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Question - 3 box - necro, beastlord and... (1 Viewer)


New member
Jun 28, 2015
My account make up is account 1 (necro) account 2 (beastlord) account 3 is either a bars or ranger. I've been playing a bars and have 10k aa's but looking for a change, I have a 91 ranger not sure if I should just stick with the bars or get the ranger to 105 with my other toons. I'm currently not botting them but rely on macros for casting spells and such. With this program is wouldn't be hard to get the ranger to 105, but not sure if I woul be happy at the end result. I know my mercs die a lot on named and the beastlord pet ends up tanking them just fine so I'm leaning towards melee and combat buffs. Thought on bard or ranger on that group makeup ?
Bard is probably better syngery for this group for the adps and cc. Ranger has some adps and pinch tanking ability but IMO, the bard would be better. Why not go for the mage and be the all pet grp?
That's funny you say that. I have a 105 baby mage only 6k AAs on the bard ranger account. I need that slot to be a little CC and pulling so I picked the bard ranger. I have a transfer token on my mage just incase I wanted to level him up more on one of the DOS accounts
Question - 3 box - necro, beastlord and...

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