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2 Macros Please! *Advanced(?)* (1 Viewer)


New member
Jun 16, 2005
If possible, could I get 1 macro written for a Paladin of the lower levels, nearly 30. I'd like it to be like the following:

Note: NOTES section after Macro Stuff

Rich (BB code):
------------- PALADIN MACRO STUFF -----------------

1) Target nearest NPC (with Radius)
-a) If target is 4 or more levels above Paladin, /goto :highlevel
-b) If target is 3 levels above, but no more. /goto :attack
-c) If no target within level range or radius supplied. /goto :newspot

2) :HighLevel
-a) /consider the NPC
-b) If NPC is "Threateningly" or "Scowling"
--) /warp wp <waypoint> (Random WP selected from specified list)
-c) /keypress ESC
-d) If NPC is any other /con. /target npc next

3) :Attack
-a) If MobHP==100%. /target npc next
-b) /stick 50%, /attack on
-c) If MobHP<=100%. /cast Yaulp (Just want it to cast when it refreshes, no need for MobHP%)
-d) If MobHP<=90%. /cast Cease (Stun)
-e) If MobHP<=25%. /cast Root
-f) If MobHP<=10%. /cast Root

4) :NewSpot
-a) Randomly picks WP out of specified list, warps there and begins targetting mobs.
-b) If another PC is within NPC radius selected. /warp succor, /camp desktop, /macroend

5) If <Druid name> has been slain by*#*. /warp succor, /camp desktop, /macroend
Rich (BB code):
------------- DRUID MACRO STUFF ------------------

This one maybe more difficult to do, or even easier than Paladin.

1) Follow Paladin around, everywhere. /stick ### (Not sure exact number)
-a) If PaladinHp==100%. /goto :FullHP
-b) If PaladinHp<=60%. /goto :Heal
-c) If MyHP<=60%. /goto :SelfHeal
-d) If MyHP<=20%. /goto :SelfSuccor

2) :FullHP
-a) *This is where buffs are checked and refreshed, only Self buffs seem possible*
-b) /goto :loopstart

3) :Heal
-a) If PaladinHp<=60%. /cast <spellgem> (Chloroblast or Nature's Infusion type)
-b) /goto :loopstart

5) :SelfHeal
-a) If MyHP<=60%. /cast <spellgem> , /cast <Regeneration Line Spell>
-b) /goto :loopstart

6) :SelfSuccor
-a) If MyHP<=20%. /stopcast, /warp succor, /target self, /cast <Spellgem>, /target Paladin, /warp target *Resume following Paladin*
Rich (BB code):
---------- NOTES ----------

I know some, if not most, of this might not be possibly, but if it's at all possible, would LOVE to get it up and running.

Druid will NOT be grouped with the Paladin.

~ Druid will need to be able to refresh Skin Like ****, Shield of **** (DS), and Regeneration buffs on self and Paladin at all times.
~ Druid will need to STOP moving to cast spells, then resume following Paladin.
~ Druid will ALWAYS, except while casting spells, be following Paladin.
~ Paladin must check for other PCs (besides Druid) AND compare to nearest MobsHP%. Any mob 100% HP and near PC, fair game.
~ Paladin simply /targets NPC and /stick to them, keeps Yaulp up at all times, and uses Root when mobs HP get low.

Very sorry if this confused you guys. I'll clarify anything that you guys find unclear, to the best of my ability.
Bump, I am still looking for these.

Maybe to be a little more clear, I would like 1 macro for my melee toon so he will target a mob nearby, /stick to it, and attack. Root at certain %'s HP and Yaulp whenever spell is refreshed. For the other macro, a Druid will always stay in range to heal (if ever needed) and buff / re-buff Paladin, keeping Druid alive by /warp succor, then heal self and warp back to Paladin.

The purpose isn't to be pulling mobs to a certain "camp" or anything, but to just freely rush mobs (only if 100% HP) and kill them on the spot. I see 1 problem already though, Druid will be keeping Damage Shield on Paladin, and that'll make the next mob Paladin targets, if an add was hittin Paladin, not at 100% HP... hope that someone can help me with these macros.
2 Macros Please! *Advanced(?)*

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