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Question - Advice needed for old fart who cant figure it all out (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2005
Hello folks! thanks for looking at this post , and hopefully helping out

Ive been around here since 2005 (Some people might know me!), have used MQ2 a fair bit and know a little bit about it all

However, im clearly not using it to its full potential , and this is mostly because i wouldnt know where to begin

Im looking to run a small group and this would be my setup

105 close to max AA Mage
105 Zerker 9kAAs
105 Bard 9k AAs

and im levelling a necro (97) and a ranger (89) , and a last slot for a cleric merc

Ive did DH HAs , just put /bot on and manually moved characters around etc. it was a chore, having to move all the time, alt tabbing back and forward etc, pulling with bard and tabbing back to mage to send pet in to tank etc was a nightmare!

So basically im looking for some help with whats the best way to do this? Ive barely touched KA and i know nothing about EQBC... to be fair im pretty rubbish!

Anyone can help an old git like me out?

Thank you, much love <3

Question - Advice needed for old fart who cant figure it all out

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