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- Joined
- May 27, 2005
- RedCents
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Swashbuckler Spells/Skills 1-70
Level Spell/Skill Name Description Replaces/Replaced By
1 Tracking Shows nearby targets and gives a waypoint to a selected one. N/A
1 Sneak Stealth + see stealth. N/A
1 Swipe Melee damage + DPS debuff. (none)/Steel Swipe (8)
2 Pincer Stealth melee attack + knockdown. (none)/Route (9)
2 Spine Attack Rear melee attack + agi debuff. (none)/Viscerate (10)
3 Circle Attack AE melee damage attack. (none)/Circle Blade (14)
4 Cheap Shot 2 second stun that lasts for an additional 2 seconds on no- or down-arrow mobs. N/A
4 Pathfinding 16% out of combat group movement speed buff. N/A
5 Lucky Break Heroic Opportunity starter. N/A
5 Slice Flank/rear melee attack + physical damage debuff. (none)/Gut Slice (19)
6 Evade Single target threat decrease. (none)/Divert (18)
7 Hold Snare + magic/divine debuff. (none)/Neutralize (23)
8 Dirty Tricks Wis debuff + defense debuff. (none)/Flashy Trick (22)
8 Steel Swipe Melee damage + DPS debuff. Swipe (1)/Edged Swipe (15)
9 Route Stealth melee attack + knockdown. Pincer (2)/Shanghai (21)
10 Viscerate Rear melee attack + agi debuff. Spine Attack (2)/Unfriendly Reminder (24)
11 Smuggle Group stealth. N/A
12 Quick Flurry Double melee damage attack. (none)/Snap of the Wrist (26)
13 Flight of Foot Self agi/str buff. (none)/Flight of Fancy (27)
13 Stance: Rash Advance Increase slash/pierce/ranged + melee damage and interrupt proc; decrease defense. (none)/Stance: Risky Advance (27)
14 Circle Blade AE melee damage attack. Circle Attack (3)/Deft Rush (28)
15 Edged Swipe Melee damage + DPS debuff. Steel Swipe (8)/Playful Swipe (29)
15 Poke Front/flank melee damage attack + parry debuff. (none)/Nimble Cut (29)
16 Cold Throw Double ranged cold damage attack + snare. (Requires thrown weapon.) (none)/Chilling Throw (30)
17 Avoid Notice Self buff granting chance to decrease threat on successful attack. (none)/Avoid Attention (31)
18 Divert Single target threat decrease. Evade (6)/Slip (32)
18 Stance: Fancy Footwork Increase parry/defense + physical mit; decrease slash/pierce. (none)/Stance: Smirking Defense (32)
19 Gut Slice Flank/rear melee attack + physical damage debuff. Slice (5)/Kidney Blow (33)
19 Stay Low Stealth + decrease threat priority by 1 position + threat decrease. (none)/Lie Low (33)
20 Flamboyant Swipe AE melee damage attack + knockdown. (none)/Rakish Swathe (34)
20 Swarthy Distraction Threat transfer to ally. (none)/Swarthy Deception (34)
20 Swashbuckler's Charm Makes ally appear flustered. N/A
21 Shanghai Stealth melee attack + knockdown. Route (9)/Ambuscade (35)
22 Flashy Trick Wis debuff + defense debuff. Dirty Tricks (8)/Tricky Display (36)
22 Undercut Melee damage + snare. (none)/Hamstring (36)
23 Neutralize Snare + magic/divine debuff. Hold (7)/Checkmate (37)
24 Gibe Threat increase + interrupt + dispel beneficial magic/mental effects. (none)/Reproach (38)
24 Unfriendly Reminder Rear melee attack + agi debuff. Viscerate (10)/Cat's Paw (38)
25 Escape Teleport group to safe location. N/A
26 Disarming Grin Single target mez. (none)/Disarming Smirk (40)
26 Snap of the Wrist Double melee damage attack. Quick Flurry (12)/Uncanny Speed (40)
27 Flight of Fancy Self agi/str buff. Flight of Foot (13)/Bladeweaver (41)
27 Stance: Risky Advance Increase slash/pierce/ranged + melee damage and interrupt proc; decrease defense. Stance: Rash Advance (13)/Stance: Daring Advance (41)
28 Deft Rush AE melee damage attack. Circle Blade (14)/Lucky Gambit (42)
28 Flurry of Arms Triple melee attack + physical mit debuff if all attacks land. (none)/Flurry of Blades (42)
29 Nimble Cut Front/flank melee damage attack + parry debuff. Poke (15)/Razor Edge (43)
29 Playful Swipe Melee damage + DPS debuff. Edged Swipe (15)/Flash of Steel (43)
30 Chilling Throw Double ranged cold damage attack + snare. (Requires thrown weapon.) Cold Throw (16)/Frigid Throw (44)
30 False Blade Melee damage attack that causes the next person to make a successful melee attack on target to gain more hate than usual for a brief time. (none)/Treacherous Blade (44)
31 Avoid Attention Self buff granting chance to decrease threat on successful attack. Avoid Notice (17)/Avoid Blame (45)
32 Feigned Bravado Self buff granting chance, on successful melee attack, to increase hate gain and atk speed for 20 seconds or until swashbuckler takes damage. (none)/False Bravado (46)
32 Slip Single target threat decrease. Divert (18)/Evasion (46)
32 Stance: Smirking Defense Increase parry/defense + physical mit; decrease slash/pierce. Stance: Fancy Footwork (18)/Stance: Dexterous Slashing (46)
33 Kidney Blow Flank/rear melee attack + physical damage debuff. Gut Slice (19)/Disheartening Guile (47)
33 Lie Low Stealth + decrease threat priority by 1 position + threat decrease. Stay Low (19)/Shadow Slip (47)
34 Rakish Swathe AE melee damage attack + knockdown. Flamboyant Swipe (20)/Brilliant Swathe (48)
34 Swarthy Deception Threat transfer to ally. Swarthy Distraction (20)/Swarthy Diversion (48)
35 Ambuscade Stealth melee attack + knockdown. Shanghai (21)/Brazen Thrust (49)
35 Ruthless Cunning Short DPS self buff. N/A
36 Hamstring Melee damage + snare. Undercut (22)/Disable (50)
36 Tricky Display Wis debuff + defense debuff. Flashy Trick (22)/Deriding Chicanery (49)
37 Checkmate Snare + magic/divine debuff. Neutralize (23)/Hangman's Noose (51)
38 Cat's Paw Rear melee attack + agi debuff. Unfriendly Reminder (24)/Pillage (52)
38 Reproach Threat increase + interrupt + dispel beneficial magic/mental effects. Gibe (24)/Admonish (52)
39 Artful Finesse Brief atk speed + DPS self buff. (none)/Ingenious Finesse (53)
40 Disarming Smirk Single target mez. Disarming Grin (26)/Disarming Leer (54)
40 Disguise: Half Elf Self Half Elf illusion. N/A
40 Uncanny Speed Double melee damage attack. Snap of the Wrist (26)/Uncanny Reflexes (54)
41 Bladeweaver Self agi/str buff. Flight of Fancy (27)/Battleweaver (55)
41 Stance: Daring Advance Increase slash/pierce/ranged + melee damage and interrupt proc; decrease defense. Stance: Risky Advance (27)/Stance: Audacious Advance (55)
42 Flurry of Blades Triple melee attack + physical mit debuff if all attacks land. Flurry of Arms (28)/Fury of Blades (56)
42 Lucky Gambit AE melee damage attack. Deft Rush (28)/Lucky Ruse (56)
43 Flash of Steel Melee damage + DPS debuff. Playful Swipe (29)/Dazzling Steel (57)
43 Razor Edge Front/flank melee damage attack + parry debuff. Nimble Cut (29)/Razor Point (57)
44 Flamboyant Strike Melee damage attack + int debuff. (none)/Gaudy Strike (44)
44 Frigid Throw Double ranged cold damage attack + snare. (Requires thrown weapon.) Chilling Throw (30)/Arctic Blast (58)
44 Treacherous Blade Melee damage attack that causes the next person to make a successful melee attack on target to gain more hate than usual for a brief time. False Blade (30)/Devious Blade (58)
45 Avoid Blame Self buff granting chance to decrease threat on successful attack. Avoid Attention (31)/Avoid Censure (59)
46 Evasion Single target threat decrease. Slip (32)/Elude (60)
46 False Bravado Self buff granting chance, on successful melee attack, to increase hate gain and atk speed for 20 seconds or until swashbuckler takes damage. Feigned Bravado (32)/Spurious Bravado (60)
46 Stance: Dexterous Slashing Increase parry/defense + physical mit; decrease slash/pierce. Stance: Smirking Defense (32)/Stance: Agile Slashing (60)
47 Disheartening Guile Flank/rear melee attack + physical damage debuff. Kidney Blow (33)/Guile (61)
47 Shadow Slip Stealth + decrease threat priority by 1 position + threat decrease. Lie Low (33)/Hideaway (61)
48 Brilliant Swathe AE melee damage attack + knockdown. Rakish Swathe (34)/Dashing Swathe (62)
48 Swarthy Diversion Threat transfer to ally. Swarthy Deception (34)/Swarthy Disorder (62)
49 Brazen Thrust Stealth melee attack + knockdown. Ambuscade (35)/Brazening (63)
50 Deriding Chicanery Wis debuff + defense debuff. Tricky Display (36)/Double Cross (64)
50 Disable Melee damage + snare. Hamstring (36)/Impair (64)
50 Inspired Daring Brief self buff granting extra piercing damage with each successful melee attack. (none)/Inspiration (70)
50 Weapon Blur Blur effect on swashbuckler's weapons. N/A
51 Hangman's Noose Snare + magic/divine debuff. Checkmate (37)/Constrain (65)
52 Admonish Threat increase + interrupt + dispel beneficial magic/mental effects. Reproach (38)/Berate (66)
52 Hurricane Maintained self buff granting chance for primary weapon autoattack to affect up to 4 enemies AE in front of the swashbuckler. Can be toggled off. N/A
52 Pillage Rear melee attack + agi debuff. Cat's Paw (38)/Plunder (66)
53 Ingenious Finesse Brief atk speed + DPS self buff. Artful Finesse (39)/Perfect Finesse (67)
54 Disarming Leer Single target mez. Disarming Smirk (40)/Disarming Sneer (68)
54 Uncanny Reflexes Double melee damage attack. Uncanny Speed (40)/Uncanny Response (68)
55 Battleweaver Self agi/str buff. Bladeweaver (41)/Steelweaver (69)
55 Hail of Steel Series of high damage ranged attacks that keeps the swashbuckler rooted, stifled and dazed w/ increased hate gain for duration. Can be toggled off. N/A
55 Stance: Audacious Advance Increase slash/pierce/ranged + melee damage and interrupt proc; decrease defense. Stance: Daring Advance (41)/Stance: Dauntless Advance (69)
56 Fury of Blades Triple melee attack + physical mit debuff if all attacks land. Flurry of Blades (42)/Whirl of Blades (70)
56 Lucky Ruse AE melee damage attack. Lucky Gambit (42)/Lucky Ploy (70)
57 Dazzling Steel Melee damage + DPS debuff. Flash of Steel (43)/
57 Razor Point Front/flank melee damage attack + parry debuff. Razor Edge (43)/
58 Arctic Blast Double ranged cold damage attack + snare. (Requires thrown weapon.) Frigid Throw (44)/
58 Devious Blade Melee damage attack that causes the next person to make a successful melee attack on target to gain more hate than usual for a brief time. Treacherous Blade (44)/
58 Gaudy Strike Melee damage attack + int debuff. Flamboyant Strike (44)/
58 Lung Puncture Flank/rear melee damage attack + casting and melee skills debuff. N/A
59 Avoid Censure Self buff granting chance to decrease threat on successful attack. Avoid Blame (45)/
60 Elude Single target threat decrease. Evasion (46)/
60 Spurious Bravado Self buff granting chance, on successful melee attack, to increase hate gain and atk speed for 20 seconds or until swashbuckler takes damage. False Bravado (46)/
60 Stance: Agile Slashing Increase parry/defense + physical mit; decrease slash/pierce. Stance: Dexterous Slashing (46)/
61 Guile Flank/rear melee attack + physical damage debuff. Disheartening Guile (47)/
61 Hideaway Stealth + decrease threat priority by 1 position + threat decrease. Shadow Slip (47)/
62 Dashing Swathe AE melee damage attack + knockdown. Brilliant Swathe (48)/
62 Swarthy Disorder Threat transfer to ally. Swarthy Diversion (48)/
63 Brazening Stealth melee attack + knockdown. Brazen Thrust (49)/
64 Double Cross Wis debuff + defense debuff. Deriding Chicanery (50)/
64 Impair Melee damage + snare. Disable (50)/
65 Constrain Snare + magic/divine debuff. Hangman's Noose (51)/
65 En Garde Short self buff granting melee damage when the swashie's attack is riposted/parried/blocked/deflected + melee damage when the swashie parries/ripostes/blocks an enemy + chance for additional melee damage when enemy uses a combat art. N/A
66 Berate Threat increase + interrupt + dispel beneficial magic/mental effects. Admonish (52)/
66 Plunder Rear melee attack + agi debuff. Pillage (52)/
67 Perfect Finesse Brief atk speed + DPS self buff. Ingenious Finesse (53)/
68 Disarming Sneer Single target mez. Disarming Leer (54)/
68 Uncanny Response Double melee damage attack. Uncanny Reflexes (54)/
69 Stance: Dauntless Advance Increase slash/pierce/ranged + melee damage and interrupt proc; decrease defense. Stance: Audacious Advance (55)/
69 Steelweaver Self agi/str buff. Battleweaver (55)/
70 Inspiration Brief self buff granting extra piercing damage with each successful melee attack. Inspired Daring (50)/
70 Lucky Ploy AE melee damage attack. Lucky Ruse (56)/
70 Whirl of Blades Triple melee attack + physical mit debuff if all attacks land. Fury of Blades (56)/
Level Spell/Skill Name Description Replaces/Replaced By
1 Tracking Shows nearby targets and gives a waypoint to a selected one. N/A
1 Sneak Stealth + see stealth. N/A
1 Swipe Melee damage + DPS debuff. (none)/Steel Swipe (8)
2 Pincer Stealth melee attack + knockdown. (none)/Route (9)
2 Spine Attack Rear melee attack + agi debuff. (none)/Viscerate (10)
3 Circle Attack AE melee damage attack. (none)/Circle Blade (14)
4 Cheap Shot 2 second stun that lasts for an additional 2 seconds on no- or down-arrow mobs. N/A
4 Pathfinding 16% out of combat group movement speed buff. N/A
5 Lucky Break Heroic Opportunity starter. N/A
5 Slice Flank/rear melee attack + physical damage debuff. (none)/Gut Slice (19)
6 Evade Single target threat decrease. (none)/Divert (18)
7 Hold Snare + magic/divine debuff. (none)/Neutralize (23)
8 Dirty Tricks Wis debuff + defense debuff. (none)/Flashy Trick (22)
8 Steel Swipe Melee damage + DPS debuff. Swipe (1)/Edged Swipe (15)
9 Route Stealth melee attack + knockdown. Pincer (2)/Shanghai (21)
10 Viscerate Rear melee attack + agi debuff. Spine Attack (2)/Unfriendly Reminder (24)
11 Smuggle Group stealth. N/A
12 Quick Flurry Double melee damage attack. (none)/Snap of the Wrist (26)
13 Flight of Foot Self agi/str buff. (none)/Flight of Fancy (27)
13 Stance: Rash Advance Increase slash/pierce/ranged + melee damage and interrupt proc; decrease defense. (none)/Stance: Risky Advance (27)
14 Circle Blade AE melee damage attack. Circle Attack (3)/Deft Rush (28)
15 Edged Swipe Melee damage + DPS debuff. Steel Swipe (8)/Playful Swipe (29)
15 Poke Front/flank melee damage attack + parry debuff. (none)/Nimble Cut (29)
16 Cold Throw Double ranged cold damage attack + snare. (Requires thrown weapon.) (none)/Chilling Throw (30)
17 Avoid Notice Self buff granting chance to decrease threat on successful attack. (none)/Avoid Attention (31)
18 Divert Single target threat decrease. Evade (6)/Slip (32)
18 Stance: Fancy Footwork Increase parry/defense + physical mit; decrease slash/pierce. (none)/Stance: Smirking Defense (32)
19 Gut Slice Flank/rear melee attack + physical damage debuff. Slice (5)/Kidney Blow (33)
19 Stay Low Stealth + decrease threat priority by 1 position + threat decrease. (none)/Lie Low (33)
20 Flamboyant Swipe AE melee damage attack + knockdown. (none)/Rakish Swathe (34)
20 Swarthy Distraction Threat transfer to ally. (none)/Swarthy Deception (34)
20 Swashbuckler's Charm Makes ally appear flustered. N/A
21 Shanghai Stealth melee attack + knockdown. Route (9)/Ambuscade (35)
22 Flashy Trick Wis debuff + defense debuff. Dirty Tricks (8)/Tricky Display (36)
22 Undercut Melee damage + snare. (none)/Hamstring (36)
23 Neutralize Snare + magic/divine debuff. Hold (7)/Checkmate (37)
24 Gibe Threat increase + interrupt + dispel beneficial magic/mental effects. (none)/Reproach (38)
24 Unfriendly Reminder Rear melee attack + agi debuff. Viscerate (10)/Cat's Paw (38)
25 Escape Teleport group to safe location. N/A
26 Disarming Grin Single target mez. (none)/Disarming Smirk (40)
26 Snap of the Wrist Double melee damage attack. Quick Flurry (12)/Uncanny Speed (40)
27 Flight of Fancy Self agi/str buff. Flight of Foot (13)/Bladeweaver (41)
27 Stance: Risky Advance Increase slash/pierce/ranged + melee damage and interrupt proc; decrease defense. Stance: Rash Advance (13)/Stance: Daring Advance (41)
28 Deft Rush AE melee damage attack. Circle Blade (14)/Lucky Gambit (42)
28 Flurry of Arms Triple melee attack + physical mit debuff if all attacks land. (none)/Flurry of Blades (42)
29 Nimble Cut Front/flank melee damage attack + parry debuff. Poke (15)/Razor Edge (43)
29 Playful Swipe Melee damage + DPS debuff. Edged Swipe (15)/Flash of Steel (43)
30 Chilling Throw Double ranged cold damage attack + snare. (Requires thrown weapon.) Cold Throw (16)/Frigid Throw (44)
30 False Blade Melee damage attack that causes the next person to make a successful melee attack on target to gain more hate than usual for a brief time. (none)/Treacherous Blade (44)
31 Avoid Attention Self buff granting chance to decrease threat on successful attack. Avoid Notice (17)/Avoid Blame (45)
32 Feigned Bravado Self buff granting chance, on successful melee attack, to increase hate gain and atk speed for 20 seconds or until swashbuckler takes damage. (none)/False Bravado (46)
32 Slip Single target threat decrease. Divert (18)/Evasion (46)
32 Stance: Smirking Defense Increase parry/defense + physical mit; decrease slash/pierce. Stance: Fancy Footwork (18)/Stance: Dexterous Slashing (46)
33 Kidney Blow Flank/rear melee attack + physical damage debuff. Gut Slice (19)/Disheartening Guile (47)
33 Lie Low Stealth + decrease threat priority by 1 position + threat decrease. Stay Low (19)/Shadow Slip (47)
34 Rakish Swathe AE melee damage attack + knockdown. Flamboyant Swipe (20)/Brilliant Swathe (48)
34 Swarthy Deception Threat transfer to ally. Swarthy Distraction (20)/Swarthy Diversion (48)
35 Ambuscade Stealth melee attack + knockdown. Shanghai (21)/Brazen Thrust (49)
35 Ruthless Cunning Short DPS self buff. N/A
36 Hamstring Melee damage + snare. Undercut (22)/Disable (50)
36 Tricky Display Wis debuff + defense debuff. Flashy Trick (22)/Deriding Chicanery (49)
37 Checkmate Snare + magic/divine debuff. Neutralize (23)/Hangman's Noose (51)
38 Cat's Paw Rear melee attack + agi debuff. Unfriendly Reminder (24)/Pillage (52)
38 Reproach Threat increase + interrupt + dispel beneficial magic/mental effects. Gibe (24)/Admonish (52)
39 Artful Finesse Brief atk speed + DPS self buff. (none)/Ingenious Finesse (53)
40 Disarming Smirk Single target mez. Disarming Grin (26)/Disarming Leer (54)
40 Disguise: Half Elf Self Half Elf illusion. N/A
40 Uncanny Speed Double melee damage attack. Snap of the Wrist (26)/Uncanny Reflexes (54)
41 Bladeweaver Self agi/str buff. Flight of Fancy (27)/Battleweaver (55)
41 Stance: Daring Advance Increase slash/pierce/ranged + melee damage and interrupt proc; decrease defense. Stance: Risky Advance (27)/Stance: Audacious Advance (55)
42 Flurry of Blades Triple melee attack + physical mit debuff if all attacks land. Flurry of Arms (28)/Fury of Blades (56)
42 Lucky Gambit AE melee damage attack. Deft Rush (28)/Lucky Ruse (56)
43 Flash of Steel Melee damage + DPS debuff. Playful Swipe (29)/Dazzling Steel (57)
43 Razor Edge Front/flank melee damage attack + parry debuff. Nimble Cut (29)/Razor Point (57)
44 Flamboyant Strike Melee damage attack + int debuff. (none)/Gaudy Strike (44)
44 Frigid Throw Double ranged cold damage attack + snare. (Requires thrown weapon.) Chilling Throw (30)/Arctic Blast (58)
44 Treacherous Blade Melee damage attack that causes the next person to make a successful melee attack on target to gain more hate than usual for a brief time. False Blade (30)/Devious Blade (58)
45 Avoid Blame Self buff granting chance to decrease threat on successful attack. Avoid Attention (31)/Avoid Censure (59)
46 Evasion Single target threat decrease. Slip (32)/Elude (60)
46 False Bravado Self buff granting chance, on successful melee attack, to increase hate gain and atk speed for 20 seconds or until swashbuckler takes damage. Feigned Bravado (32)/Spurious Bravado (60)
46 Stance: Dexterous Slashing Increase parry/defense + physical mit; decrease slash/pierce. Stance: Smirking Defense (32)/Stance: Agile Slashing (60)
47 Disheartening Guile Flank/rear melee attack + physical damage debuff. Kidney Blow (33)/Guile (61)
47 Shadow Slip Stealth + decrease threat priority by 1 position + threat decrease. Lie Low (33)/Hideaway (61)
48 Brilliant Swathe AE melee damage attack + knockdown. Rakish Swathe (34)/Dashing Swathe (62)
48 Swarthy Diversion Threat transfer to ally. Swarthy Deception (34)/Swarthy Disorder (62)
49 Brazen Thrust Stealth melee attack + knockdown. Ambuscade (35)/Brazening (63)
50 Deriding Chicanery Wis debuff + defense debuff. Tricky Display (36)/Double Cross (64)
50 Disable Melee damage + snare. Hamstring (36)/Impair (64)
50 Inspired Daring Brief self buff granting extra piercing damage with each successful melee attack. (none)/Inspiration (70)
50 Weapon Blur Blur effect on swashbuckler's weapons. N/A
51 Hangman's Noose Snare + magic/divine debuff. Checkmate (37)/Constrain (65)
52 Admonish Threat increase + interrupt + dispel beneficial magic/mental effects. Reproach (38)/Berate (66)
52 Hurricane Maintained self buff granting chance for primary weapon autoattack to affect up to 4 enemies AE in front of the swashbuckler. Can be toggled off. N/A
52 Pillage Rear melee attack + agi debuff. Cat's Paw (38)/Plunder (66)
53 Ingenious Finesse Brief atk speed + DPS self buff. Artful Finesse (39)/Perfect Finesse (67)
54 Disarming Leer Single target mez. Disarming Smirk (40)/Disarming Sneer (68)
54 Uncanny Reflexes Double melee damage attack. Uncanny Speed (40)/Uncanny Response (68)
55 Battleweaver Self agi/str buff. Bladeweaver (41)/Steelweaver (69)
55 Hail of Steel Series of high damage ranged attacks that keeps the swashbuckler rooted, stifled and dazed w/ increased hate gain for duration. Can be toggled off. N/A
55 Stance: Audacious Advance Increase slash/pierce/ranged + melee damage and interrupt proc; decrease defense. Stance: Daring Advance (41)/Stance: Dauntless Advance (69)
56 Fury of Blades Triple melee attack + physical mit debuff if all attacks land. Flurry of Blades (42)/Whirl of Blades (70)
56 Lucky Ruse AE melee damage attack. Lucky Gambit (42)/Lucky Ploy (70)
57 Dazzling Steel Melee damage + DPS debuff. Flash of Steel (43)/
57 Razor Point Front/flank melee damage attack + parry debuff. Razor Edge (43)/
58 Arctic Blast Double ranged cold damage attack + snare. (Requires thrown weapon.) Frigid Throw (44)/
58 Devious Blade Melee damage attack that causes the next person to make a successful melee attack on target to gain more hate than usual for a brief time. Treacherous Blade (44)/
58 Gaudy Strike Melee damage attack + int debuff. Flamboyant Strike (44)/
58 Lung Puncture Flank/rear melee damage attack + casting and melee skills debuff. N/A
59 Avoid Censure Self buff granting chance to decrease threat on successful attack. Avoid Blame (45)/
60 Elude Single target threat decrease. Evasion (46)/
60 Spurious Bravado Self buff granting chance, on successful melee attack, to increase hate gain and atk speed for 20 seconds or until swashbuckler takes damage. False Bravado (46)/
60 Stance: Agile Slashing Increase parry/defense + physical mit; decrease slash/pierce. Stance: Dexterous Slashing (46)/
61 Guile Flank/rear melee attack + physical damage debuff. Disheartening Guile (47)/
61 Hideaway Stealth + decrease threat priority by 1 position + threat decrease. Shadow Slip (47)/
62 Dashing Swathe AE melee damage attack + knockdown. Brilliant Swathe (48)/
62 Swarthy Disorder Threat transfer to ally. Swarthy Diversion (48)/
63 Brazening Stealth melee attack + knockdown. Brazen Thrust (49)/
64 Double Cross Wis debuff + defense debuff. Deriding Chicanery (50)/
64 Impair Melee damage + snare. Disable (50)/
65 Constrain Snare + magic/divine debuff. Hangman's Noose (51)/
65 En Garde Short self buff granting melee damage when the swashie's attack is riposted/parried/blocked/deflected + melee damage when the swashie parries/ripostes/blocks an enemy + chance for additional melee damage when enemy uses a combat art. N/A
66 Berate Threat increase + interrupt + dispel beneficial magic/mental effects. Admonish (52)/
66 Plunder Rear melee attack + agi debuff. Pillage (52)/
67 Perfect Finesse Brief atk speed + DPS self buff. Ingenious Finesse (53)/
68 Disarming Sneer Single target mez. Disarming Leer (54)/
68 Uncanny Response Double melee damage attack. Uncanny Reflexes (54)/
69 Stance: Dauntless Advance Increase slash/pierce/ranged + melee damage and interrupt proc; decrease defense. Stance: Audacious Advance (55)/
69 Steelweaver Self agi/str buff. Battleweaver (55)/
70 Inspiration Brief self buff granting extra piercing damage with each successful melee attack. Inspired Daring (50)/
70 Lucky Ploy AE melee damage attack. Lucky Ruse (56)/
70 Whirl of Blades Triple melee attack + physical mit debuff if all attacks land. Fury of Blades (56)/