group members + stoneskin proc (absorbs all damage to self 1 time). Guardian Sphere (50)/
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