| Simply use /mac turnin itemname. ie /mac turnin bone chips, or mac turnin something here with a name w/ up to 7 words.
Sub Main
/declare TurnIn String outer
/declare count int local
/if (!${Defined[Param1]}) {
/varset TurnIn ${Param0}
} else /if (!${Defined[Param2]}) {
/varset TurnIn ${Param0} ${Param1}
} else /if (!${Defined[Param3]}) {
/varset TurnIn ${Param0} ${Param1} ${Param2}
} else /if (!${Defined[Param4]}) {
/varset TurnIn ${Param0} ${Param1} ${Param2} ${Param3}
} else /if (!${Defined[Param5]}) {
/varset TurnIn ${Param0} ${Param1} ${Param2} ${Param3} ${Param4}
} else /if (!${Defined[Param6]}) {
/varset TurnIn ${Param0} ${Param1} ${Param2} ${Param3} ${Param4} ${Param5}
} else {
/varset TurnIn ${Param0} ${Param1} ${Param2} ${Param3} ${Param4} ${Param5} ${Param6}
/echo turning in ${FindItemCount[=${TurnIn}]} ${TurnIn}
/if (!${FindItem[=${TurnIn}].InvSlot}) {
/echo Go get more stuff! We be done!
/for count 1 to 4
/ctrlkey /itemnotify ${FindItem[=${TurnIn}].InvSlot} leftmouseup
/delay 2s ${Cursor.ID}
/if (!${FindItem[=${TurnIn}].InvSlot}) /goto :Done
/delay 4
/if (${count}==1) {
/click left target
/click left target
/delay 2s !${Cursor.ID}
/if (${count}==2) {
/notify GiveWnd GVW_MyItemSlot1 leftmouseup
/delay 2s !${Cursor.ID}
/if (${count}==3) {
/notify GiveWnd GVW_MyItemSlot2 leftmouseup
/delay 2s !${Cursor.ID}
/if (${count}==4) {
/notify GiveWnd GVW_MyItemSlot3 leftmouseup
/delay 2s !${Cursor.ID}
/next count
/delay 4
/notify GiveWnd GVW_Give_Button leftmouseup
/delay 4
/delay 4
/if (${Cursor.ID}) /goto :cursorclear
/goto :Loop
/delay 4
/notify GiveWnd GVW_Give_Button leftmouseup