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Advpath Puller (1 Viewer)


What is a macro??
Mar 21, 2006
Does anyone here have a "working" Advpath puller mac? I cant seem to find one that isn't having problems.

Is there one out there that uses the Advpath plugin from MQ2VIP?

Gotta forgive me back a few months now trying to re-learn ...bleh soo many changes.

Thanks in advance. RC's in return!
Last edited:
Ok it seems it was a problem with my compile, I havent been able to reproduce the advpath errors since last compile. But I do have one question on why in the movehome sub it stops , gets beat up, then resumes its replay home.

Rich (BB code):
Sub ReturnHome
DEBUG_1 Entered ReturnHome
  /if (${RoamingPulls} && ${PathingFlag}==1) {
    /call AdvPathPoll
    /if (${PathingFlag}==1) {
      /echo stop
      /call AdvPathPoll
      /call PlayFunction "${PathFile} 1 cr nopp noz"
    /if (${PathingFlag}==1) {
      /call AdvPathPoll
      /delay 1
      /goto :LoopTilThere
    /if (${Target.ID}) /face fast nolook

Also if anyone else uses this macro Besure to check all the crap I have commented out, either I dont have them or I was done being spammed with Nulls heh.

Rich (BB code):
|-Udated Highend Pull/Kill SK Style v1.12 by Unbeknownst2002
|-Pull/Kill Macro SK Style v1.11 by Lord_Vyper
|-Based on Pull/Kill Macro  v1.1 by DigitalMocking
|- Read all of the usage and intructions before complaining something is wrong. This is   -|
|- not foolproof, but is much more user friendly than before. Please post if any errors   -|
|- arise. Thanks, Unbeknownst2002.                                                        -|
|-  *Organizational thoughts:* Before starting the macro, you will want to make sure that your spells are
|-  all memmed correctly. To keep it simple, I'll label each gem and what spell type you should have
|-  in it for a quick reference.
|-  Gem1: Pull Spell
|-  Gem2: DebuffSpell w/ Recourse (default is Touch of Draygun)
|-  Gem3: Lifetap
|-  Gem4: unused
|-  Gem5: unused
|-  Gem6: AggroSpell
|-  Gem7: DarknessSpell
|-  Gem8: Selfbuff (default is Dark Bargain)
|-  Gem9: Selfbuff (default is Cloak of Corruption)
|-  *Gems 8 and 9 will be memmed and dememmed as appropriate for spells needed, but having Dark
|-   Bargain and Cloak of Corruption up first will save you time*
|-  USAGE: /macro skpull.mac <pathfile> <Camp Radius> <Pull Range> <Home X Location> <Home Y Location>
|-  the macro will set your anchor point to wherever you started it at.  So run
|-  to your camp, get set up and start pulling.  If you define a home X/Y location
|-  you will run immediately to that camp, and providing you haven't been hit by
|-  any mobs, start pulling to the defined spot. 
|-  WARNING:Only use X and Y loc when NOT using a pathfile! Or, you will die.
|-  If you provide a pathing file, the macro will run along the advpath file until it finds
|-  a mob, run close enough to tag then return to the path and run back to camp.  There is
|-  currently NO CHECK for the amountof mobs that may come as adds... make sure you pick reasonable
|-  paths.  Don't bitch if you die. BEWARE: While using a pathfile, make sure your starting camp
|-  is within radius of the first loc in your pathfile, i.e. start the sk pull macro where you begin
|-  to record your path file. Also, do not loop your pathfile - travel one direction, not in circles
|-  The macro will run towards a mob and pull with spell.
|-  Currently it's set up for a shadow knight level 70+, run out, tag, run back to camp,
|-  wait for the mob to come to you, and engage.
|- WARNING: If you use an intricate path and you are hit several times during your pull, you will die.
|- After being hit several times, the macro will automatically head back to your camp spot on a straight
|- line. Even if there is a wall between you and your camp spot. ALSO: Do not set camp in close quarter
|- areas. The stuck logic WILL go nuts. Pathing through tight areas is not so much a problem. However,
|- camping in a tight room, or with obstacles around - will cause problems. You will die.
|- .ini file settings.  Name of the ini file is <charname>_pullbot.ini
|- Example file:
|- [Pathfiles]
|- The Plane of Tranquility=potqpath
|- The Lavastorm Mountains=lspath
|- The Plane of Disease=podpath
|- Wall of Slaughter=wosnwpath
|- [Excludes.The Plane of Disease]
|- Grimgor Plaguebringer=Exclude
|- an arachae crawler=Exclude
|- a feeble rat=Exclude
|- [Excludes.The Plane of Tranquility]
|- Adler Fuirstel=Exclude
|-requirements: MQ2Moveutils plugin, advpath.inc, advpath2.inc
|-  ** In case you missed that:  You must have MQ2Moveutils installed and loaded
|-  ** prior to running this macro, or its just not going to work for you at all
|- Included in this file is an autolooter shamelessly stolen from mystikule.
|- (http://macroquest2.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=11022)  See the attached thread
|- for information on the loot.ini file in your Release directory, but it really
|- is self explanitory.
|- ChangeLog:
|-   10/10/06: Added GM check, more user friendly settings (i.e. LifeTaps, Epic, Leech
|-             Touch), and mob fleeing logic (since it was removed from MQ2 Moveutils)
|-             Also added OOC Regen logic.
|-   9/1/05:  Tweaked add aggro management
|-   8/31/05: Added in med logic to sit for as long as it'd take to regen 100% mana. Worked on Got_Add timings (hopefully fixed)
|-   8/30/05: Variable-ized spells
|-   8/28/05: Changed around wait times, added in spell casting, made the damn bot stay when waiting for a mob to come in.
|-Special thanks for code examples and snips from the following developers:
|-  wizzyman, unknownerrors, override, a_druid_00, Cr4zyb4rd, Quagmire and others.
|-  without their code, examples and postings, I never would have been able to write this.
|-  Better Pull checking for adds, ie: another target within X radius of your intended pull
#event MobDead     "#*#You have slain#*#"
#event MobDead     "#*#has been slain by#*#"
#event GotHit      "#*#hits YOU for#*#"
#event GotHit      "#*#slashes YOU for#*#"
#event GotHit      "#*#crushes YOU for#*#"
#event GotHit      "#*#bashes YOU for#*#"
#event GotHit      "#*#kicks YOU for#*#"
#event GotHit      "#*#smashes YOU for#*#"
#event GotHit      "#*#mauls YOU for#*#"
#event GotHit      "#*#gores YOU for#*#"
#event GotHit      "#*#pierces YOU for#*#"
#event GotHit      "#*#kicks YOU for#*#"
#event GotHit      "#*#bashes YOU for#*#"
#event NotStanding "#*#You must be standing to attack!#*#"
#event NoSeeTarget "#*#You cannot see your target.#*#
#event NoSeeTarget "#*#You can't hit them from here#*#

#include advpath.inc
#include advloot.inc
#include spell_routines.inc

#Define DEBUG_1 "/squelch /echo"
#Define DEBUG_2 "/squelch /echo"

Sub Main

|- Set this for how far out you want your puller to check for mobs, anything beyond
|- this distance will be ignored
/declare    CampRadius        int      outer   3000

|- This is the range of your Bow or ranged item.
/declare   PullDistance    int    outer 65
|- If your choice of pulling has a minimum needed distance, set this.  If you're using
|- spells, 0 is fine.
/declare  MinPDistance    int    outer 0

|- Max and Min Z are variables relative to your starting camp.
/declare   MaxZ            int    outer 350
/declare    MinZ            int    outer -350

/declare  AnnounceChannel string outer /echo
|- Set RoaminPulls to true and your pathfile is defined in the .ini file.
|- You can also call the macro with the pathfile being the first argument.
/declare  RoamingPulls           outer TRUE
|- If you want various spammy messages sent to you, set this to TRUE
/declare   Verbose                outer TRUE
/declare  DEBUG                  outer FALSE
/declare  DEBUG_GT               outer FALSE

/declare LootMobs          int    outer 1
/declare CorpseList        string outer 0
/declare CorpseRadius      int    outer 70
/declare MobsTooClose      int    outer 50
/declare CorpseAlertList   int    outer 70
/declare CorpseRotTime     string outer 440s
/declare CorpseRotTimer    timer  outer
/declare CorpseRotSetTimer string outer FALSE
/declare LootINIFile       string outer "${Me.Name}_loot.ini"
/declare useAutoLoot       string outer FALSE

|- Pet. Not in use atm, but can be edited in further down. Pet implementation needs to be updated.
/declare PetSpell          string outer "Shambling Minion"
/declare PetGem            string outer gem7

/declare PetBuff           string outer "Amplify Death Rk. II"
/declare PetBuffGem        string outer gem7
/declare PetBuffName       string outer Amplify Death Rk. II

|This is the percent at which you will use your Leech Touch ability to save your ass.
/declare LeechTouchPct       string outer 25

|- Spells
|This is the percent and spell you will use as a life tap while fighting.
/declare LifeTapSpell       string outer "Touch of Severan Rk. II"
/declare LifeTapGem         string outer gem1
/declare LifeTapPct         string outer 35

|This is for 2.0 usage when soloing. Comment out if you don't have it.
|/declare SKepic            string outer "Innoruuk's Dark Blessing"
|/declare SKepicGem         string outer item
|/declare SKepicPct         string outer 38

|This is the darkness spell you want to use to keep your mob still when trying to flee, and the
| percentage to begin the check i.e. Mob Health < 20%, Fleeing, and Speed>20 - Festering Darkness
| will be cast
/declare DarknessSpell     string outer "Festering Darkness"
/declare DarknessGem       string outer gem4
/declare DarknessPct      string outer 20

|What you're pulling with - not usually smart to use a higher snare, unless you like adds.
/declare PullSpell         string outer "Challenge for Power Rk. II"
/declare PullGem           string outer gem2

|What aggro spell  you use when mob is great than 45 distance away. The distance variable can be
| changed below, but I like using AE Aggro for when I bot with cleric, enchanter and other classes
/declare AggroSpell        string outer "Vilify"
/declare AggroGem          string outer gem6

|-Debuff Spells during fight. First is name of spell in book, then gem you will use, and then the name
| of the buff it places in your buff box. You can add more of these in by copying and pasting them
| down below. Just rename to Debuff2 etc.
|/declare Debuff1           string outer "Touch of Draygun"
|/declare Debuff1Gem        string outer gem2
|/declare Debuff1IconName   string outer Gift of Draygun

|-Buffs. These will not be cast during combat, and include your clicky items. There is a check before and after
| combat for rebuffing.
/declare Buff1             string outer "Dark Bargain Rk. II"
/declare Buff1Gem          string outer gem7
/declare Buff1IconName     string outer Dark Bargain Rk. II

/declare Buff2             string outer "Cloak of Corruption"
/declare Buff2Gem          string outer gem8
/declare Buff2IconName     string outer Cloak of Corruption

/declare Buff3             string outer "Shroud of the Nightborn Rk. II"
/declare Buff3Gem          string outer gem8
/declare Buff3IconName     string outer Shroud of the Nightborn Rk. II

/declare Buff4             string outer "Bobbing Corpse"
/declare Buff4Gem          string outer gem9
/declare Buff4IconName     string outer Bobbing Corpse

/declare Buff5             string outer "Remorseless Demeanor Rk. II"
/declare Buff5Gem          string outer gem8
/declare Buff5IconName     string outer Remorseless Demeanor Rk. II

/declare Buff6             string outer "Stonewall Pauldrons"
/declare Buff6Gem          string outer item
/declare Buff6IconName     string outer Form of Defense I

|- Program Variables, not important.
/declare IniFile          string outer ${Me.Name}_pullbot.ini
/declare  HomeXLoc        int    outer ${Me.X}
/declare  HomeYLoc        int    outer ${Me.Y}
/declare  CRadius         int    outer 0
/declare  TRadius         int    outer 0
/declare  PRadius         int    outer 0
/declare  HomeY           int    outer 0
/declare  HomeX           int    outer 0
/declare  StuckXLoc       float  outer 0.0
/declare  StuckYLoc       float  outer 0.0
/declare  Engaged                outer FALSE
/declare  DeadTarget             outer FALSE
/declare  RunHome                outer FALSE
/declare  Tagged                 outer FALSE
/declare  PathFile        string outer
/declare  WaitTimer       timer  outer
/declare  Pulling                outer FALSE
/declare  Berated                outer FALSE
/declare  OldItem         string outer
/declare  PetTaunt        bool   outer FALSE
/declare  Darkness        bool   outer FALSE
/declare  SitTime         int    outer 0
/if (${Defined[Param0]}) {
    /varset PathFile ${Param0}
  } else {
    /varset PathFile ${Ini[${IniFile},Pathfiles,${Zone}]}
/if (${Defined[Param1]}) /varset CampRadius ${Param1}
/if (${Defined[Param2]}) /varset PullDistance ${Param2}
/if (${Defined[Param3]} && ${Defined[Param4]}) {
  /if (${DEBUG}) /echo in the homex homey loop
  /varset HomeXLoc ${Param3}
  /varset HomeYLoc ${Param4}
  /call ReturnHome

/call InitAPFVars 1 15 20

  /call CheckForGMs
  /echo GM Check
DEBUG_1 Calling PullMob from :Main_Loop
  /call PullMob
DEBUG_1 Calling KillTarget from :Main_Loop
  /call KillTarget
DEBUG_1 Calling ReadyForNext from :Main_Loop
  /call ReadyForNext
DEBUG_1 Calling ResetVars from :Main_Loop
  /call ResetVars
  /goto :Main_Loop

Sub PullMob
DEBUG_1 Entered PullMob
|- Normal buffs to keep up. This is for buffing outside of combat
      /if (!${Me.Buff[${Buff1IconName}].ID} && !${Me.Combat}) /call cast ${Buff1} ${Buff1Gem}
      /if (!${Me.Buff[${Buff2IconName}].ID} && !${Me.Combat}) /call cast ${Buff2} ${Buff2Gem}
      /if (!${Me.Buff[${Buff3IconName}].ID} && !${Me.Combat}) /call cast ${Buff3} ${Buff3Gem}
      /if (!${Me.Buff[${Buff4IconName}].ID} && !${Me.Combat}) /call cast ${Buff4} ${Buff4Gem}
      /if (!${Me.Buff[${Buff5IconName}].ID} && !${Me.Combat}) /call cast ${Buff5} ${Buff5Gem}
|      /if (!${Me.Buff[${Buff6IconName}].ID} && !${Me.Combat}) /call cast ${Buff6} ${Buff6Gem}
|      /if (!${Me.Buff[${Buff7IconName}].ID} && !${Me.Combat}) /call cast ${Buff7} ${Buff7Gem}
|      /if (!${Me.Buff[${Buff8IconName}].ID} && !${Me.Combat}) /call cast ${Buff8} ${Buff8Gem}
|      /if (!${Me.Buff[${Buff9IconName}].ID} && !${Me.Combat}) /call cast ${Buff9} ${Buff9Gem}
|      /if (!${Me.Buff[${Buff10IconName}].ID} && !${Me.Combat}) /call cast ${Buff10} ${Buff10Gem}
|      /if (!${Me.Buff[${Buff11IconName}].ID} && !${Me.Combat}) /call cast ${Buff11} ${Buff11Gem}

  /call AdvPathPoll
  /call GetTarget
  /if (${Target.ID} && ${Target.Distance} < ${PullDistance}) {
   /if (${Target.CurrentHPs} >= 100) {
    /call TagTarget
  } else /if (${Target.Distance} > ${PullDistance} && ${Target.Distance} <  ${CampRadius}) {
   /if (${Target.CurrentHPs} >= 100) {
      /call MoveToTarget
  /if (${Tagged} && ${Math.Distance[${HomeYLoc},${HomeXLoc}]} > 25) {
    /call ReturnHome
DEBUG_1 Leaving PullMob 1   
  } else /if (${Tagged}) {
DEBUG_1 Leaving PullMob 2
  /if (${PathingFlag}==0 && ${RoamingPulls}) /call StartPullPath
  /goto :Pull_Loop
DEBUG_1 Leaving PullMob 3

Sub StartPullPath
DEBUG_1 Entering StartPullPath
  /delay 3
  /if (${Math.Distance[${HomeYLoc},${HomeXLoc}]} < 50) /call PlayFunction "${PathFile} 1 nf pp noz"
DEBUG_1 Leaving StartPullPath

Sub ReturnHome
DEBUG_1 Entered ReturnHome
  /if (${RoamingPulls} && ${PathingFlag}==1) {
    /call AdvPathPoll
    /if (${PathingFlag}==1) {
      /echo stop
      /call AdvPathPoll
      /call PlayFunction "${PathFile} 1 cr nopp noz"
    /if (${PathingFlag}==1) {
      /call AdvPathPoll
      /delay 1
      /goto :LoopTilThere
    /if (${Target.ID}) /face fast nolook
DEBUG_1 Leaving PullPath 1
  /face fast nolook loc ${HomeYLoc},${HomeXLoc}
  /if (${Math.Distance[${HomeYLoc},${HomeXLoc}]}>10) /keypress forward hold
  /call AreWeStuck
  /if (${Math.Distance[${HomeYLoc},${HomeXLoc}]}<10) {
    /keypress forward
    /keypress back
DEBUG_1 Leaving PullPath 2
  /goto :MoveHome
  /delay 1
  /if (${Target.ID}) /face fast nolook
  /varset RunHome FALSE
DEBUG_1 Leaving PullPath 3
Sub GetTarget(int TRadius)
DEBUG_1 Entering GetTarget
  /if (${DEBUG_GT}) /echo In Sub GetTarget
  /declare s   int local
  /declare i   int local 1
  /for i 1 to 4
    /varset s ${NearestSpawn[${i},npc radius ${CampRadius}].ID}
    /if (${Debug}) /echo Inifile value for ${Spawn[${s}].CleanName}: ${Ini[${IniFile},"Excludes.${Zone}","${Spawn[${s}].CleanName}"]}
    /if (${Ini[${IniFile},"Excludes.${Zone}","${Spawn[${s}].CleanName}"].Equal[Exclude]}) {
      /if (${DEBUG_GT}) /echo Ignoring ${Spawn[${s}].CleanName} because of ini file inclusion.
      /next i
    /if (${Spawn[${s}].Type.Equal["Corpse"]} || !${Spawn[${s}].LineOfSight} || ${Math.Distance[${Me.Z}:${Spawn[${s}].Z}]} >${MaxZ} || ${Math.Distance[${Me.Z}:${Spawn[${s}].Z}]}<${MinZ}) {
      /if (${DEBUG_GT}) /echo Ignoring ${Spawn[${s}].CleanName} because LoS, Corpse or Z axis
      /next i
    /if (${s} && ${Spawn[${s}].Distance} < ${CampRadius} && ${Spawn[${s}].LineOfSight} && ${Math.Distance[${Me.Z}:${Spawn[${s}].Z}]} < ${MaxZ} && ${Math.Distance[${Me.Z}:${Spawn[${s}].Z}]} > ${MinZ} && !${Spawn[${s}].Type.Equal["Corpse"]}) {
      /if (${DEBUG_GT}) /echo Leaving GetTarget because spawn is at: ${Spawn[${s}].Distance}
      /if (${DEBUG_GT}) /echo Targeting ID ${s}
      /delay 1
      /squelch /target id ${s}
         /if (${Verbose}) /echo ${Target.Name} Has been aquired at distance ${Target.Distance}
         /if (${Verbose}) ${AnnounceChannel} Incoming with [ %t ]
DEBUG_1 Leaving GetTarget 1
  /next i
DEBUG_1 Leaving GetTarget 2

Sub MoveToTarget
DEBUG_1 Entering MoveToTarget
  /declare px int local ${Me.X}
  /declare py int local ${Me.Y}
   /if (!${Target.ID}) /return
  /if (${Target.Distance} < ${PullDistance} ) /return
    /face fast nolook
    /keypress forward hold
     |/call AreWeStuck
     /if (${Target.Distance} >= ${PullDistance}) /goto :Moving
  /keypress forward
  /keypress back
  /call TagTarget
  /face fast nolook loc ${py},${px}
  /if (${Math.Distance[${py},${px}]}>10) /keypress forward hold
  /call AreWeStuck
  /if (${Math.Distance[${py},${px}]}<10) /goto :DoneMoving2
  /goto :Moving2
DEBUG_1 Leaving MoveToTarget 1

Sub AreWeStuck
DEBUG_1 Entering AreWeStuck
  /declare counter int local 0
  /declare i int local 0
  /varset StuckXLoc ${Me.X}
  /varset StuckYLoc ${Me.Y}
  /delay 2
  /if (${StuckXLoc}==${Me.X} && ${StuckYLoc}==${Me.Y}) {
    /if (${DEBUG}) /echo Calling MoveAround from inside of AreWeStuck /if statement
    /call MoveAround
DEBUG_1 Leaving AreWeStuck 1

Sub MoveAround
DEBUG_1 Entering MoveAround
  /keypress forward
  /keypress back hold
  /delay 3
  /keypress back
  /if (${Math.Rand[2]}) {
     /keypress strafe_right hold
  } else {
     /keypress strafe_left hold
  /delay 10
  /keypress strafe_right
  /keypress strafe_left
DEBUG_1 Leaving MoveAround 1
Sub TagTarget
DEBUG_1 Entering TagTarget
   /if (${Target.Distance} >= ${PullDistance}) {
     /if (${DEBUG}) /echo Not Close enough, even though we're Supposed to be!
    /call ResetVars
DEBUG_1 Leaving TagTarget 1
|- What you use to pull, and whatever you want to happen during the pulling sequence
|- This setup casts your pull spell and sics your pet (previously casted darkness,
|- which is not the best pulling spell for most sks)
  /face fast nolook
  /delay 2s
  /keypress back
  /keypress left
  /call Cast ${PullSpell} ${PullGem}
  /varset Tagged TRUE
DEBUG_1 Leaving TagTarget 2

Sub KillTarget
DEBUG_1 Entered KillTarget
  /pet attack
  /delay 1
  /if (!${Target.ID}) {
DEBUG_1 Leaving KillTarget 1
  /face fast nolook
  /declare counter int local 0
DEBUG_1 Moving to :WaitForMob in Sub KillTarget
   /if (${Target.Distance} > 50) {
   /keypress back
    /delay 5
    /varcalc counter ${counter}+1
    /if (${counter} > 100) {
/call cast ${DarknessSpell} ${DarknessGem}
     /goto :Combat
    /goto :WaitForMob
   DEBUG_1 Moving to :Combat in Sub KillTarget
     /call cast ${AggroSpell} ${AggroGem}
        /if (${Target.ID}) {
        /face fast nolook
     |- SK's weird buff/debuffs covered here
/if (${Target.Fleeing} && ${Target.Speed} > 20) {
	/keypress back
	/call cast ${DarknessSpell} ${DarknessGem}
	/stick behind 8
/if (${Me.Combat}) {
|     /if (${Me.PctHPs}<91 && ${Me.Buff[Mortal Coil].ID}) /goto :premc
     /if (${Me.PctHPs}<=${LeechTouchPct}) /alt activate 87
     /if (${Me.PctHPs}<=${LifeTapPct}) /call cast ${LifeTapSpell} ${LifeTapGem}
|     /if (${Me.PctHPs}<${SKepicPct}) /call cast ${SKepic} ${SKepicGem}     
     /if (${Me.PctHPs}<78 && ${Me.Song[Remorselessness].ID}) /call cast ${LifeTapSpell} ${LifeTapGem}
|     /if (!${Me.Buff[${Debuff1IconName}].ID}) /call cast ${Debuff1} ${Debuff1Gem}
     /if (${Target.Distance} > 140) {
       /if (${DEBUG_GT}) /echo Target Clear 1 in KillTarget
       /target clear
       /varset Engaged FALSE
   DEBUG_1 Leaving KillTarget 3
     /if (!${Me.Combat} && ${Target.Distance} < 70 && !${RaidMode}) /squelch /stick 8 moveback
     /if (!${Me.Combat} && ${Target.Distance} < ${Target.MaxRangeTo}) /attack on
     /if (!${Me.TargetOfTarget.Name.Equal[${Me}]}) /if (${Target.Distance} < 25 && ${Me.AbilityReady["Taunt"]} && !${RaidMode}) {
      /doability "Taunt"
      /call cast ${AggroSpell} ${AggroGem}
     /if (!${Target.ID} || ${Target.Type.Equal[Corpse]}) {
       /if (${DEBUG_GT}) /echo Target Clear 2 in KillTarget
       /squelch /target clear
       /delay 3
       /attack off
       /delay 3
       /call CheckForAdd
       /if (${Target.ID}) /call KillTarget
       /doevents MobDead
   DEBUG_1 Leaving KillTarget 4
     /doevents NotStanding
     /doevents NoSeeTarget
     /goto :Combat
   DEBUG_1 Leaving KillTarget 5
Sub CheckForGMs
   /if ( ( ${Spawn[gm].ID} ) || ( ${Spawn[GM].ID} ) || ( ${Spawn[guide].ID} ) || ( ${Spawn[Guide].ID} ) ) {
      /delay 10s !${Me.Casting.ID}
      /echo GM or Guide detected in zone.
      /echo Macro Terminating...
      /who all GM
      /delay 1s
      /camp desktop
      /delay 1s
      /who GM
      /delay 1s
      /keypress Num_-
      /delay 2s

Sub ReadyForNext
   DEBUG_1 Entered ReadyForNext
   |- Normal buffs to keep up. This is for buffing after the main kill loop.
      /if (!${Me.Buff[${Buff1IconName}].ID} && !${Me.Combat}) /call cast ${Buff1} ${Buff1Gem}
      /if (!${Me.Buff[${Buff2IconName}].ID} && !${Me.Combat}) /call cast ${Buff2} ${Buff2Gem}
      /if (!${Me.Buff[${Buff3IconName}].ID} && !${Me.Combat}) /call cast ${Buff3} ${Buff3Gem}
      /if (!${Me.Buff[${Buff4IconName}].ID} && !${Me.Combat}) /call cast ${Buff4} ${Buff4Gem}
      /if (!${Me.Buff[${Buff5IconName}].ID} && !${Me.Combat}) /call cast ${Buff5} ${Buff5Gem}
|      /if (!${Me.Buff[${Buff6IconName}].ID} && !${Me.Combat}) /call cast ${Buff6} ${Buff6Gem}
|      /if (!${Me.Buff[${Buff7IconName}].ID} && !${Me.Combat}) /call cast ${Buff7} ${Buff7Gem}
|      /if (!${Me.Buff[${Buff8IconName}].ID} && !${Me.Combat}) /call cast ${Buff8} ${Buff8Gem}
|      /if (!${Me.Buff[${Buff9IconName}].ID} && !${Me.Combat}) /call cast ${Buff9} ${Buff9Gem}
|      /if (!${Me.Buff[${Buff10IconName}].ID} && !${Me.Combat}) /call cast ${Buff10} ${Buff10Gem}
|      /if (!${Me.Buff[${Buff11IconName}].ID} && !${Me.Combat}) /call cast ${Buff11} ${Buff11Gem}

          /if (${Me.PctMana}>20) /return
     /if (${Me.PctMana}<20 && ${Me.CombatState.Equal[COOLDOWN]}) {
        /sit on
        /delay 31s
     /if (${Me.PctMana}<35 && ${Me.CombatState.Equal[RESTING]}) {
        /echo OOC Regen for 2 minutes...
             /delay 120s
       } else {
        /echo Not able to OOC Regen yet...
        /goto :medloop
   DEBUG_1 Leaving ReadyForNext
   Sub ResetVars
     /delay 1
     /attack off
     /if (${DEBUG_GT}) /echo Target Clear 1 in ResetVars
     /squelch /target clear
     /squelch /keypress esc
     /varset   Engaged         FALSE
     /varset   DeadTarget   FALSE
     /varset Pulling     FALSE
     /varset Tagged      FALSE
     /varset TRadius 0
     /varset Darkness FALSE
     /varset SitTime 0
   Sub Event_GotHit
     /if (${RunHome}) /return
     /if (!${Engaged}) {
       /if (${Math.Distance[${HomeYLoc},${HomeXLoc}]}>50) {
         /call ReturnHome
       /if (${DEBUG_GT}) /echo Target npc in Event_gotHit
       /call CheckForAdd
       /if (${Target.ID}) {
         /varset Engaged TRUE
         /call KillTarget
   Sub Event_NotStanding
     /if (${RunHome} || !${Engaged}) /return
     /if (${DEBUG}) /echo Calling MoveAround and ResetVars from inside of Event_NotStanding
     /call MoveAround
     /if (${Engaged}) {
       /call MoveAround
       /squelch /stick 8 ${Target.ID} moveback
     /if (${Pulling}) {
       /call MoveAround
       /call GetTarget
     /if (${Math.Distance[${HomeYLoc},${HomeXLoc}]}>10) {
       /if (${DEBUG}) /echo Calling ReturnHome from inside of Event_NotStanding
       /call ReturnHome
   Sub Event_NoSeeTarget
     /if (${RunHome} || !${Engaged} || ${Pulling}) /return
     /if (${Engaged} && ${Target.ID}) {
       /face nolook fast
       /squelch /stick 8 moveback
       /call PullMOb
     /if (${BadSpawn}) {
       /varcalc PullAttempts (${PullAttempts}+1)
       /if (${PullAttempts} > 2) {
         /call ResetVars
         /call ReturnHome
     /varset BadSpawn TRUE
     /varset IgnoreSpawn ${Target.ID}
     /if (${DEBUG}) /echo Calling MoveAround and TagTarget from inside of Event_NoSeeTarget
     /if (${DEBUG}) /echo IgnoreSpawn set: ${IgnoreSpawn}
     /call MoveAround
     /call MoveToTarget
     /call TagTarget
     /if (${Math.Distance[${HomeYLoc},${HomeXLoc}]}>50) {
       /if (${DEBUG}) /echo Calling ReturnHome from inside of NoSeeTarget
       /call ReturnHome
   Sub CheckForAdd
   DEBUG_1 In Sub CheckForAdd
     /declare s int local
     /declare i int local
     /for i 1 to 3
       /varset s ${NearestSpawn[${i},npc].ID}
       /if (${Spawn[${s}].Type.Equal["Corpse"]} || !${Spawn[${s}].LineOfSight}) /next i
       /if (${Spawn[${s}].Distance} <  80 && ${Spawn[${s}].LineOfSight}) {
         /if (${DEBUG_GT}) /echo Target id ${s} in CheckForAdd
         /squelch /target id ${s}
         /goto :Got_Add
     /next i
   DEBUG_1 Leaving Sub CheckForAdd 1
     /varset Engaged TRUE
     /face nolook fast
     /squelch /stick 8 moveback
     /delay 1s
     /Doability "Taunt"
     /call cast ${AggroSpell} ${AggroGem}
     /delay 3s
   DEBUG_1 LeavingSub CheckForAdd 2
   Sub Event_MobDead
   |- Lets make sure to clear any adds or pets that may not have hit us before we loot
   |- We'll call GetTarget with a very small radius, for just our camp
     /call CheckForAdd
     /if (${Target.ID}) {
       /call TagTarget
       /call KillTarget
     /delay 3
     /if (${LootMobs}==1 && !${Me.Moving}) /call LootMobs
Ok heh shortly after it finally did it.

Looks like its pointing here but beyond me why

Rich (BB code):
  /if (${Math.Distance[${py},${px}]}>10) /keypress forward hold
  /call AreWeStuck
  /if (${Math.Distance[${py},${px}]}<10) /goto :DoneMoving2
Anyone else have an sk to try this on?

Only help I'm getting on MQ2Vip is that Unbeknownst is probably coming back in 2 months and start coding again heh.

Guess I'll let this die after this.
That's interesting, do this for me.

go anywhere and just type /echo ${Me.X} ${Me.Y} and tell me what it says.

might be a messed up compile that's very odd.
Advpath Puller

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