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A beginnner question (1 Viewer)

The best way is to get someone else's macro and read it from top to bottom. If you are fimiliar with programming it isn't that difficult to pick up, otherwise you might need more explaining. What's your programming background?
Can i laugh now i'm very low end in programing. if i had a step by step thing i can do it other wise LOL i'm lost. i want to use the baz Code but how do i get it in my puter so i can use it.
Open up Notepad

Copy and paste all the code

Click "Save As"

In the portion where it says "File Type"

Make it say "All Files"

Save the macro in the macro folder


name it something that ends in .mac

go back to everquest and type /mac whatever_you_decided_to_call_your_macro.mac

From any of these websites that have macro's in them such as Redguides, MQ2's Macro depository, etc.

In the "Code" portion of postings is macros, some are very specific in what they do such as mage.mac is obviously not a macro for monk pulling.

Find a macro you want to use and copy and paste it into notepad.

follow the instructions set above. Be sure and save the macro in your "..\Release\Macros\" Folder (IE Where you double click "Macroquest.exe" to start it is a folder called "Macros" save the macros there)

Or rather, take a decent sized macro, and go through it top to bottom like others recommended, and look up everything you don't know (or ask if it's not well documented..but make sure it's not first) until you understand it well enough that you could rewrite it if necessary. Don't just learn the pieces, try to learn the logic and the flow of the macro as well. Do this a few times and you should be able to write anything you want.
A beginnner question

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